
Cat Noir ran from rooftop to rooftop from a piece of the heart that bounded towards him. He jumped on the ground and ran covering his head. Then was finally cornered into an alleyway, Then everything seemed to go in slow motion as the piece inched towards him. He shielded himself but he knew it was in vain. But, suddenly. the piece stopped.

It just stood still and silently in front of his face. Then the piece of the heart disintegratedCat Noir stared into the air panting for moment, then breathing a sigh of relief. "Plagg, Claws in." Adrien stared at his kwami fearfully panting. "Are you okay, Adrien?"

"I'm fine just a little shooken up. Here." Adrien handed Plagg a piece of cheese knowing the his kwami was probably tired. "Now what do I do. She has all of Paris under her control and probably the rest of the world as well." "You should lay low, for all we know Marinette must think that Cat Noir is being controlled, not you."

"I was curious about that. Why didn't the piece of the heart hypnotize me when it had the chance?" "Probably because she wants to keep your real feelings. If she wants to get you to fall for her, it'd probably be pretty boring just to have be controlled and not actually love her." "But I do love her..."

"You love ladybug." Plagg said putting the last bite in his mouth. "Right... but... I think I really do-". When he looked up, Plagg was gone. "Plagg. Plagg! Plagg where are you?" Plagg popped out of his jacket and whispered, "There's someone here."

Then he quickly disappeared back into Adrien's jacket. Adrien stood defensively, looking around for any signs of enemies. Then he smelled a weird smell, it was calming and soothing in way, like sweet lavender and honey... Adrien slowly fell to the floor.

Overhead, two figures stood at the top of the building. "Thank you for your cooperation Princess Fragrance, I shall give a good report to the queen." Evilustrator said with a smug smile looking down at the sleeping boy. "Thank you, anything for my queen."


An 30 minutes earlier...

Marinette cackled at the chaos taking place. She looked at the sight once more with an evil smile and walked off the platform. She walked over to Darkblade and a few knights that stood behind her. General, I would for you to take some of your knights and explain the "situation" return everyone here after you've done that."

"Yes my queen." He bowed then led his knight into the direction the people ran. She went over to Evilustrator who looked at her with a smile ready for anything. "Yes, mistress." "Come with me." "Alright, and might I say that you look quite lovely in that dress." "No you may not."

"Well, it was worth a try." Marinette walked with Evilustrator down to a long hallway in the basement of the castle. She walked down a long white hallway that led to a big vault door. She punched in a code into a keypad next to the door. Then the door slowly started to open.

The door revealed o large empty black void. Big bubbles were everywhere and all of them had people in them. Most of them were Marinette's classmates. Marinette watched Alya and some other classmates pound onto the walls of the bubble, while others had given up and were laying on the floor of the sphere.

As soon as she stepped a foot of the platform, instead of falling into the black void, stepped on a small path of black roses. The roses crated a long path as she walked farther and farther into the terrifying dungeon.

Bubbler stood next to the bubble Alya was in looking at her longingly as she yelled at him and pounded on the walls of the bubble. "Awww look at these two lovebirds." Evilustrator taunted "We. are. not. lovebirds." She snarled at him. "Looks like lovebirds to me."

"Enough! Bubbler you have been released of your duties." "Really?! That means we can be together." Bubbler told Alya lovingly. "I love Nino, not the Bubbler!" Bubbler looked at her shocked and then back at Marinette. "Alright you'll get Nino back and I'll release you."

"Really?" "Do I look like I'm kidding?" "No... But you have to let everyone here go." "Ok... but I have a condition of my own." "What is it?" "That I will tell you after I release you." Marinette waved her hand in the air and immediately the bubble came towards Marinette.

The bubble dissolved and Alya landed on the black rose bridge. Alya was about to stand up. But Marinette put her hand on her forehead. And immediately Alya started to glow and scream out in pain. "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" "My condition is that I don't have to keep my promise."

Bubbler looked at her in horror and Evilustrator stared at Marinette lovingly. The other people looked Alya helplessly. "Dom't worry it will all be over soon, and you won't even remember a thing. You'll forget all about how you hate me, how you treated me, your friends, Nino, the Bubbler, and everything else."

Alya screamed out again, her voice filling the endless dark void. Alya stopped glowing and she slumped to the ground .Marinette looked at her with a blank face then looked up at the Bubbler. "Your welcome, oh, and don't worry about this you won't remember this either."

She raised her hand and shot a black laser at the Bubbler. Then he fell on to the bridge that had just extended. He then transformed back into Nino. He lay on the bridge for a bit before waking up .

When looked up, he saw three unfamiliar faces. A woman in a black dress, a butler looking man with red hair, and a beautiful lady that lay on the floor. "W-what happened and who are you?" "I am Queen Marinette, this is my assistant Evilustrator, and this young lady is your wife."

"My... wife?" "Yes, don't you remember. Oh, my you must've lost your memories in that crash." "Crash?" "Here I'll help you remember." She put a hand on his forehead and he had flashbacks of being a child in a mansion, his teen years, meeting a girl named, Alya, a marriage ceremony, becoming a governor, riding in a carriage with Alya and a crash.

Marinette slowly removed her hand from his forehead as he stared at the floor in shock. "I- I remember now. I'm Nino Lahiffe, governor of the town of Paris, I was in a carriage... and we crashed... and... ALYA!" HE exclaimed as he "remembered" the girl before him.

He picked her up in a bridal style and carried her out of the room forgetting the two. "Well done your majesty, you're quite the cupid." "Save your praises for later." She waved her hand and brought a bubble to herself again.

This time Rose was in it and she was sleeping soundly at the floor of the bubble. Marinette brought out her sword again and it started to glow. "Evilustrator, I have a favor to ask of you...