Marinette laid very still in her bed. The bed was made of steel and had curtains made of the finest silk. Frilly white and purple pillows surrounded her frail figure. A white, soft blanket kept Marinette warm in her ice-cold room.
A white and purple cat slept in a fluffy bed with silk curtains surrounding it. The sun shone on her face as her eyes flickered open. Her shiny, purple eyes looked up to the ceiling blankly as if she was an un-emotional robot.
She sat up slowly in her bed. She rang gold bell which sat on the dresser beside her. Her door immediately opened to reveal a small cart with various breakfast foods. A cinnamon croissant, jam, bacon, eggs, ham, and potatoes were all gathered on a shiny, black plate.
A little girl who looked the age of 7 pushed the cart into the room. Marinette looked at the child with wide eyes. "Thank you, child." She said after composing herself. The child gave her a smile, curtseyed and left Marinette to be alone.
Marinette was livid. As soon as she was cleaned and dressed, which even more little girls, she marched down the hallway from her room. She found Evilustrator in the throne room designing the murals on the walls.
"Ah! Good morning, your majesty." "Do not 'good morning' me! Why did I wake up to find a 7-year-old girl bringing me breakfast? I thought explained to you I did not want make any of the people servants, especially children, we need to get them to trust us."
"Oh, forgive your highness, it looks like we have not filled you in about our new program." "What program?" "Allow me to explain, well... maybe it would be better to show you." Evilustrator whistled and soon a knight came. "Take us to the new factory."
The knight nodded and guided the two to a carriage. It was a beautiful, ebony black with purple trimming. Black horses were at the front ready to draw the carriage. When knight opened the door, Evilustrator let Marinette go in front him.
"After you, your majesty." he said. The knight closed the door behind them as soon as Evilustrator stepped inside. The knight jumped onto the in the front which shook the carriage a bit. The knight held onto the reins, motioned for the horses and they were off. Marinette looked out of the window as they rode by.
The city apartments were slowly being turned into medieval looking houses. She assumed Evilustrator was using even more children to help him. Some women were crying as they held onto their small children and babies.
Men were yelling at the knights that walked the streets. Some of the people looked happy and excited to see the new houses. Marinette felt an ache in her heart and a bit of pity for the people who were crying.
She assumed they lost their family to Gladiator and his knights. A few moments later they pulled up to a big building. "We're here, your majesty."
Big doors were at the front, a golden lock the size of a pillow kept the two doors sealed. Evilustrator explained that it could only by Marinette and its workers. As soon as she opened the lock, the doors automatically opened.
The doors revealed a dark and echoic room. Silhouettes of machines could slightly be seen in the light. "Queen Marinette, may I present to you... the FYS!