Marinette's sleep was disturbed by a certain kwami. "Tikki, what are you doing?" she asked sleepily. "Getting you up for school." "What time is it?" She went to look at her phone and it said, "8:31?!?!?! COME ON, TIKKI, WE'VE GOT TO GO!!!"
Marinette got dressed vert quickly, ran down the stairs, made herself a lunch, and then rushed through the door not even bothering to say goodbye to her parents or even eat. When she got to school, Mrs. Bustier had already started a lesson.
She was looking at the board, so she tried to sneak to her seat but, "Marinette we can all see that you were sneaking in." Then Marinette stood up while the rest of the class laughed. "Why are you late for the thousandth time?"
"I... Uh... had to... help my parents at the bakery... Yeah... it was packed. I could hardly get through the door and you would think that-" "That's enough, Marinete. Please go to your seat." The class was still laughing when she walked to her seat.
Then when she sat down she shamefully slammed her head into her arms. She looked up to her crush, Adrien, smiling with amusement in his eyes. Then she slammed her head back into her arms.
She waited to have a comforting on her shoulder by Alya, but none came. Alya was on a vacation cruise in the Bahamas. Afraid of the class to make fun of her again she kept her head inside her arms for the rest of the period. What she didn't know was that Adrien was looking up at her concerned.
Marinette went to sit on the steps of the school eating her lunch she brought all alone. Adrien cam out of the school. While Nino was blabbing something to him, Adrien stared at the blue-raven-haired girl with her head drooped. He heard her make a sigh.
Adrien said goodbye to Nino with a smile, but it slowly faded as his friend walked away. "Plagg, don't you think they were a little harsh when they laughed." "Aw, come on, it was funny. Besides, look, Marinette's fine." "She doesn't look fine."
Then Adrien put Plagg back in his bag and went down the steps to go sit by Marinette. "Hey." "O-Oh H-h-hi. W-what are y-y-you doing here?" "I just wanted to come say... I'm sorry." "F-For What?" "For what happened this morning." "N-No it's fine, it's my fault for coming into class late." "Are we still friends?" "Y-Yeah!" "Thank you."
Then a loud bell rang. "Let's get to class, don't want to be late." "Y-Yeah." Then ran to the door and held it open. Then they both walked inside. While they were walking to class Marinette thought, Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.
Marinette was so happy on her home that she kept on blabbering all the things she loved about Adrien. "He's cute, He's funny, He's cute, He's nice, He's cute, He's-." Then Tikki swiftly opened the satchel she was in and poked her head out."I get it you love Adrien." Tikki said in an annoyed tone.
Suddenly she heard a sound that sounded like a car crashing. "Looks like someone needs help, maybe you should transform." "I think I should stay normal for now. I'm in plain sight and it doesn't seem like there's an Akuma. If something goes wrong, I'll transform." Then closed her satchel.
She ran over to where the accident and she saw a truck that was up in flames that was crashed into a tree near another truck who on the side of the road also crashed into a building nearby. It took her a minute to recognize who the truck in flames was."MOM!!! DAD!!!!"
She screamed but it was too late, the car had exploded and there was nothing more that she or anyone else could do. She then got down on her knees and cried while people were rushing to the two cars and calling 911, but no one came to comfort her, no one even noticed her. From the shock of losing of her parents, she fainted right on the spot.
When she woke up, Marinette was still on the road near the accident. The cars and everyone were gone except her. It was raining and she was in puddle and her clothes were soaked. She thought it was just a nightmare, until she saw the knocked over tree. She ran over to the tree. "no,no,no,no,no,No,No,No..." She said while running over to the tree with tears flowing behind her.
She leaned onto the stump and sank down to the ground. "NO!!!" She yelled in agony. Sobbing until she could cry no more. It was an hour before someone finally found her sleeping near the tree stump. "Marinette." someone whispered. Then Marinette stirred from her sleep to see Alya waking her up. She saw Alya with eyes full of sadness and compassion.
"I'm so sorry."Alya said while comforting her friend. "I-it's not your fault."Marinette said quietly. Then Alya helped her stand back up then brought her into a hug. "What are you doing back from the Bahamas?" "We decided to come back earlier, but enough about that, I'm so sorry this happened to you. What are you going to do now?"
"I'm already old enough to take care of the bakery on my own, but... I just don't know." "Couldn't you-?" "Don't even finish that sentence! That bakery has been our family for generations! I can't just sell it." "How about you stay at my house?" "No, I need to take care the bakery and you're going to be doing a lot of unpacking. How did you know about the accident?"
"It was on the news." "Figures." "I better be getting home, but I'll check on you when I'm done unpacking." "Okay... Thank you, Alya, for always being there for me." "Your Welcome." Then Alya ran home. Tikki came out of the satchel and looked concernedly. "I'm so sorry, Marinette." Tikki said. Then flew up to Marinette's cheek to hug it. "I never even got to say goodbye."