"The transformation has already begun and you can't stop it." "No, I know there is still good left inside of you, Marinette. I know you're still there." "I sure I can help prove that theory wrong." Marinette held out her hand and a black shadowy sword formed in her hands. She got into fighting stance preparing to attack Adrien.
"I wish it didn't have to come this, Adrien. You could've just sat still and watched it happen. But you decided to get in my way and now... I have to destroy you."
Marinette started to charge to him with her sword ready to strike. Cat Noir jumped out of the way just in time. He started to run down the hall to try and lead her away from the group and avoid fighting. "Come on, you little scaredy cat. It's getting lonely playing by myself." Marinette jumped in front of him blocking his exit. she ran to slash but he was able to use his baton as a shield.
"Please Marinette, I don't want to fight you." "But I do!" Marinette bushed her sword harder which knocked Cat Noir back a little. Marinette went to attack again. Cat Noir didn't want to fight the love of his life but he knew he would have to if he wanted to save her. Cat Noir and Marinette sparred for a few minutes, going down the hall as they fought.
The sounds of the baton and swords clanging against echoed in the hallways. Marinette pushed Cat Noir against a window. Her slowly got closer to his neck. He struggled to push back the sword. With forcible push, Marinette broke the glass window which sent him tumbling onto a large balcony. The glass flew across Cat Noir's face creating a big scratch on his cheek.
He put a hand his cheek, hissing because of the pain. When he pulled his hand back, he saw it was line of blood. Marinette stood in front of him ready to attack again. He saw some of the pieces fall off of Marinette's face like glass. Only her cheek and left side of her body was left. Cat Noir knew he was running out of time. He collected himself wiping the blood on his suit. Then began to attack again.
They had been trying to run from the beasts so they could get to the exit. But with the whole group they weren't fast enough. Someone had even sprained their ankle while they were trying to escape. Abbie and Chase tried to direct everyone to safety while trying to hurry.
Some people joined Abbie and Chase in occasionally trying to attack the three shadowy beasts. They couldn't defeat them, but they were trying to buy some time. Then someone called, "Look, there's the door!" "That's our exit! It should lead us to courtyard! Abbie can you find a way to hold them back?" Chase yelled to Abbie. "I can try!" Abbie looked in her spell book and read off the words from the book.
Her hand waved in front of the beasts as she recited the words, which created a wall of ice. "That should hold them long enough. Now let's get everyone out of here!" The kids worked with some of the other people to open the large, heavy door. Slowly, the door opened, and to their delight they finally were able to see the light of day. But there was even more shadowy beasts in their path.
"We're trapped."
The two kept sparring fiercely, Cat Noir wasn't sure if Cat Noir was slowly getting tired, but he had to keep going. He slowly watched as the last pieces of Marinette were slowly fading away. Marinette put her hands on her head and dropped her sword. She clutched her head as if it was about to explode. "No, no, NO! Not now!"
Inside Marinette's head:
"Stop this isn't what I want! Stop hurting him!" Marinette yelled at the voice as she slowly being consumed by the darkness as if water was slowly rising. "YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! NOW JUST SIT BACK AND WATCH AS I TAKE HIS LIFE AWAY! THIS WILL FINALLY BE THE END! I WON'T BE DEFEATED AGAIN!!!" A dark voice yelled. The dark waters started to rise quicker and quicker, Marinette was trying hard to stay above water, to hang on to the little light she had, but it was slowly fading away.
Cat Noir watched from afar as he saw the internal battle Marinette was having with herself. She's fighting it. She's still there! "Please Marinette. Stop this, only you have the power to end this. Keep fighting!"
Inside Marinette's head:
Marinette heard his voice as she struggling to keep her head above the water. Adrien. She thought. I have to keep trying. "NO! I WILL NOT LET MERE MORTALS WIN AGAINST ME! NOT THIS TIME! A dark figure with red eyes came into being. It went over to Marinette and pushed her into the water as they were trying to drown her. Marinette struggled against strong tight hands that were forcing her down. as she was slowly losing her resolve and breath.
'Marinette' regained control of herself and began to attack Adrien once more.
"There's no way out! The queen must've sent the monsters to the door when she she us escaping!" Abbie exclaimed. A loud crack echoed in the vast hallway. It was the ice, it was slowly cracking. "The ice won't hold for long!" "What do we do then?" Chase asked. Abbie thought to herself for second, there was no way to get past those beasts without fighting them, and there was definitely no way to defeat them.
But there was no other option, they had to get the prisoners out of there. "I'll stay and fight them." Abbie said. "No you can't, I won't let you. There has to be some other way." "Chase, there is no other way. You and the rest of these people can't fight them off, but I can. Even if I don't make it, I can still buy you all enough time to at least get off the castle grounds. Once you get everyone out I'll seal the door with stone so the beasts can't go after you."
Chase looked at her dumbfounded. He tried to search her eyes to find some hint of amusement, to let him know that this was all a joke. All he saw was determination and fear. "Abbie..." "It's our only chance Chase." Abbie said, her voice shaking.
Chase looked at her with glossed eyes, trying not to cry. "I can't lose you too." Abbie hugged him tightly. "Goodbye, Chase." Chase hugged his friend back. He didn't want to let go, but he knew he had to. The two broke the hug and she looked at him with a sad smile. "Now go! We don't have much time!
Abbie recited some words from the book which shot a lightning bolt from her hand which burned a hole into one of the beasts. It barely hurt it though, in fact it angered it even more. With the hole in its stomach it roared loudly. Before she left she looked back at Chase with a smile, "Say hi, to Mr. Adrien for me."
