"Look this is serious, if I get caught with you, then people will either connect the dots that I'm Cat Noir or will capture you." "Why are we even here in the first place?" "Well, we were kidnapped and even if tried to leave they probably would just find me again, and Marinette would probably ask questions. We need to find out how to get here back to normal before all of this gets out of control."
"Alright, so what do we do?" "Well, I guess it's time to put may sting skills into practice." Plagg looked at him with the most annoyed face. "Ok..."
Man this kid is gonna get himself killed one way or the other.
What fun.
Marinette finished the breakfast she was given and walked over to her closet. She looked inside her closet to find a mannequin head that held her shiny tiara. She twisted the head and the back of her closet opened to a staircase. She walked down the long staircase halfway down she heard the thud of the doors closing back.
When she finally got to the end of the staircase. She called her name out loud and two large iron and ivory doors opened. The doors opened to a glass case which inside was a slumbering Tikki.
"You thought you were so smart getting help from Cat Noir's kwami to help stop me. Thank goodness I caught you before you did anymore damage. Can't have you, a simple little pixie, ruin my fun." Marinette cackled, her laugh echoing through the halls.
Adrien ran his hand through his hair for the millionth time and Plagg was starting to get annoyed. "Adrien your hair looks fine." "But what if it looks messy to her." "Dude if you comb, prick, and prod at that hair any more, it'll fall out. I'm telling you it's fine." "Ok..."
Adrien put down the comb on the dresser and proceeded to walk out the door, but paused for a moment. "But what if I did this with my hair." Plagg groaned and mentally face palmed. A light knock on his door was heard before he could fix his hair again. YES! I'M SAVED!!! Plagg thought.
Adrien opened his door to reveal Marinette standing at his door in a short, dark purple dress. On the dress were black flowers creating a vine which seemed to wrap around her waist, black wedge heels completed her outfit, and her raven hair was in a messy bun. Adrien thought he was melting, and could feel himself drooling. It was starting to feel very hot in the room.
"Hi, Adrien." "H-h-h-h-hi M-Marinette." "Is this outfit ok?" "Yes, I love you...r outfit. I-i-it's amazing. It's... perfect." "Well, that's a relief. Would you like to go around the town with me? I must make my rounds after my annoucement."
Flashbacks from yesterday resurfaced. He remembered the fear in everyone's eyes as the the pieces of the glass heart pierced their souls and how at that moment, when Marinette evilly laughed at everyone's misery, it made her look like a monster.
"Adrien?" Marinette called snapping him out of his thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry just lost in thought." "You don't have to come with me if you don't want to." "No it's fine, I'll go with you. It's important that I learn about these.. changing times." "Well, It's settled then. I'll go call for a carriage."
Marinette got on her tiptoes and gave him another peck on the cheek. "I'll meet you in the courtyard." Then she left. His happiness was outweighed by the heavy feeling in his heart telling him, even though he really wanted this, this was wrong.
When Adrien entered the courtyard, he was greeted by a large black silk, and ebony coach carriage that practically screamed royalty. Marinette stood by the carriage waiting for him. "Are you ready to go?" "Yes." Adrian helped Marinette into the carriage before being let in himself and closing the door behind him.
As they settled into the comfy carriage, the carriage driver was checking on the horses. "Aren't you excited?" Marinette asked entusiastically. "Huh?" "You get to see our new kingdom."
"Our... new kingdom? Don't you mean your new kingdom?" "Of course this is my knigdom, but if you... decide to stay with me... then it will be yours as well." Adrien looked shocked for a moment. "...About that... Marinette, I-"
Adrien was cut off by the bump of the carriage starting. "Sorry, your majesty. We're having quite a bumpier start today." The driver called out. "It's alright. Now what were you saying?"
Adrien was silent for a moment as the carriage went along the road. "I-It's nothing." He said nothing for nearly the rest of the way. His heart was in turmoil, and his mind was full of endless thoughts of confusion.