"With this, I'll finally have Marinette's heart. I must prepare." He grabbed all the books he had knocked onto the floor earlier and set them down on the table. He took one of the books and opened it eagerly.
Then he looked at the tea set with the small powdered cookies for a moment, and returned to his work. But if you looked closely enough, you could see even the faintest smile on his face as he drank his tea, the girl had brought him.
The sun shone on Adrien's face as he slept soundly. Birds were outside chirping loudly. Silence went on for a few minutes before he started to flinch at the heat on his face. He fluttered his eyes open to a large, grand bedroom. Everything was so white it was almost blinding. Adrien got out of his bed to greet the day.
He walked over to the balcony only to be greeted by white, stone bricks walls. It almost seemed like a small greenhouse with the few birds and... black and red roses? I'll have to ask Marinette about that later.
Then he suddenly remembered the kiss on the cheek. Stop being so giddy she's kissed you on the cheek as Ladybug many times before. Wait, but this was the first time Marinette kissed me on the cheek. Of course this thought only made him even more giddy. He distracted himself with the thought of Plagg.
OH NO! I forgot Plagg!
Adrien immediately started searching the room for the little kwami. He occasionally whispered out his name to see if he would come flying to him on his own. He went into the bathroom to be greeted by steam, a warm bath and his kwami laying on a slice of camembert on the water. Wait, were those sunglasses...
"Ah... this is the life. No worrying about getting caught by guards; no constant whining; no dumb, oblivious teenagers making my life harder by breaking girls' hearts." Plagg sighed with content.
"PLAGG! Thank goodness, I finally found you. I've been looking everywhere for you!" "Mmhm." "Why are you lying a piece of camembert in hot water?" "Well, I was hungry so I took some leftover camembert from the kitchen, but it wasn't soggy or runny enough so I thought it work if I left it in the water for a bit, while got all smoochy with your lady."
"Ok, first of all I wasn't getting smoochy with her, it was just a peck on the cheek, second you are the most disgusting kawmi I have ever met." "Thank you" "Third, how did you manage to sneak into the kitchen without being seen."
"Well, there wasn't anyone around in the castle or the kitchen, lover-boy." "Ok, Plagg, I've just about had it with-" "Master Agreste." A voice called out. "Stay here and be quiet." Adrien whispered. "Fine."
"Master Agreste?" He stepped out of the bathroom to greet the person. "Uh... yes." A platinum blonde-haired girl who looked about 10-years-old stood in front of the open doorway "Hello, I am Serv #4191-92-5, My real name is Daisy. I will be your personal maid while you stay here."
"Uh, thank you... Daisy, but I don't-" "I've already brought you your breakfast." She motioned to the silver tray on the bed. "Would you like me to do any cleaning for you?" "N-no, I'm fine, thank you. An awkward silence filled the room as the both stood in the middle of the doorway.
"Am I dismissed?" "Uh... yes?" The girl made a curtsy and left closing the door behind her. "Awkward..." a sing-song voice called behind him. Adrien looked behind him to see Plagg sitting on the bed, mouth stuffed full with a bite of cheese. "Plagg, I told you to stay in the bathroom." "I got bored.
"Look this is serious, if I get caught with you, then people will either connect the dots that I'm Cat Noir or will capture you." "Why are we even here in the first place?" "Well, we were kidnapped and even if tried to leave they probably would just find me again, and Marinette would probably ask questions.
We need to find out how to get here back to normal before all of this gets out of control." "Alright, so what do we do?" "Well, I guess it's time to put may sting skills into practice." Plagg looked at him with the most annoyed face. "Ok..."
Man this kid is gonna get himself killed one way or the other.
What fun.