Abbie ran over to the left of the courtyard and waved her arms. "Over here you big meanies! Come and get me!" The shadowy beasts directed their attention to the girl who was taunting them. They immediately ran after her. Chase directed the group the other way. Everyone ran across the courtyard to get to gate.
Abbie ran through the courtyard running from the beasts making sure she stayed away from the group long enough to make sure they got away safely. Abbie kept shooting the lightning bolts at monsters. She kept shooting at the one beast she had shot before, which did the trick. All the bolts put so many holes in the monster there was nothing left of it.
1 down, 2 to go.
A drip of sweat rolled down his face as he slashed his baton against 'Marinette's' sword. He saw the pieces falling away even faster, which meant Marinette was losing her fight. He had to find a way to help her. Then he remembered what Master Fu said. The only way to defeat the darkness is with light. Find the source of the pain and find a way to get rid of it. Marinette is still in there you just need to bring her out.
I need to bring her out... find the source of her pain- That's it! "Marinette... I won't fight you." Cat Noir dropped his baton. "Go ahead and kill me." He said opening his arms out welcoming the pain that he knew he would soon have to endure. "What?" 'Marinette' asked dumbfounded. She cackled loudly. "Wow, this is one of Paris' protectors. You're no hero, all I see is acoward. You're nothing compared to Ladybug."
Inside Marinette's head:
No! Adrien! She wanted to call out. But the black figure had succeeded in pushing her back into the water. She slowly sunk into the depths of the darkness. She suddenly felt sleepy, but she knew she couldn't go to sleep. If she did, she would never wake up. The light slowly was fading. She slowly closed her eyes succumbing to her tiredness.
She used her black ladybugs to form her sword into a gun. She had it aimed and ready to fire at him. "Any last words?"
Abbie watched to make sure everyone had escaped as she fought off the beasts. She kept listening for the ice to make sure it didn't crack. But she could tell they didn't have much longer before the other 3 beasts were released.
To her delight she heard Chase's voice call, "Everyone's out! Let's move!" She'd done it. She helped everyone escape. But she made the mistake of getting too distracted. One of the beasts knocked her off her feet. The spell book was knocked out of her hands and landed who knows where.
The wind got knocked out of her. She struggled to get up and used her hands to feel around for the spell book, but she couldn't find it. Her eyes widened in fear now realizing that she was vulnerable. She heard loud crash, the ice had broken. The beasts surrounded her and started to close in. Abbie closed her eyes and accepted her fate.
I'm just glad everyone made it out.
Then suddenly a sword sliced one of the monsters in half.
Abbie looked to the person who rescued her. It was Nathaniel! "What are you doing?!" Nathaniel ran over to the girl "You have people who'll miss you. I don't have anyone left." Abbie looked at him in surprise. "Go. Live your life better than I did. And can you tell Adrien and Marinette, I'm sorry."
Abbie hesitated for a second then nodded and started to run towards the gate. She looked back to see the redhead slash a sword against the monsters. Then in her mind she said I forgive you. She opened gate to be welcome by the cheers of many people and Chase running towards. He practically jumped on her as he hugged her tightly than they had before.
"I didn't know if you were going to make it out alive. You're a hero!" "No, it was Nathaniel. He was the hero." The crowd murmured amongst themselves feeling guilty for treating the poor boy so badly in the prison. "I have to go find Mr. Adrien! I have to make sure he's okay." "You're not going alone this time." Chase looked at her with a smile putting his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
Chase made sure the crowd knew where they were going. Everyone gave them their thanks and went on their way to the town. Abbie and Chase ran in the direction towards the main battle.
"Any last words?"
Cat Noir took a breath and began to speak. "Marinette... I'm sorry that I've hurt you. I will never forgive myself for being so blind and disregarding your feelings. But know that I have always loved you, both with and without the mask. And ironically, I rejected you for you." Cat Noir chuckled. Adrien started to walk closer to her with his arms still out.
"But I was so confused, I was torn between you and Ladybug. I had to push down my feelings for you, because I felt like I was betraying Ladybug. But the truth is that, I love you. Your smile. Your passion. The heart you have to help others. I love everything about you. It doesn't matter whether you're Ladybug or not. It would have always been you in the end. It doesn't matter what status I have, what things anyone may give me. No money in this world could make me happy."
Cat Noir put his arms down and put his hand on 'Marinette's' cheek. He stared into the her blood, red eyes. Then he detransformed.
"All I want is you."
Inside Marinette's head:
From his words her eyes slowly opened. When she fully opened her eyes she was welcomed by light. The once dark void was now brighter and beautiful than before. "NOOOOOOO!!!" The dark figure screamed in agony. Marinette watched as it exploded into nothing. As she watched the events happen. She slowly began to swim upwards and towards the light. Tears falling down her face as she got closer to a bright and warm that reached out to her.
'Marinette' dropped the gun and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Adrien wrapped his arms tightly around the girl. For the first time, in a long time, Adrien had finally been able to embrace her. When they pulled apart the kissed. It was as if sparks went off for both of them. They wrapped their arms around each other tightly as they kissed. Neither of them ever wanted to let go. Too wrapped up in their reunion, they didn't notice a glow had started to emerge from them.
From afar Abbie and Chase watched all this happen from the ground. They were able to see the glow from the balcony. Chase watched in awe, while Abbie watched with a smile knowing that Adrien had won.
The glow had produced a light which transformed everything around them. The castle was gone and was replaced with meadowy hills. The town in the distance was replaced with the same. The once dark and gray skies were now a beautiful bluebell blue. The same as Mari's eyes. When they pulled from their kiss. Adrien was welcomed to the sight of Marinette, the real Marinette.
His Marinette.