
The glow had produced a light which transformed everything around them. The castle was gone and was replaced with meadowy hills. The town in the distance was replaced with the same. The once dark and gray skies were now a beautiful bluebell blue. The same as Mari's eyes. When they pulled from their kiss. Adrien was welcomed to the sight of Marinette, the real Marinette.

His Marinette.


"Hi kitty."Marinette..." He said, his voice shaking. He looked her up and down, hoping this wasn't a dream. Her black split dress was replaced with a simple pink chiffon dress and her hair was in pigtails again. He put his hand on her face. The cracks on her face were gone, there was longer a shadow consuming her. All that was there was her smooth, milky skin.

He looked into her eyes and her once red eyes were now returned to their usual beautiful, bluebell blue. "You're here. You're really here." Adrien said putting his arms around Marinette again. He didn't ever want to let go. "You don't know how long I've wished to 'you' again."

"I've missed you too. I hated being trapped inside my own mind, not being able to help you. I felt so helpless. " "It's ok, I know that you were just hurt, and you weren't all yourself. All that matters is that you are back." He said pulling her in for another hug.

"Mr. Adrien!" Adrien turned his head to the direction his name was called. He saw Abbie running towards him. Like everything else, she was renewed and her scars from her battle with he beasts were healed. She jumped onto him, arms on his neck as he swung her around in a hug. "Abbie! I'm so glad you're ok."

"Did we win, Mr. Adrien? Is it over?" "Yeah, it is." Abbie looked at Marinette who stood awkwardly to the side. "Hello, your majesty." Abbie said to her with a bow. "Please, just call me Marinette. I'm not a queen. Plus, I never wanna hear 'your majesty' ever again." She said with a giggle.

Marinette saw a little red and black coming towards them. When it got closer she recognized who it was. "Tikki!" "Marinette, you're back!" Tikki hugged Marinette's cheek. Marinette put the kagami in the palms of her hands and looked at her old friend with tears. "I've missed you so much, Tikki." "I've missed you too, Marinette."

Plagg looked at his Adrien who watched the whole thing with a smile. "Hey." Plagg said. Adrien looked at his kwami. "Yeah?" "... You did good kid." Adrien was surprised at the sudden compliment. He chuckled and put his fist out. "Thanks, plagg." Plagg used his tiny little kwami hands to give Adrien a fist bump.

It's nice to really meet you, Marinette." Abbie looked at her with a smile, and put out her hand. Marinette hesitated, but shook Abbie's hand with a smile. "I'm so sorry, about everything, everyone. All the words I said, the lives I took, all the pain I caused. I wish I could take everything back."

"Maybe you can."

They all turned their heads to see Master Fu walking towards them, Wayzz floating by his side. "Master Fu!" Marinette and Adrien exclaimed. "Hello Marinette, Adrien. I'm glad to see that you are all well. You have finally fought off the darkness. Adrien, you have done well." The short elderly man bowed his head in thanks. Adrien bowed back.

"Master Fu, I'm so sorry. I won't ask for you forgiveness and I will give you my miraculous. Tikki and Adrien looked at her in fear. "No you can't do that, Marinette!" Tikki said. "If it wasn't because of me then all of this wouldn't have happened."

"Marinette, I hold nothing against you. This isn't the first time this has happened anyway. I don't see why doesn't happen more often anyway. All the miraculous holders are human so they're bound to have some moments when they're in the pit of despair. If anything it would be miraculous' creator's fault for making them for humans."

Marinette still wasn't convinced. "What did you mean by what you said earlier, when you said I could take everything back?" "If someone wears the ladybug and black cat miraculous at the same time, they are given a choice. Whether to have great power, or one wish. Unfortunately, both could upset the balance of the universe." "So you're saying that if one of us wears both our miraculous at the same time we may be able to wish for a second chance." "Yes. But to keep the balance, every wish and every choice comes with a price."

"What happened the last time someone shattered?" "I prefer not to talk about it, but... It was the peacock miraculous wielder. As a guardian of the miraculous, I am not allowed to wield both the ladybug and cat noir miraculous at the same time. So I had to give it to a young man who was the wielder of the moth miraculous at the time. He was able to make the wish to save the peacock and get her back, but the price was that she would be in slumber for the rest of her life. He blamed me for everything, and eventually became evil creating-" "Hawkmoth." Marinette finished.

"Yes." "Will we know what the price is beforehand?" "No, as soon as you make the wish the effects will take place after, but the will give you a very vague description of it when you amok the wish. " "Should we really risk it?" Adrien asked Marinette. Marinette hesitated and sat in silence for a second.

"We have to, it's our duty as heroes and so many people have died. As much as I'm glad that this brought us together, but I wouldn't ever to live with myself. Even if the world forgives, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. This gives us a second chance. A chance to make up for my mistakes, and for us to have a fresh start." "But what if that means I had to lose you, or that you had to lose me. And we can't just leave the people we met here." He glanced to Abbie playing in the flowers. "I-" Marinette couldn't find anything to say. "You have only have a moment decide, which will you choose Marinette?" Master Fu said.

