
Sweede sent me to the room we were lucky to get due to my eyes being an abnormal color unlike his. As much as I wanted to protest, the muscle head for once had a point so I reluctantly went back to our room where we had booked for two beds. I know he was also pushing himself to find who was behind killing his uncle- the one man that had showed him some kindness compared to his father and I couldn't begrudge him that. I just didn't like sitting around doing nothing when there was finally some action arising.

I started the fire so the chilled room would start warming as a poor attempt to keep myself busy while Sweede gathered information downstairs from locals. I wasn't one to sit still, I never was- I mean I had purposely disobeyed Hassan to make sure Omand had been okay all those years ago. As I looked into the fire, I lost myself to that memory.

I gave my uncle a five minute head start before leaving the palace to go to my father's forge to grab my sword before heading to the temple. With taking a detour to grab my sword, it made it look like I was heading home instead.

My sword was made special by my father because it was made smaller than an adult blade and had been balanced correctly. A blacksmith had to know how to swing a sword to know if they were balanced correctly. It still bothered my father I was a left handed swordsman. It was seen as unnatural to carry a weapon in your left, but try as he might, I was clumsy with my right and he eventually gave up.

I took a few practice swings with my sword almost in sync with the lightening before sprinting off as best as I could towards the temple. The city was deathly quiet for all that was happening. The ground was more soggy than before, but I pressed on. I had to know for myself if Omand was alright.

It wasn't till half way up the steps, I could hear the impeding battle at the top of the stairs in the temple creating quite a commotion.

The sound of swords clashing rang out over the booms of rolling thunder. As I neared the top of the steps, I realized the rock face was slick with more than just rain water. Blood. A lot of it from what I saw.

Fear welled up inside me I walked on. To hear anyone scream all the way down at the ground meant he had been close to the front of the temple. I pulled my hood back up to hide my features as I plummeted forward into the dim torchlight. I rested my sword on my side as I strained both my ears and my eyes to understand what troubles lay ahead.

Up head towards the center of the room where most ceremonial blood sacrifices occurred, there was a crumpled figure on the floor. I ran forward my footsteps echoing through the whole main dorm.

I pray it wasn't Omand. As I came close, I took a torch before entering the ceremonial area to see better. When the light touched his face, I pulled the hood back to see the newly shaven bald heard of Omand. I came to my knees and cried. If only I could have done something- anything different.

"Omand," I whispered.

He was laying in a pool of blood. I knew then I was too late.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head chasing away that horrible night from my head as best as I could. There were so many I had failed to protect over the years and three of them over all others hurt me to my very core. Omand. Neo. Hassan. I would never let another person dear to me fall. I never wanted to feel that kind of loss again.