Marinette ran and ran while Tikki tried to tell her to stop and comforted her. She didn't know how long she ran, she just ran. She hated her life, she hated how pathetic she was, She hated herself.
Finally Marinette stopped at the Eiffel tower and dropped to her knees, "I am so pathetic, how could a guy like Adrien ever like me?" She sobbed. "You're okay, Marin-."Tikki assured.
"NO, I'm not okay! I never will be okay. Everything has been taken away from me. I wish I-I could be happy again. I wish all the bad things would never have happened." she cried.
Then Tikki heard a crack. Tikki stared at her in horror. This is the worst one yet. Marinette stood up her eyes went from blue to red. She had an evil glint in her eye. She started ascend into the air. Tikki realized it was too late to save the Miraculous. A bright light consumed Marinette.
Then when the light had gone, Marinette was in a black split dress with an open back and no sleeves. Her hair was out and had a dark red streak. She had a sword on her side. Her boots went to her knees. Out of her back came black angel wings.
She descended back to the ground. "This is even better then my Ladybug suit." Marinette said while clenching her fists. Tikki had already left to warn Cat Noir.
Adrien was in his room staring out the window feeling bad about the past events. "Adrien, she'll be fine, just like the girls you've rejected." "But she's not like the other girls., she's my friend." "Friend, Schmiend. She'll get over it and so will you. Besides she said she was smiling." "That hardly seemed like a smile."
Then they heard a hard tapping on the window. When Plagg went to check it out he was surprised to see Tikki floating there. "Uh... Adrien... I need more cheese!" "You just had a whole wheel." "Always good to be prepared." "Fine."
Adrien went out the room then Plagg breathed a sigh of relief. Then Tikki came through the window. "Tikki, what is it?" "Mari- I mean Ladybug has been shattered!" "Shattered?! Well, now what do we do? The last time a holder was shattered, he died, Tikki, he died!"
"Marinette can't die!!" Then Tikki realized what she just said. "I-Uh-." "Marinette is Ladybug? I can't wait to rub it in Adrien's face that he just rejected his crush." "Never mind that, what are we going to do?" "Well... Uh... Maybe... True love's kiss?" Tikki beamed at him then toppled him over.
"Plagg, you're a genius. Now all you have to do is tell Adrien what he needs to do!" "There's one problem." "What's that?" "True love's kiss means you love their heart and nothing else. Adrien loves Ladybug not Marinette." "It worked last time."
"Chloe could've kissed him and the spell would've been broken. He has to love her for who she is." "Says the kwami who loves cheese." "Leave my cheese out of it!" "But I see what you're talking about. We need some way to get Adrien to love both Marinette and Ladybug."
"Plagg I have your cheese." Adrien said in a grumbling tone. "We have to talk later, Tikki." "Okay." Then Tikki went through the window again. "I don't know what it is with you and this cheese." Adrien in a disgusted tone.
"If you want to be Cat Noir, then Camembert is what you will get." "Let's go, Plagg I need to get you more cheese." "HOW DID WE RUN OUT OF CHEESE?!?!" "It's a mystery to me." Adrien mumbled.
Marinette hid in the shadows while Chloe and Sabrina came near the alleyway she was in. "I wonder what we can do to Marinette next?" She said in an evil tone. "You won't hurt me any longer, Chloe." Marinette whispered She took her sword and a out of it came a swarm of black ladybugs.
The ladybugs surrounded Sabrina and Chloe. Their screams stopped a moment before the ladybugs returned to Marinette's sword. Marinette came out of the shadows and stood in front of the two girls who had now turned to stone. The two were in a third arabesque position going opposite ways.
Marinette flew towards the Eiffel Tower once more. She noticed a certain blonde-haired boy walking beneath her. Adrien. She flew to where he was and landed stealthily behind him.
When Adrien turned around, Marinette said, "Hello, Adrien." "M-Marinette?" "It's nice to see you again after your rejection." she snarled. Oh no! Marinette's akumatized. Adrien thought. Adrien gulped as Marinette started getting closer to his face.
When she was only centimeters away from his face he thought I didn't know that Marinette could be so beautiful. "Well, I must be off, but shall I be seeing you again?" She asked with an evil look in her eye. "M-M-Maybe." Then she flew off giving a blow kiss to him.
Adrien blushed at blowed kiss. Then he glared at Plagg. "Well, I was supposed to tell you myself, but it looks like she did it for you." Plagg said. "What are we going to do, Plagg?" Adrien asked Plagg desperately.
"Well, one option is to kill her." "I CAN'T KILL MARINETTE!!" "Or you could kiss her." "That should have been the original solution, not killing her!" "But, it's not that easy. You actually have to love Marinette. Just because she's Ladybug, that doesn't that it's always true love." "Hold up, Marinette is Ladybug?"
"Yep, you just rejected your own crush." Plagg said laughing. Adrien glared at Plagg for a moment. "Wait a minute, if Marinette is Ladybug, then I can just kiss her and everything will be great again." "Did you love Marinette before you found out that she was Ladybug?"
"Of course." Plagg just looked at him with a 'mmhm' look. "... no... not really." "You have to love Marinette for who she is, or else the kiss won't work. Either that or you can kill her. So what's it gonna be?" "I don't know, I simply just don't know." "That's what I thought."