Back when there was Gondwana, a huge empire existed in the middle of the landmass, today we know it as the UK. Abyss is what they called it. The time when humans and dinosaurs and many other beasts used to live in harmony, together. It had 4 rulers at that time, Hercules, Roman, Zeta and Orion. Abyss was peacefully ruled by these 4 rulers for time immemorial and everything was going great.

After decades of peace and tranquillity, came the time when each of the four kings had to die one by one, due to ageing. Each of them decided that before they go, they will lock their power into a staff, which will be used to open the bridge to the future for the people of the world. It will be wielded only by the person, chosen by the heavens, who can out rule the sun, who changes the waves of the mighty ocean, and who has the power to sacrifice himself for his loved ones. Until and unless the person arrives, after you have gone, this staff will be locked under the Earth, where it will be hidden for aeons. , Herculio, Roman and Zeta, died after locking their power inside it, leaving the territory for their wards, Juliana, Chris, and the Andes respectively. But until Orion was alive, no one could have received the throne or the staff. His son, Kaiser, who was very ambitious and power-hungry, who was considered very handsome for the post of the central king, became impatient. One day, he decided to kill his own father, take the throne and staff, and rule the world. So he made a strategy to kill assassinate his father without even letting anyone know about it.

The ruler of the underworld, Hades, who had a peace truce with the 4 kings, heard about this plan from the underworld, as informed by his aide Anubis. Hades didn't want the staff to go into the wrong hands, so he instructed Anubis to go and kill Kaiser before he brings any more doom to their world.

Kaiser next morning greets his father like usual, with his morning beverages. After drinking the beverages bought by his son, he was informed by his army general, a huge army of Anubis, is approaching Abyss, and they have no choice but to battle. Thinking Hades broke the trust, Orion put on his armour and was ready to go into battle. Kaiser was shocked, as he didn't know that the army is coming, and he gave his father a drink which will incinerate him soon. Now being backfired by his own plan, Kaiser also prepares to go to battle.

At the border of Abyss, Orion was instructing his army, to battle till the end. Juliana, Chris and Andes were also on the battlefield, along with Kaiser, who couldn't even think about his father dying now.

As Orion was instructing his army, he falls on the earth, his legs start to catch fire and his entire body starts heating up. Everyone ran towards him and tried to help him, but couldn't. It didn't take long for him to realize his own son killed him, and that he was ambitious for the staff and the throne. Seeing the army of Anubis approaching, around 100,000 of them, before being turned into ash, Orion gives its final power to the staff, and send it to the far end of Gondwana, the place which later came to be known as Mahabaleshwar. Kaiser ran inside the castle so that he doesn't get into trouble. Orion turned into ash, and flew in the sky, along with him, went the staff too, which was known as 'The staff of Abyss'.

Now the Anubis army has broken the Abyss border, and they started to enter in it. The Andes, being brave and righteous of his heart, assembled the army, and charged towards the incoming Anubis. They both clashed head-on, in which Anubis was more dominating in the battle. It was a massacre. The entire militia of Abyss fell before their rampage. Juliana was torn into half, Chris was beheaded in battle. The last warrior Andes was putting a tough fight, but couldn't match their power. He was cornered, but not defeated.

Taking inspiration from Orion, he used his spark to create a life-form, a human, who will be born millions of years later, who will avenge the fallen nation of the Abyss, the wielder of the Staff, and the symbol of freedom. And sends his spark in the air only for it to disappear. The later Andes was mercilessly devoured by the herd of Anubis. The final that he said before his demise was "Till Unity."

Kaiser was running here and there, knowing well that he bought doom to their world and there is no escape of what he had done. He runs towards the secret chamber to hide. While in the chamber, he found the Dark Scythe, which he was warned against over and over. As it possessed enough power to destroy everything in a single swing. Thinking there is no way to defeat the Anubis, he breaks the curse and wields the Dark Scythe.

All of a sudden he was filled with rage and darkness, dark aura began glowing and he was ready to kill the Anubis once and for all. He goes outside, sees Andes's being killed, says in amusement " That fool, thinking he can win by righteousness and valour, war is won by guts and darkness now behold my supreme power..." saying this he holds out his weapon, only for the remaining Anubis to run away from the darkness.

But Kaiser has always been a merciless brat, he swings it around very lightly, to which the entire army of man-eating monsters turned to dust. Lost in the lust of his power, he swings it around tearing the skies, and even the landmass. Upon seeing his overgrowing rampage, he was approached by Hades himself.

Both Kaiser and Hades were engaged into a long and ruthless battle, the battle in which the entire human population perished, leaving Kaiser to be the last human. During their battle, the huge Gondwana broke into fragments. Hades dominated Kaiser by the end and finally stabbed him with the same scythe he was battling with.

Before being locked into the very core of the mother earth, he vowed to return and claim the 'Staff of Abyss', to crumble the reality and destroy everything that ever existed. Saying which he was dragged to the bottom of the earth, and burnt alive in its core, thus ending the darkness.

Even though humans have died, but Gondwana was broken into 7 different parts. Hades disappeared, but he knew the battle was won and peace will return soon. After that, no humans were born for millions of years.

The white light sent by the Andes, travelled through the space-time vortex to reach the earth in the year 2003. The light split into 2 parts on the way. There were 2 infants born on the same day, both in India. One light fell into the infant, after which all of a sudden he started crying, the other part fell in a small village in Maharashtra, whose whereabouts were unknown.

In 1968, a man approached the cave that was hidden behind Kamalgarh. Over there he found a green glowing staff, which glowed into his eyes and showed him the entire past.