How can I bring Marinette to her normal self? I can't kill her and I can't kiss her because Plagg says I don't really love her. Ugh! This so confusing! Why did I have to reject her in the first place. Adrien thought to himself putting his face in his hands. His thoughts were interrupted by a black blob appearing in front his face.
"Adrien, you've been staring in space for 10 minutes now." "I was starting to think that you were dead." "Nope. Still alive Plagg." "This has been bugging you since you saw her. If you keep this up you might on her side."
"I know but... I thought I really loved Ladybug. I vowed to myself the first day I met her that I would love her and the girl behind the mask." "Yeah, but... Adrien, those are just words. Even showing your love doesn't mean anything if you don't show anything for the other side. If you only love one side but not the other, that's pretty much rejection."
"Yeah, but how can I learn how to love both sides of her before this whole thing turns into a huge mess?" "Well, do you feel anything for Marinette?" "I love her as a friend. And sometimes I get this bubbly feeling when she does something nice for me or someone else."
Plagg looked at him beaming, "Yeah, Yeah!" "But it goes away after a couple seconds." Plagg threw his head back and groaned in frustration. "This could take a while." The sound of a rustling startled both Adrien and Plagg.
Plagg hid while Adrien looked around to find the origin of the noise. "Hello, Adrien." A feminine voice said. Adrien whirled around to see Marinette in front of his face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." she softly said trailing her hand down his cheek.
The feeling of her cold hands sent shivers down his spine making him blush a hot pink. "I've been waiting to see you again." she said more shyly yet confident. She backed away from him to explore his room. "U-u-uh, y- yeah me too." She simply answered with a hum before going back to explore the big space.
"W-what are you doing here?" "Isn't it obvious, I came to see you." "O-oh, right. D-d-did you need something?" "Not really, except to offer you something ." She said returning to the frightened and dazzled Adrien. "You don't need to be afraid I won't do anything." she said warmly getting closer to him by the minute.
"W-w-wh-" "You see living in a palace by myself isn't very fun. I thought that maybe I could have some company." "T-T-That's nice." he gulped. Come on get a grip, Adrien "I was hoping that... you would be my company." "WHAT?! B-b-b-but I-I-I-I-"
Marinette put a finger towards lips quieting him but also making blush redder than he ever had before. "You don't have to decide now just think about it." She whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek. She blew a kiss at him before she jumped out of the window and into the night.
Adrien ran for the window watching her disappear in the distance before slumping down from the window to the floor with a sigh. Plagg looked at him a smug smirk. "I think we're making progress." Adrien rolled his eyes yet smiled. I guess I did have something for her after all. I just can't believe it took this for me to realize it.