Adrien was cut off by the bump of the carriage starting. "Sorry, your majesty. We're having quite a bumpier start today." The driver called out. "It's alright. Now what were you saying?" Adrien was silent for a moment as the carriage went along the road. "I-It's nothing." He said nothing for nearly the rest of the way. His heart was in turmoil, and his mind was full of endless thoughts of confusion.
"Here we are, the new Paris!" Marinette called. Adrien ignored her and just stared outside stuck in his thoughts. "Adrien? Are you alright?" Adrien snapped out of his thoughts and answered Marinette, "Sorry, I'm fine. Just looking at the scenery." "I know. It's quite beautiful, is it not." "Yeah, I guess so."
"The removal of all the buildings and such gives a better look at nature. Now we even have lovely hills that you'd probably only see in the countryside. We should be heading into the main city soon though. Oh, and I almost forgot!"
Marinette started searching through the bag she brought to finally bring out some binoculars. "Here they are. I figured you might want these to have a better look at the farms and such since we can't get up close. They also zoom in and out if you still can't see if you turn the dial ."
Adrien took the binoculars and examined closely before giving his thanks. He decided to use the gift to look at a mansion that was on the horizon. Marinette was right the scenery was more beautiful than he'd ever seen before.
It even beat the amazing scenery of the Eiffel Tower and the city at night when he was with-. A picture of Marinette with just her Ladybug suit on, sitting next to him, blue eyes shining as she looked at the city, raven, blue hair blowing in the wind came too his mind. Never mind. Adrien thought.
Adrien followed Marinette's directions and turned the dial to zoom in to see the people at the mansion. He was surprised to see his best friend, Nino, on the porch of the mansion sitting in a rocking chair reading a newspaper and drinking tea.
"Ah, that is the Lahiffe mansion, probably one of the most prettiest sites in all of the county. Together Nino and Alya Lahiffe live there." Adrien kept looking throught the binoculars as he listened. He saw Alya come through the door and say something to him.
Nino set down his newspaper and got up to come inside. Nino pecked Alya's lips before going inside as Alya giggled. They looked so happy. It's because of all the hynoptization and memory wipe. But still... do I really want to ruin this happy life that's been given to them?
About 10 minutes had passed and they had finally made it to the 'new' city of Paris. Marinette suggested that they park the carriage in a secluded spot then walk around the town. The carriage driver walked with Adrien and Marinette to make sure they were safe. Marinette wore a hood over her head so she wouldn't be recognized.
All the apartments and city buildings were a bit different. Marinette led them to the town square, which was more of circle than a sqaure. Mutiple, somewhat-old buildings went in a circle around a flower fountain. A giant pink flower bud spewed water at the top creating a dome around itself.
Instead of a normal road with gravel, it was now red bricks. Four roads came out of the circle to lead to new streets. The different sights and smells would make anyone happy as a dog. Adrien looked in awe at the beautiful fountain and the sqaure. He looked at the people, so... happy, even though they are being controlled.
The children were laughing, people were conversing as the walked the streets, it all looked so normal. But only Adrien knew what Marinette had done to them, what he had done to them and her. Only he knew darkness that created this artificial world. The darkness that Adrien Agreste had created.
His awe and amazement was replaced with pity for the people, and rage for himself. "Adrien!" He was startled out of his thoughts again to hear Marinette calling him. "Um, yes? Sorry about that."
"I've been calling your name for a minute now. Are you sure you're alright? You're not sick, are you?" "No, I'm not sick at all." But in reality he felt sick to his stomach.
"Well, ok. I was going to ask you if you would like any treats from the bakery." "Sure, I'm a bit hungry." "Excellent. I'll get the driver to get some for us you can stay by the fountain. I'll be right back." Adrien sat on the ledge of the flower fountain.
Somehow the smell of the pure water had given him a sense of security, a sense of serenity, it felt as if he was being given a big hug. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the small moment where he could forget all of his problems and just have the wind blow across his face.
His moment was interrupted by a tap on his leg. He opened his eyes to see a little girl, about the age of six. She was holding a bunch of small wild flowers in her hands. "This for you." She said in a small voice. "Why thank you." Adrien said with a smile.
"What's your name?" "My name is Abbie!" "Abbie, what a wonderful name." "What's your name mister?" "Adrien." "Cool we both have 'a' names. We should make a club." Adrien laughed. "What kind of club?"
"The 'A' name club! Then everybody with the name starting the letter 'a' can join." "That sounds like a great idea, then you must be the president." "Yep!"
A frightened and worried lady spotted the two by the fountain and ran to them to grab her little girl. "Abbie, there you are. I thought I told you stay by me so you wouldn't get lost. And I thought I told you not to talk to strangers."
"I'm sorry, mommy. But this man looked sad so I thought he might want some flowers. He's part of my new club too! Only people with names starting with the letter 'a' can join! I'm the pres'dent"
"That was nice of you and I'm glad you made a new friend. But next time please don't wander off, you worried me." "Ok, mommy." "Thank you for finding her, she's a little adventerous at times." "Your welcome. It was nice meeting you, and you too Abbie." "Bye bye, Mr. Adrien."
He waved to the little girl with a smile as she waved back until he couldn't see the two anymore. His smile faded as he was alone with his thoughts again. The same thought came back to him as he remembered little Abbie's smile. Do I really want to end this happiness? Even if it isn't real?