
It was Sumit's 10th birthday. As usual, his birthday party was organized in a very beautiful manner, all his friends arrived and they had fun. All were there except for Ananya. She never missed Sumit's birthday, in fact, she was always the first one to arrive at the party than everyone else, but this time she didn't even show up during cake cutting.

Rakesh and Nidhi convinced Sumit to cut the cake in her absence, which made him very sad. He described it as an incomplete birthday.

That night, at 10:30 PM, Ananya arrives at Sumit's home with her mother, along with a violin set. Her mother explained that Ananya was trying to learn a song for Sumit, unfortunately, it took longer than expected.

Sumit, so delighted to see her best friend that night, invited her and she was ready to play the song. As sumit was waiting eagerly for it, she started to play the 'Tchaikovsky' by Valse-Scherzo. It lasted for about 4 minutes, but it was very beautifully played.

After hearing, Ananya's and Sumit's mom were clapping, but Sumit was full of tears. Even though he was happy, but there were tears. He approached Ananya slowly, and hugged her, and said that it was the best birthday gift he received. Ananya wished him a happy birthday and kissed his cheek. Their mom saw this cute moment, and both were invited for dinner that night.


Sumit now visits his college's music room, where he tries to find a violin. He finally finds one and starts playing the 'Tchaikovsky'. He has learnt a little bit of violin from Ananya during their breaks, and he learnt one song for her. As he was playing, he got a few notes wrong. He was trying his best, but he doesn't know how to read violin notes, and he tries on and on to fix his note.

After at least 10 tries, he sees a hand place over his during the play. When he turns it was no other than Ananya. She was helping Sumit play the symphony piece by piece.

Now that you're gone, Now that I cant see you, Why is your face etched into my brain, Causing me sadness and pain?'

Then Ananya whispered to him that whenever he is feeling lonely, he can hum the tune of 'Tchaikovsky', and she will appear to him. Saying this she left. The college's music teacher, Mrs D'sSouza heard sumit play the violin, and asked: "you never displayed an interest in music, since when did you start this?" On this, he replied "just had some help", and he leaves from there.

When he reaches his room, he sees Sanjana packing her bags. Upon being asked where she was going, she says about going to Jharkhand for immediate medical assistance, which sumit agrees. Sumit goes to put Sanjana's phone for the charge, then he sees her online ticket to Mahabaleshwar. Seeing this sumit was fueled with rage.

He confronts Sanjana asking her why she lied to him and why she was going alone to Mahabaleshwar when she agreed that both will go together, to which she was speechless. Sumit, betrayed by his own sister, was shattered from the inside. He broke the table and announced in a rage that he was going with her too.

Sanjana agrees for a moment and tells him to pack his bag. Sumit goes to take a bath before his journey. During which Sanajana loads an injection with a drug, in case Sumit doesn't play according to her. He doesn't take long, he returns to wear his travelling clothes and packs his bag. Upon being asked by Sanjana that if he was surely going with her, even after her protesting against his decision 4-5 times, Sumit didn't move from his will.

Sanjana announces that it is the time to leave and they both head the door. As Sumit was in front and Sanjana was behind him, she stabbed with an injection of 'Midazolam'. Sumit fell on the ground almost immediately. Sanjana puts him on the bed, leaves a letter behind, pats on his head saying "sorry, I never thought I would do this to you. But this is more important. I want to protect you and that's why I am going to help father finish this once and for all. Don't worry, if I do not return, my locket will protect you. Goodbye, brother." With this, she leaves and locks his door.

Sanjana leaves in tears, she wasn't able to bear her betrayal with Sumit, also because it was probably her last meeting with him, but some things are the way they are to be done. With this, she reaches the station and boards her train as she prays for Sumit's well-being, and this mission to be a success.

By this time Rakesh and Nidhi have entered Mumbai airport, and they have also boarded the train to Mahabaleshwar, only hoping for Sanjana to get there in time and Sumit to be safe.

In the hostel room, sumit was given a dose of 14 hours, which means he wouldn't be able to catch up to his family at any cost.

In Sumit's dream, he sees himself in a bridge, and when he looks around, he sees a huge mansion right in between a huge lake, with road connectivity. He was surprised as there wasn't anyone on such a busy looking road.

He slowly walked towards the mansion and called out if anyone was there. He passed through the dead bodies of birds, looking at which he hypothesized that some cult must have been living here practising Black Magic. When he reached the door, he saw tried to see the nameplate, but all he saw was an "R", even that was half broken. The door was very heavy and it was locked, he even tried to break open the door, much to his dismay. Then he tried to look through the windows and to his horror, sweat ran through his body when he saw .............