Rakesh is growing unusually paranoid of the events happening with Sumit and Sanjana in Kanpur, as he now realizes that all his bad deeds are coming back at him. He couldn't focus on his meetings, he was lost in daydreaming most of the time, and because of his constant fears, he keeps getting the nightmare. It's always the same, still, he gets very afraid whenever he sees.

It always begins with him running around his own mansion, back in Mahabaleshwar, filled with cobwebs and slimy walls, paintings of Pegasus and the dragon, his father's trophies and medals, and most importantly, a huge family picture of 8.he was always chased a by a demon, and just a demon, zombies and witches as well. He tries to run very hard, and as soon as he loses them for a moment, he locks himself in a small room, with a window so that he can escape when he has a chance.

But whenever he locks the door, he sees the entire mansion sinking in the river, and he could laugh the evil laughs of the demon, and after sinking, water also breaks into his small room, and he begins to drown. While drowning, he is visited by his late father's spirit, Gopala, only to say "Goodbye" to him. And then a demon tears the Gopala and pulls Rakesh's guts out.

By this moment, Rakesh had already gotten heart-seizures twice or thrice. But these recurring nightmares warn him of his upcoming death. And he regrets that he is letting his children suffer from that horrible monster because of his wager, his greed, and his ambitions. So, one day he wakes up and decides to finish this off at once, for the sake of him and his family.

He decided to go to Mahabaleshwar and finish this damn thing. That morning he told his wife Nidhi about whatever he did in past before they were married. Even though Nidhi was angry and was very upset, of the sins committed by Rakesh and her brother, but she encouraged her husband as he was going to put himself in danger for the sake of his family. She decided to accompany him in this as well, as she had devoted her life for him. So they both decided to go to Mahabaleshwar, and settle the score.

Rakesh decided to call his brother Ronny since he hasn't talked to him for the past 11 years. He resides in Los Angeles, with his wife Seema and son Kabir, but he hasn't told a word about Ronny to Sumit or Sanjana.

He tried calling so many times, but every time the phone was answered, all he heard was some wind rustling and bobbing sound of water as if someone is drowning. After the same event repeating, he gave up. Other than Nidhi, he never told anyone about the most valuable thing in the Kapoor family, the treasure he has hidden for years, but now he is going to use it for the first time in decades, and there was no suitable moment to use this.

He went to his farmhouse in Wollongong and went to its basement. From there he pulled out a briefcase, when he opened it, the green flash fell on his face, and he was delighted of the fact that he was able to keep it safe and sound for the last 18 years. And he knew it was the right time to use it. He was just glad that 14 years ago, Sanjana was able to stop Sumit from finding out the truth about the armoury, it is more precious than anything, and it is very important if sumit never finds out what it is and what does it do. So Rakesh also plans to destroy this damn thing on the grounds of Mahabaleshwar itself.

With this, both Rakesh and Nidhi left for the airport. Before going he named half of his wealth, property and business to Sumit and half to Sanjana. He did this in case he doesn't return. Before leaving he sends Sanjana a text about everything, as she is cool minded, and she will consider this calmly compared to sumit, as he is always hot-headed and telling him about all this would mean even more trouble than expected. Then both Rakesh and Nidhi leave for the airport. Rakesh prays the god to keep his children safe until all this is finished, as it would be the last thing he would do in his life.


A normal busy day in Mahabaleshwar, all farmers are working in their fields, and at dusk returning to their house. On the same day when Rakesh decided to go to Mahabaleshwar, a huge storm attacked Mahabaleshwar, and that was no ordinary storm, it was accompanied bu thunder, rain, sandstorm, tornado, and everything else.

And from that storm came the flying wicked creatures, devouring whatever little village resided in Mahabaleshwar. Everyone started an extraction plan that was initiated by the locals. A kid took a glimpse of the tornado from the caravan underneath and saw 2 huge, bright glowing RED eyes staring at him, and those eyes were throwing blasts of electricity and were destroying all houses of the village. And then Evil laugh echoed the valley, as the remaining farmers safely migrated to the nearby town, with a small portion of their production and their belongings.

The kid, Usman, who saw those eyes, while going towards the safe areas, shaking to his legs, sweating buckets, looking at the DSP of that town said: "A big wave is yet to come." A warning which the DSP neglected, saying storms are common in these areas. And this type of extraction is done every year.

Amidst all this, in Galol Lake, a huge 5 store mansion rose from the bottom of the lake, with broken walls, covered with mosses and stinking like a fish. After rising from the depths of the lake, blue light started to spark from it, along with an evil laugh. And then the storm with eyes, assembled in front of the house, and said "now what?" and a very deep, heavy voice from the house replied, "Let him come."