
Marinette flew to Francois DuPont High to settle a few scores with the people who had once been her friends. The students were coming out of the building. Marinette flew above them. One of the students screamed when they looked up. "Hello , I'm sure everyone knows who I am."

Alya came into the front of the crowd. "Marinette?" "You are correct, now I shall give you your prize."Marinette snarled. Then she drew her sword. A swarm of black and red, spotted ladybugs came out of her sword again and surrounded her classmates.

Her classmates were turned to stone and just like Chloe and Sabrina they were in a third arabesque position going opposite ways. The rest students stared at the statues in horror. "Now it's your turn." Then black and pink swirl ladybugs surrounded the students before they had a chance to run away.

The students eyes had turned a hypnotic pink and were now bowing to Marinette. "Find more outlaws. The world shall be forever perfect if I rule all I need is citizens." Then the group of students rushed away.

Meanwhile, the "survivors" were hidden from sight as they watched their classmates being walk away. Alya held Nino as she watched her former BFF. Then Marinette spotted the group.

Turned her attention to the scared Nathaniel. "If it's not too much to ask, can I use your art skills for a moment?"she asked innocently. "Uh..." " Why thank you! Your so kind. " she said holding her sword up black and purple ladybugs came out and surrounded the boy. " He seemed to be screaming in agony.

"I'm sorry, did I forget to mention that it hurts when you fight against it." She said getting closer to the hurting boy. Eventually he boy stopped struggling and the ladybugs left to reveal that he was Evillustrator.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it? Now turn this dumb excuse for a school into a beautiful castle for me. I must have a place to rest my royal head. " "Yes, your majesty." "As for the rest of you..." When sent more purple and black ladybugs to surround Nino.

Alya watched in horror as Nino started crying out in agony as the ladybugs tried to take over him. After Nino's transformation into the Bubbler, he put the group in a big bubble. "Now you know what it feels like to lose someone you love. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a prince waiting for me, but don't worry you'll be in the dungeon soon enough. "

She went over to Bubbler and whispered in his ear, "Make sure that they don't escape and keep an eye on Evillustrator just in case he... turns." He simply nodded his head before she took to the sky to find Adrien and Chat Noir.