"Greetings one and all! I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng your new queen!" People looked at her shocked. "Some of you might already know me. You probably know me as a happy girl but those days are over! I've had everything taken away from me and now I shall get my happy ending."
A man pushed his way to the front of the crowd and glared at the girl. "What makes you think that we will serve you!" He jeered mockingly. The crowd murmured and another came up. "We don't need a queen! We have rights as our own people!" The crowd shouted in agreement.
Cat Noir watched in horror as the smirk on her face seemed to grow even wider. "What makes you think you have choice?" Marinette raised her hand in the air and her sword appeared in it. "Rise, my beautiful flower!" Green and pink ladybugs came out of the sword and swirled around in a tornado. T
he ladybugs soon disappeared to leave a giant, black lotus flower in the back of the crowd. Suddenly, the vines on the flower quickly reached for random people in the crowd. The whole crowd uproar with screams.
Cat Noir felt paralyzed and useless, he couldn't help them because if he came out Marinette would attack him and he would certainly lose. The people entangled were put into the opened mouth of the flower before the mouth closed up.
If you looked close enough you could still see the hands trying to push through the tight petals. After a while the screams were soon silenced. People watched in horror as an arm tried to push through the top of the flower but it was slowly pulled down. The flower turned into the ladybugs and returned to Marinette's sword.
"Now do you see the power I have? I could take all of your lives right now in one snap. Besides you won't want to resist anyway. You won't even remember your old lives, only that I am your queen and you are are my subjects." Then raised her sword into the air and black ladybugs came out of her sword and went up to the sky.
All was silent for a moment. Then the sky grew dark, and the sound of thunder shook the whole earth. Then a large, scarlet, red heart appeared in the sky. As the heart started to crack, the people started to run. "YOU CAN'T RUN, EXCEPT YOUR FATE!!"
Then the heart finally broke. Small pieces of the heart began flying towards people as if glass had stabbed them in the back. Marinette stood on the platform cackling as one by one, the people were turned into her servants.
Cat Noir ran from rooftop to rooftop from a piece of the heart that bounded towards him. He jumped on the ground and ran covering his head. Then was finally cornered into an alleyway, Then everything seemed to go in slow motion as the piece inched towards him...