"You're a monster."
"You're a monster!"
"Die, you HELL SPAWN!"
That is all I used to hear from these humans 15 years ago...
Even though us Indoigu, wielding The Third Eye, I'm considered to be...grotesque.
I am not lonely, I "had" a friend at least.
Indoigu is a country with triangular buildings that vary in size, orange carro colored fur covering the sakuna wood.
Indoigu's houses are meant to imitate the shape of the rocky-grass mountains.
Our land is rich with carro fruits and sakuna trees.
We've come to the mountain caves, training our Third Eye.
From what I could remember, I'm called a monster cause of wielding the Fourth Eye.
Even till death, I swore to not wield it.
Lanterns are floating up in the sky,
dancing and dancing around. The godus Matra Nao used to wield the Hundred Eye, blessing us with her power. These lanterns show that we are thankful to her.
Without the power of the godus Matra Nao, we wouldn't be prosperous.
Everyone and every single one of these humans thrown stones at me.
I was homeless. I suffered and suffered from people stabbing me, torturing me, "taming" me like I was an animal.
They glanced at me with such hate.
Saying goes,
"Two eyes can see, but the third sees different. The fourth is cursed and brings misfortune upon us all, turning the victim into a monster."
I was in one of the mountain caves that is my home, someone is walking towards me.
"Hey monster," Someone said, out in the fields.
I said, "Don't call me that."
His name was Vanishth, let's call him Van.
We became friends after that conversation.
He was an idiot and clueless guy, but he's wholesome.
He wears the usual attire.
A turban to seal our blue bindi on our forehead leading down to the tip of our nose, a sash to hold our sabers and other things, golden robes. I have foreign blood, so I have no bindi.
Van even comes to the mountain caves to bring me carro fruit.
That's all that I could remember at least.
This time, Van brought some carro fruit, but something's off.
He fell to the ground, all bloody.
I caught him. He is grinning with tearful eyes. Van said,
"Ryngu. I've...brought...you...some carro fruit... enjoy.."
I held his hand as life was leaving him.
I couldn't cry, I grinned devilishly.
I heard screams and smelled, smoke.
I swore and said to myself,
"They call me a monster. If they want a monster, they'll get one. No, I'll be greater than a monster..."
Three men were standing at the entrance of my door.
Their head was lopped off from their bodies.
A tall black-robed figure stood and said,
"I will bring him back, but you will have to join me. I won't mind having another monster by my side."
I want him back, whatever it takes.
Whatever the sacrifices must be made, I will do anything for him and her.
She took us in, turning us into something more powerful. Reviving my deceased friend.
But Van was different.
He is now evil... he betrayed her.
Ran away, not to be seen again.
I'm am now truly dying...
No one cared, no one will remember my tale...