Marinette thought to herself, trying to weigh out all the pros and cons. Then she finally came to a decision. "I don't want to lose you Adrien. But we have to do this, we have to make things right. Please, If not for the world then at least for me. I want to feel at peace, I don't want these painful memories of my cruelty."

Adrien stared into Marinette's eyes, he didn't want to have to lose her again or Abbie. He didn't want to end up like Hawkmoth. But, Adrien nodded, nonetheless. He went over to her side and grabbed her hand. He had to stand by her no matter what she chose. "Master Fu, we choose the wish." "Very well then. Now you wear the miraculouses together."

Adrien removed his ring and put it on her ring finger, on her left hand. The miraculouses began to glow, and then Marinette passed out. Adrien caught her. "Marinette! What is happening, why did she pass out?" "It's alright. Marinette is choosing."

Inside Marinette's Mind:

"Where am I?" Marinette asked walking through a void of white. Suddenly, a large hologram board appeared in front of her. It read, 'WHICH SHALL YOU CHOOSE? GREAT POWER or THE GREAT WISH.' "I choose the great wish!" The board disappeared.

Then a door appeared in the middle of the white void. Marinette walked to it and opened the door. She was welcomed by the sight of statues. Statues of the Ladybugs of old, lined up side by side on both the right and left side. Marinette walked down the long hallway, looking at all the statues as she went.

She walked up to these stairs which led to a pillar with both the miraculouses sitting on it. Then a voice said, "Make your wish." Marinette closed her eyes, put her hands together, and made her wish.

Adrien paced back and forth, occasionally peeking on the slumbering Marinette. Marinette lay peacefully in Abbie' arms, who was currently making a flower crown. Marinette groaned as she came to. Adrien went over to Marinette's side. "Marinette, are you alright?" Before she said anything The flowers in the meadow began to rustling up together in the wind like leaves.Marinette and Adrien began to glow. "It worked." Adrien sighed. "Now might be the time to say your last goodbyes."

Adrien went over to Abbie and hugged her. "I wish I could take you with me, but-" "It's ok Mr. Adrien. The time we had together is enough for me." She said with a smile tears falling down her face as she hugged back. Adrien pulled away and looked into the little girl's beautiful brown eyes.

"By the way, I meant to tell you. But before Nathaniel- left us, he told me to tell you that he was sorry. He's the only reason I'm still here." Adrien looked at her in surprise, but then smiled and looked up to the sky. Thank you, Nathaniel. I forgive you.

"Thank you, Abbie."

He grabbed the flower crown she made and put it on her head.

Adrien walked over to the glowing Marinette and grabbed her hands. He put one hand on her cheek to wipe her tears. "What's wrong, Marinette?" "The miraculouses said that price of my wish would to lose the one thing I care about the most. That I would forget everything that happened." "So that means we wouldn't know we loved each other." Marinette nodded.

Adrien sighed and wiped Marinette's tears. "Well, you know what. Forget destiny and theprice, this is our story and we get choose how we want it to end. I know I'll find you again, whether in this life or the next. No matters how many tries it takes, remember... it will always be you in the end." "Always?" Marinette asked. Adrien nodded.

"You're right, Adrien. Well I guess this is not a goodbye then." She said with a laugh. "Nope, it's a... 'see you soon'." He smiled. They put their heads together affectionately and smiled as the held hands. The flowers that were picked up from he wind started to surround the two like a light tornado. Adrien put his arm around Marinette's shoulder as the two waved to Abbie and Master Fu goodbye.

Abbie waved to the two and Master Fu watched them with a proud smile.

Before the two saw each other for the 'last' time. Marinette a little whisper in her ear. And it said,

"I love you."


Happiness comes and goes like the wind, it never lasts forever. One day everything may be fine, and then the next you just feel like you're dying inside. But joy lasts forever, not many people find it but it's there.

We're all human, we feel pain, we cry, we get depressed, and sometimes you even wonder 'what is the point of life anyway, if I just have to feel pain'.

But in the words of Ziad K. Abdelnour, "Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot." Some us never have that the chance to take another shot. Because we give up, we forget about the good things in life, and feel like we don't need to be here anymore. But we all deserve a chance to live, love, and be loved.

Whether it be time with the people you love, laughing at a joke or something you see online, eating a delicious meal, listening to a good song, playing an awesome game, or even enjoying something that you have made with your own hands, enjoy all the little moments in life. Don't become like Marinette and forget that there's still more worth living for.

And if you can't seem to find that joy, then find and surround yourself with people who can help you. You don't have to stay in the tunnel of despair, the exit is not your only escape route. When all is surrounded by darkness, that's when you need to shine the brightest.

