Marinette slowly stirred as her alarm went off. She sat up in her bed and turned off her alarm. She went down the ladder and slowly got dressed. She went down the ladder to the bakery. Marinette walked through the door and left without bothering to eat, and this time she couldn't say goodbye.
She sighed as she walked up the steps of the school. She opened the classroom door and went to her seat where Alya was waiting for her. "I can't believe it, I just can't believe it." Alya said. "Believe what?" "That my best friend is early." "Ha, Ha, very funny." Marinette said as she walked to her seat.
"How are you doing?" "As well as can be expected for a teenager who just lost her parents yesterday in a car accident that apparently made her parent's car blow up killing my parents and she had to watch the whole thing... Yeah, I'm good." She said sarcastically.
"Good point. Oh, look, Nino and Adrien are here." "Hey, Alya. Hey, Marinette... I'm very sorry about your parents." Nino said. "It's okay." "I'm sure you're having a tough time right now. If you need any help you can ask us."Adrien said. "Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-." Marinette stuttered with a dark red blush.
"What she means is thank you."Alya said. Then Alya dragged Marinette out of the classroom while Adrien sat down with Nino.
"What was that?! Even when your parents have died you're still love-struck?!" Alya whisper yelled. "I'm sorry, but every time I see him, it's like all my worries just wash away." "You should tell him you like him."
"WHAT!!! I CAN'T DO THAT!! I'LL SNAP, I'LL CRACK, I WON'T BE ABLE TO GET WORDS RIGHT!! WHAT IF HE REJECTS ME?!! "Calm down, the whole school can hear you." "Whoops." "Don't worry, I'll be there every step of the way." "I don't know." "If he does like you, you should ask him to the dance." "The dance?"
"You didn't know? The school is have a graduation dance and you either have to have a date or don't go." "I thought it was you had to have a chaperone or you can't go." "Same difference."
Then Marinette's eyes were filled with sadness. "Yeah, right. If I couldn't ask him on a date on the phone, how am I supposed ask him on a date face to face?" "You just need more confidence." Marinette paused for a moment then finally sighed. "Okay, I'll try." "We need to get back to class."
Then a small beep came on Alya's phone. "I'll see to this, you get to class."Alya said. "I'll see you later." Then Marinette walked back to class. Alya looked on her phone she saw that it was a notification on her Lady-blog.
When she looked at what the big deal was, she gasped. It was an embarrassing and rude comment. About how she didn't deserve fans like she has. And that her Ladyblog was a joke When she saw who posted it her eyes went from fear to anger.
She stomped back into the class glaring at Marinette. "Hey Al-." "Don't hey Alya me, you know what you did!" "Alya, I don't have a clue of what you're talking about." "Oh please, cut the innocent act. After all I did for you, you went out of your way to do this!" Alya showed Marinette the comment. "I didn't post this!"
"THEN WHAT IS THIS?!" Next to the post was a picture of Marinette and her online nickname. "I don't how this happened, but I'm telling you I-." "You do know what happened, I've checked your history and everything. I can't believe you would do this."Alya snarled.
"I wish I could prove to you that I didn't do this." she said with tears in her eyes. "Don't even call me your best friend anymore." Then Alya walked to another seat leaving Marinette to sit all alone. First my parents die, now I've lost Alya. What's next?
Then Chloe walked in with Sabrina not far behind. Chloe appeared to be doing something on her phone. They laughed at the scene and dumped the phone in the trash can. Naturally curious Marinette went over to get . When she looked at the page, she gasped to find that it was the same comment as the one Alya thought she posted.