Moments and moments of standing in one place eight meters away from each other, Ryngu and Iron were observing each other's movements, even if it is the slightest; Iron was on guard.
The atmosphere has just turned gloomy.
"You're not wielding a blade. Fighting you without it, isn't honorable, take it." Ryngu said, giving one of his weapons to Iron.
"Why utter words of honor, when we're standing off in a life or death duel?" Iron thought.
Iron held his blade in a sideways position.
The air got wet, it is suddenly raining.
"Weird," Iron thought.
The two fighters were closing distance.
They bolted to each other like an arrow, clashing swords.
From what Iron can see: twisting, spinning, kicking, slashing attacks that are aimed at him, it was way too predictable.
He attempted to counter it, but it wasn't effective.
The attacks grew devastating, became faster.
Continuous and even more continuous attacks are being thrown at Iron.
It is overwhelming, knocking him back.
"Ugh! I can't fight back. Like this guy isn't giving me a chance!," Iron thought.
Ryngu suddenly stopped for a split second.
"He is leaving an opening," Iron thought.
He gave it him all into one or three attacks. Iron is not going to let this chance go to waste.
Ryngu is grinning like the devil he is.
"I... took... the bait.." Iron said.
He knew, he messed up.
Ryngu let go of his four blades, striking Iron in the gut with all the force of a sledgehammer.
Iron got knocked back fifteen meters up to the sky, to a tree, then landing into the gaping tree.
Luckily, he could have broken all his bones, but he survived.
Spilled blood, bones were broken.
Usually, a normal human should be dead at this point, but Iron was somehow the exception.
Ryngu trudged closer, dragging his sword along with. Ryngu was ready to finish him off.
"Am I dead?" Iron thought, unable to move.
A green aura has appeared; Koraku appeared carrying Masakumo.
They're both burnt up. Did they fall into a trap?
Koraku. He had shown no hate, no rage, no anger.
"I will slay you now," said Koraku.
Was it resolve?
His eyes grow bright.
"Iron! Iron!" The mysterious voice shout.
Iron woke up, he finds himself back in his hometown.
"So nostalgic," Iron said.
"What's so nostalgic?" the mysterious voice asked. Iron was laying on the ground, she was standing above him.
"Nothing, Ayami." Iron said.
Ayami seemed to be an innocent girl with shoulder-length hair, short bangs (revealing most of her forehead).
"Are you okay Iron?" Felk asked.
Felk seemed to be a spiked hair, mischievous boy.
Iron got up.
"Yes," Iron said.
He thought to himself, "Why am I getting these flashbacks?"
He is suddenly transferred into another memory...
Koraku seemed to be forging something interesting, Iron didn't bother to see. Iron was younger than ten years old it seems.
Iron gazed upon the sword Koraku was making. The sword seems to be dirty with sharp edges, harder than any metal.
"Koraku, what are you making?" Iron asked, interested at the same time.
Koraku held his sword in view.
"Dust," Koraku answered.
"A blade that is stronger than the Tsuguri. Wielded by someone named after a metal. Crafted, forged by the strongest iron. Dust, dust, dust is what his enemies succumb to," Koraku exclaimed.
Iron seem didn't get it.
"Eh?" he said.
'Monsters utters the words....'
Iron makes a recovery. The same sword from his memory appeared before him. Iron trudged onward to claim it.
Iron held onto Koraku's arm in an attempt to hold him back.
"Let... me... finish this," said Iron.
Ryngu's arms turned into tentacle-like arms.
Koraku saw behind him, noticing Iron in a terrible state.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yes." Iron answered.
Koraku saw the same sword he forged years ago, but he had forgotten.
Renewed strength coursed through Iron's entire being, emitting an aura.
The aura is pure white-green.
"I won't hold back now!" Ryngu said.
Ryngu and Iron bolted to each other at full speed!
Ryngu slashed, twist, turned, kick, spun.
But it was useless...
Iron jumped, falling as if he were an angel.
Iron. who falling midair, began reciting the incantations written on the blade:
[The weak blade.]
[Crafted, forged by the strongest of metal!] [Dust, dust, dust!]
[Slash through my enemies.]
[Crumble them into dust!]
Iron at the top of his lungs, giving his all into this one attack that will ensure victory!
Continuous and even more continuous attacks were aimed at Ryngu.
Lourou stood beside Koraku, performing a healing spell on both of them that fell into the trap.
Seconds had passed, it stopped.
Thus, ending the fight. Ryngu broke down, slowly crumbling.
"That sword... I knew I could die from it, but why did I charge on?" asked Ryngu.
"Because you were brave. You were loyal and you fought like a warrior, whereas I'm a hunter." Iron answered.
Ryngu is losing his soul.
"I've failed you, master...." said Ryngu, in tears.
Ryngu glanced back at Iron.
"A god and goddess don't exist, there was no hope for me, yet I'll be forgotten.
Will you hear... my tale before I go."
Ryngu reached out his hand.
"No, but you won't be forgotten." Iron answered.
Iron; neither a hero, a warrior, but is nothing but a vampiric creature, did not feel any remorse after ending Ryngu's life.
Ryngu; a remnant of the re-genesis is now forgotten by humans and godi alike.