Gopala returns from his work in the afternoon and finds his 19 years olds Kanika and Sanjay messing around with Uday, who was16 years old then. Shania, 21, was sitting in the hall of their mansion, knitting sweaters for everyone, as the cold was about to come. Then their mothers called them for lunch, and according to their family tradition, everyone sat in one huge 8 seater table and started to eat.

It was a normal family tradition to discuss their day, plans, and everything with their family since it strengthens their family relations. One day, Kanika's mother, Mona decided to share a legend from the old days of Mahabaleshwar. Gopala's other wives, Shivani and Ragini, went to do the chores, while Mona stays to tell the legend. Kanika was very excited to hear about this legend.

Back around in 1300, India wasn't the same way as it was now. There were rulers and emperors trying to conquer every single region of India. It was the rule of the 'Pandyan dynasty.' At that time Mahabaleshwar was known as 'Kshetra Mahabalpur', and it was a known fact that anyone coming over here will eventually find a way to travel back in time, to fix their mistakes and save the future.

The ruler at that time, Vira Pandya, has lost his wife and his infant son due to a duel gone wrong. It was his ego that the war happened, even though he won, he lost everything. He was told about 'Kshetra Mahabalpur.' He went there alone, in his horse, he travelled all the way from Kondhana to this village, without food and water. He was a man of his word. He took an oath to save his family, even if he has to go beyond what is real, he is ready to go.

Upon reaching there he was greeted by the village elders, who warned him against time travel, as it would degrade their reality and can even create a false universe which will collapse in no time. Despite these warnings, he was adamant to bring his wife and son back. He was taken to the place, Kamalgarh, the place with the highest mountain peak, as it was said that if you jump from there, you will reach your desired timeline.

Vira, so desperate to bring his wife and son back, without a second thought, dug his legendary sword and spear with his blood-stained on it, and jumped, announcing his son's name to be 'Mahabalesh', so the elders to mark his sacrifice and his valour, they named their village as Mahabaleshwar, as we know it today.

It wasn't known for long that Vira was successful to rescue his family or not after his jump no-one bothered to inquire about him, it was as if he never existed, until after 60 days, a sage came to that place, Mahabaleshwar. It wasn't any ordinary sage. He was a famous one from the far lands of the country. His main ability was to deduce everything, every single detail of the place by just a smell or the name.

He went to the same spot to Kamalgarh, from where Vira had jumped. He announced to all village elders "Vira was successfully sent to the past, but because of this, a reverse reality is created, and after 700 years, this reality will be crumbled, by the evil that will be born out of that world. That evil will destroy our reality until the staff will be wielded. And the staff will choose the worthy one, the one with rightful heart, and courage to protect his family and friends. For those who commit sin in this village from now on, will neither receive heaven nor hell! And their souls will become a nightmare for their next generations. The Ruby of Abyss has already decided the fate of those heroes who will protect us." With this, he jumped to the darkness as well, and from that day everyone was careful to not commit a sin, otherwise, they won't even be able to die peacefully.

Nobody knows why he jumped from the cliff, some say he wanted to travel time, some say he slipped, others go around telling that he was a crazy monk, after all, jumped for fun. But whatever reason it may be, it won't be known now, and it is gone deep, with him.

Kanika, Sanjay, Uday and Gopala were hearing this with their utmost attention, to make sure they don't miss any details. After hearing the folktale, Gopala announced that the next day, he will go to the town council to decide his will since he is getting older and he must decide it until he is alive.

The next morning Gopala, 1988, 13th August, Friday, he leaves the house but doesn't return. News reached home that he didn't even register his will in the town council. Which means he didn't even leave. Upon a little investigation, Sanjay found his father's bike in the house itself, and then he went and told his mother that father never left for the town council.

The entire police force was on the trail to find Gopala, but he was nowhere to be found. After 2 weeks on intense search, he was declared dead.

Sanjay and Uday have become their business masters and were treating their mother's and sisters like rodents and pests. Nothing is the same as it used to be.

After 5 years, Mona, Shania and Kanika burned themselves alive, in the mansion. Ragini committed suicide by hanging from the wall, unable to bear her miserable life. And the fate of Shivani remained unknown.

Sanjay and Uday go to the high court to change their names to Rakesh and Ronny Kapoor. Rakesh and Ronny married the following years and left Mahabaleshwar, leaving behind their father's house between the Galol Lake.

Rakesh decided to stay in India and settled in Lucknow, while Ronny decided to go to Los Angeles, and he settled over there. The final time the brothers talked to each other was 2009, 13th August, Friday.