
Cat Noir turned to leave but stopped by Master Fu's voice. "Be careful, do not let anyone find out your identity especially Marinette." Cat Noir nodded not even turning back to look at Master Fu. Then he left the old man in the cave. He made to close the secret door so no one would find Master Fu. Thoughts plagued his mind as he jumped into night hurrying back to the castle.


Thankfully, he was able to make back to the castle unnoticed. After he detransformed, Adrien tiredly limped to his bed and jumped onto bed face down with a sigh. He was too tired to think about anything else. He closed eyes and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, his beauty sleep was interrupted by a knock.

Noooo my nap *cries* Adrien thought. He reluctantly walked to the door of his room. He opened the door to be welcomed but the sight of Abbie and Flora. "Abbie! I missed you. What are you doing here?" "I wanted to come see you. But I also came because of Flora. She has a message for you." Abbie said excitedly.

"The queen would like to invite you to a dinner party she's having at 6:00 pm in the formal dining room." Flora said robotically "But why?" Adrien asked "Her majesty did not say, she only requested for me to tell you about the invitation." Adrien hesitated for moment then spoke."Ok, I'll go . But let me change first. I'll see you at the party, Abbie, alright?" "Ok." Abbie said a little disappointed.

Once Abbie and Flora left, Adrien started to change into more formal clothing and Plagg came out of hiding. "Are you sure you should be going this dinner? It could be trap." Plagg said. "I know that, but what else can I do? Say no. And if anything this will help me find out how to stop the darkness-" "Before it's too late, I know, I know. I just... I just want you to be careful."

Adrien looked at his kwami dumbfounded. Plagg was usually indifferent, joked in any terrible situation, and didn't care about anything but himself and cheese. But he genuinely sounded concerned. "Plagg...." "I-I just don't want to be left a-alone cause who's gonna give me my che-"

Adrien hugged his kwami honored that his kwami was worried about him even if it only about his cheese in the end.. "Yeah, yeah, go ahead." Adrien pulled away and looked at Plagg. "Thank you, but I'll be fine." Adrien, now fully dressed, opened his coat jacket to let Plagg fly and hide in it.

I hope I'll be fine.


Adrien walked down the long, dark hallway to make it to the large door leading to what could determine his fate. He took a breath and walked through the doors as the guards opened them. Adrien was half blinded since his eyes had trouble adjusting from the dark to the many bright lights of the dining hall.

Adrien was in awe baby the long table, the fancy table, the beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the wide variety of food perfectly arranged on the table. A plate of coq au vin was in front of every table. On the side was mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, and lobster bisque soup. in the center of the table was a giant macaroon cake.

The coq au vin and mashed potatoes:

The lobster bisque soup:

The cake(imagine it's black):

He snapped out of his brief trance when he saw Marinette seated a chair at the end of the other side of the table. She looked beautiful. Her hair was down with a french braid going into a bun in the back of her head. In the bun was a pearl crystal floral hair pin. She wore a long, glittery, black, shoulder-less, split, mermaid dress. She wore ebony black high heels on her feet. On her neck was a black velvet choker with a small black rose on the side. Pear-shaped diamond earrings dangled from her ears. A silver crown decorated with diamonds sat on her head.

From his view, she shined like a bright star. Her new red eyes, as scary as they seemed, they sparkled beautifully. Even her white pearly teeth, which showed as she laughed and smiled as she talked with Alya and Nino, seemed to shine. Adrien half wanted to walk backwards through the door and throw himself off a cliff for rejecting this beautiful lady. And Plagg was just sitting in his coat jacket wheezing, trying not to die of laughter.

As soon as Marinette and Adrien's eyes finally met, she smiled and started to walk over to him. Adrien was sweating so much he could probably fill a river. "Hi, Adrien. I'm glad you could make it." The moment she spoke he broke. His mind went completely blank, he couldn't even speak except for cracky sounds which barely left his mouth.

