
I arrived at the south port of Hart village in the Amber forest five days after leaving Reytor with paying for passage by boat across the lake cutting off several days travel. As soon as I found a clearing, I set up camp eating some more of my provisions before falling asleep with Caspian not too far off tied to a fallen tree. Tomorrow morning we would arrive in Hart village where I would meet with the Nephilium candidate, William Erwig the son of the lord of the vast trading town.

I was weary from being on a boat the last two days. I didn't like the sea for it wasn't solid ground. Needless to say, I was happy to be back on land.


I awoke in the morning to the chill of the winter air and began packing up camp ready to be in civilization where I could get a warm bath and stay indoors instead of battling the elements.

By afternoon I was in the bustling village of Hart. Reytor was large in it's own right, but there seemed to be more people here and the trade was definitely booming. Carts full of different items from all over the country were here. The air was filled with all different spices, and foods. It was a tad overwhelming.

I led Caspian through the crowded streets making my way to the manor that was easily seen towards the center of the village where I would find William.

As I approached, a servant took my horse and I was led by another inside where my arrival was announced.

"Will is outside in the court yard training with his father," said his mother apologetically.

"Thank you."

The servant led me outside where I saw the pair fencing. Will was a tall thin build with broad shoulders and dark copper hair kept short.

"My lord, Swordsmaster Eveline has arrived."

The two immediately stopped.

"Welcome!" Boomed the lord happily. "Are you hungry?"

"Aye if I wont be putting you out at all."

He laughed as he had a servant help him start removing his chain mail jerkin.

"Nonsense, my lady. It would be our pleasure."

Soon, I followed the pair back in to the dining room where I was served a steaming bowl of venison stew and a few slices of bread with a glass of wine. It reminded me of when I had completed my test all those years ago. It felt like a lifetime ago now.

"How was your travel?" He asked.

"Alright. I'm not to used to traveling by boat, bit it was…an interesting experience."

He chuckled.

"Are there any other girls in the program?" piped up William.

His father shot him a warning glance and he flushed slightly.

"Not yet, but I am on my way to see a potential one once I am done here."

Once I was done eating, I gave him the test and he passed healing within moments of curing his palm making his father beam in pride.

"Classes begin in a month. I cant wait to see you in our ranks."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome to stay for the night," offered the lord.

"I would appreciate it."