As soon as she opened the lock, the doors automatically opened. The doors revealed a dark and echoic room. Silhouettes of machines could slightly be seen in the darkness. "Queen Marinette, may I present to you... the FYS!"
He passed for moment to allow the girl to look in the palace in awe. "The FYS stands for the Factory of Youthful Services. If you would follow me over here..." Evilustrator led her to a big control room. It was in a big window box so they could get a whole view of the factory up high.
"This button her is the lever to start the machine you can make it an speed you like." Marinete pulled the lever, then the lights automatically turned on and the machines started up. Evilustrator led her downtime stairs and to the machine so she could get a closer look.
"This is just a demonstration so we shall only be making one." Robotic arms started to tap on a large hologram screen. After a few more moments the robot pressed a large black button and what look sparkles came out of a small chute. T
he particles slowly started coming together to form a young girl. Her eyes were closed shut. She was a very long red-headed and had fair, pale skin. Another button was pressed by the robot.
Then the conveyor belt moved the girl to a large box. Evilustrator and Marintte followed as it went down the line. After a few stops at different boxes The girl was brought to a glass box at the end of the assembly line.
Then it opened to reveal the girl. Her floor-length hair had been changed to short braided pigtails. She had a short plain-white nightgown that was similar to a long white shirt. Evilustrator walked up to the girl proud of the creation. The girl slowly started to open her eyes and stared at the two people blankly as if she was in a trance.
"Hello, I am your... instructor, Evilustrator. What is your name?" "I am Serv # 71-8135." "Excellent. You may join the others." The girl nodded and started to walk towards a large door in the back of the building. "Others?" Marinette questioned. "Yes, others. Allow me to show you. If my new creation will gladly lead us there?"
The two started to follow the girl to the door. The girl stopped before the door before it automatically opened. The girl walked in slowly. The two stopped as well before Evilustrator bowed before her. "Ladies first." "Oh, how gentlemanly." They walked in to be welcomed by a long white hallway that led to beautiful staircase going down.
The only thing that could heard was the sound of the girl's footsteps and the sound of the door closing shut. They followed he girl down the staircase to be welcomed by another door but with a code keypad next to it.
"This is to make sure no one gets in her without the proper clearance. Only I, the servs, and the robots know their specific codes. And it's changed after every time it's used. The robots' and the servs' "programming" allows them to the code every time."
"But what if one were to ever turn?" "Well that part of their "programming" will automatically shut down, they will forget everything about being a serv, and become a normal human being. We can always sense if their going to turn or not almost as if it were security cameras hidden in their brain."
The door opened and the girl walked in with them. Marinette was welcomed to the sight of another long hallway but with doors and windows to show what looked like different rooms.
"This is the Hall of Beginnings. The newly created servs come to get pre-education on their new life. The first room you see here is which 71-8135 will be receiving her true name. Their names are based off her numbers."
The girl disappeared into a small room with a large machine with a screen. Marinette watched through the window to see the numbers quickly scroll down to slowly reveal the name Grace.
The girl repeated the name on the screen and said, "My name is Grace." The girl walked out of the room and into the room across the hall. "This room is the Morality room. It is where the servs will come and be 'taught' or programmed to do whatever it's master or instructor tells them to do."
"You're brainwashing them?" "Nononono of course not. Just simply giving them... inward rules to follow." The girl walked out of the room. Close up her eyes seemed to be in a daze as if she were sleepwalking. Her eyes seemed to be glazed over and nothing could be seen inside her eyes except a shadow.
"Is she alright?" "She's fine, all the servs are like this when they get of the Morality room. She'll be back to normal." The dazed girl walked over to the last room that had a big machine with something at the top of it that looked like a shower head.
"This the final room the Humanity Room. The machine you see is the Soul Giver we course decides what personality she'll have." "You mean the machine can give her fake emotions." "Not fake so to speak, think of how a child slowly discovers it personality with age as it goes from a baby to a toddler to a kid."
The girl stood in front of a huge scanner. It scanned her whole body slowly before it disappeared. The shower head sprinkled what look like fairy dust on her before sending her into what looked like a big furnace.
After a few minutes the girl walked out of the room. Her eyes were back to normal and had a very unusual shine in her eyes. The girl walked up to them both and bowed. "Hello, my name is Grace, I am Serv #71-8135. My purpose is to serve any master that my instructor or the great angel presents to me."
"Great angel?" Marinette whispered in her ear. "Yes, the final step to the completion of her transformation. But before that she needs to pass a series of test which she will take with other servs like her." "It was a pleasure meeting you, Your majesty. Forgive me, instructor, but I must join my brothers and sisters."
The girl bowed once more and hurried off to the end of the hallway to another door. "I guess that's the end of the tour. Now that you know what is going on, are you still upset with me?" he asked with a smirk. Marinette hesitated then sighed.
"Alright... I forgive you, but please... consult with me before you begin anymore.... projects." "I understand, but every decision I make is to help the kingdom and my queen. I live to serve only you." He said softly before he started leaning into her, slowly closing his eyes.
Marinette only stared at him blankly before slapping him on the face. She then pinched his lips with both her thumb and index finger. "Of course you live to serve only me. I am your queen. I created you, I gave you power, and I can QUICKLY TAKE IT AWAY AGAIN IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, do you understand?" Evilustrator struggled in pain but nodded quickly.
He breathed a sigh relief when she released him. He rubbed the place she slapped him. "Don't be a baby, I still need you to help me. I need you to create something big and fabulous for me so I can make my announcement as queen."
Cat Noir sat on a ledge of a burned apartment. A lot had been damaged since the Darkblade's knights' rampage. He watched sadly as people sat on the streets crying and begging other people for food. The once great city of Paris seemed dull and lifeless.
The beautiful Eiffel Tower was no longer lighting the night, since it was replaced of a giant black and purple castle. This is all my fault He thought. Suddenly, loud trumpets sounded and Darkblade's knights were surrounding a rising platform which was in front of the large castle. He used his baton to get closer.
He saw Marinette in a black ball gown. The front left most of her breasts out. Instead of sleeves, she had long, black, silk gloves. The dress trailed behind her elegant as if it were a waterfall. Cat Noir couldn't help but blush at her beauty even though he knew he had to stop her.
"Greetings one all! I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng your new queen!" People looked at her shocked. "Some of you might already know me. You probably know me as a happy girl but those days are over! I've had everything taken away from me and now I shall get my happy ending.