
"I'm sure you'll fall in love with the drinks."

"Mr. Adrien is something wrong?" " You guys stay here. I have to do something." He glanced over at Marinette who was about to put the drink to her lips.

"Marinette, NO!"


Adrien jumped in time to knock the drink out of Marinette's hands. The glass with the tampered drink crashed on the ground. Everyone gasped, even Marinette was shocked at what had happened. Adrien breathed a sigh of relief, while Evilustrator obviously looked furious.

"What is the meaning of this? How dare you attack our queen!" "I didn't attack her! You however... that's a different story." "Evilustrator... what is he talking about?" All the guests looked at Evilustrator, expecting an answer. He looked panicked, especially when he saw the look on Marinette's face.

"What I am talking about is the fact that you put a potion in Marinette's drink. You made a potion to make Marinette fall in love with you, so she would want you instead of me. Then you get her to throw me in prison and all she would be is your little puppet. You asked a server to put the potion in her drink, then erased his memories making sure there was no trace of the moment in his memories just in case he was asked. Abbie and Flora saw the whole thing. You knew he wouldn't be able to refuse if he was. And even if he did manage to get his memories back somehow, the deed would have already been done." The room was filled with murmurs and Marinette looked terrified and disappointed.

"Is this true...?" Marinette looked at the red-head, hoping that this wasn't the truth, but already knew that it was. He tried to defend himself. "I-I-I have no clue what this-this buffoon is talking about. And are you really going to believe what two children say? For all you know they could have been just playing a game. Your Majesty, he just tried to attack you, he obviously is not the right person for yo-" "I decide who is right for me not you. And how you dare to call my future fiancé a buffoon! Answer the question! Did you or did you not try to give me a potion?"

"I-I-I..." Evilustrator stood there defeated. "I just wanted to stand by your side, as an equal, not as your advisor or a butler! All I wanted was best for you, and that man is not that. All he would do is break your heart again. You don't know who he truly is. But, you wouldn't let him go... even after again and again I tried to win you over, to try and get you to let him go. But you wouldn't. I couldn't just sit by and watch you break yourself all over again! This was the only way! Please try to understand, I-I did this for you! For... us."

The whole time he spoke Marinette stood there clenching her fists with her head lowered . Adrien put his hand her shoulder. After a moment of silence and anticipation, Marinette finally spoke. "Guards... arrest him." Evilustrator looked as if he been shot straight in the heart. "Marinette..." "GUARDS! DO AS I COMMAND! ARREST THIS MAN!"

The guards hesitantly began to grab Evilustrator. He was too shocked to stand to do anything, so he just stood there and let the guards grab him. "Evilustrator, you have been charged with attempting to attack the queen, crafting and possession of forbidden potions, and abuse of the Serv system. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court." The guards said.

"Was there anyone else who assisted this man in attacking me?!" Marinette asked the guards. "There is a serv that helps him with his "art" and other things." "Bring her here." After few moments the guards came back the girl. They stood next to Evilustrator. "Please leave her alone. She had nothing to do with this." Evilustrator begged. "SILENCE!" she yelled.

Marinette walked up to the girl, who was obviously very frightened. "Who are you?" "I am Serv # 8181. My real name is Hana. I was assigned to Lord Evilustrator." "Did you help him make this potion?" "Yes." "She only helped me with the potions! She didn't know what they were for and she didn't know what I was planning for them! She's innocent!"

Marinette snapped her fingers and the guards began to beat him. Adrien watched this all happen by her side. While he he was glad justice was getting served, he still felt that beating Evilustrator was not right. Before Adrien could say anything, Hana shouted, "STOP!" Everyone was shocked, a server was never to speak out like that, especially to the queen. If they did, well you'd shudder just to think about it.

"Please... don't hurt him. Just take me." Marinette glared at the girl for a minute. The intensity of the situation had everyone on the edge of their seats, even Hana was trembling. Marinette motioned for the guards to stop the beating. "Take #8181 to you know where." Hana stood there as the guards began to take her away.

Before the took her she had brief moment to speak to Evilustrator. "Why... why did you do it? You know what they'll do to you." "I know. But I also know that there is good inside of you. You deserve a second chance." Hana leaned into his face and kissed his cheek. "Goodbye, master." She said with tears threatening to fall.

Evilustrator watched as they took his maid away. "Take him to the dungeon. Now get him out of my sight." Marinette said, teeth clenched, Before they could take him out door Evilustrator yelled, "ADRIEN IS CAT NOIR!"