"I'll introduce you to everyone. I'm sure you want meet Alya and Nino first." Adrien put his finger up to indicate he was going to say something but the only thing that would come out was a bunch of gibberish which was better than the cracky sounds. Plagg was dying he had to put some of the cloth of Adrien's inner shirt in the mouth cause he couldn't keep it in. Smooth real smooth, Adrien.

Adrien was so out of it he didn't even notice that Marinette had pulled his hand to go let him meet Alya and Nino. He slowly tried began to regain his composure when he saw them. "Lady Alya and Lord Nino, this is Adrien." "Nice to meet you. I don't believe we have met before." Adrien's heart slightly cracked, remembering that Nino wouldn't remember him.

"No, no we haven't. It's... It's nice to meet you as well." Adrien and Nino shook hands. It hurt for him to have to lie to his best friend. But it's not like he would believe him if he said they were once best friends. "This is my wife, Alya." "Lovely to meet you." Alya said politely. The four conversed amongst themselves for a bit. The other guests conversed as well, while the children played in the corner of the room.

Then Evilustrator came into the formal dining room wearing a simple black tux. He walked up to the group with a strange smile on his face. Adrien couldn't put his finger on it but, he felt a bad vibe from the Evilustrator. "Good Evening, everyone."

"Hello, Evilustrator. I don't think you and Adrien have formally met. Adrien this is my advisor, and somewhat my butler, Evilustrator." "I believe I am more than that, your Highness." He said putting his hand under her chin lovingly. Marinette slapped his hand with an unamused face. "Not now, Evilustrator. You better be glad I'm in good mood."

Adrien glared at Evilustrator, his thoughts being consumed with jealousy. "Shouldn't we go ahead and eat before the food gets cold." "You're right, let's go." "Let me go talk to Abbie. You all can go sit down." Before he left he heard a Evilustrator say, "I'm sure you'll fall in love with the drinks." Everything started to settle down as the guests sat down and began to eat.

Adrien went up to Abbie who was playing with Flora, the girl he saw with Alya and Nino the other day, Lilac, and a boy he didn't know. Abbie was wearing a pretty, baby blue, lace dress that went tot her knees. and a little bow in her hair to match."Hi, Abbie. You look nice. Are you having fun?"

"Yes! I met some more friends to play with." "I can see that I know Flora and Lilac. But who are they?" "That's Elicia she came with Mrs. And Mr. Lahiffe. And that's Chase, he helped decorate and gave everyone drinks.""I did?" Chase asked.

Abbie looked at him weirdly. "Yeah. I saw you help some other people set the table and decorate when asked Flora to sneak me down here to take a look at the party. You brought the drinks. That's when the weird red-headed man talked to you and gave you a weird liquid to put something in the queen's drink. It was in a pretty bottle. Then when you did what he wanted, you went to go stand of front of him. Then he went on his weird pad thingy and you fainted. Don't you remember?"

"He asked you to do what?! Wait Abbie, does that weird red-headed man look like that guy over there sitting next to the queen." "Yeah that's him!" "And Chase you don't remember him talking to you at all, decorating, or anything?" "No..." "Oh no..." That's when he realized what was happening.


"Wh- what are you doing here? I thought w- Ladybug and Cat Noir defeated you." "Yes, but I am not a flimsy puppet anymore, I have free will, and it's all thanks to my beloved mistress." He sighed dreamily. Adrien grumbled under his breath. His beloved mistress, who does he think he is, she's my lady!

"Ah... but alas, her heart only belongs to a scoundrel like you." He glared at him. "So are you trying to kill me so you can have her all to yourself?" "No, I'm afraid I'd be in big trouble if that happened and it's hard to woo a lady if you're dead. My mistress has a sent for you so you can make your decision to stay with her or not."

The carriage stopped abruptly. He stood up ready to get out of the carriage but stopped. "Oh, and one more thing..." "Yeah?" "If you break her heart again I will kill you, no matter what happens even if she kills me or never let's me be by her side ever again, I will kill you. So... make the right choice, got it?"

• • •

"I'm sure you'll fall in love with the drinks."


"Mr. Adrien is something wrong?" " You guys stay here. I have to do something." He glanced over at Marinette who was about to put the drink to her lips.

"Marinette, NO!"