After looking through the window of the old looking mansion, Sumit fell back in fear. What he saw, he cannot accept it. There is no way his mind is going to accept what he is seeing inside.

He sees Ananya and Harsh, tied up in chains, and a man, face covered with a hood, just like he saw in the first dream of the blue light, was circling both of them again and again. He was occasionally using a hunter to hit them again and again. He was repeating the question while abusing both of them, "Where is the key?" To which both of them continuously replied: "We won't tell you, we did our job, and now you cannot sue us." At one moment Harsh replied, "He knows about it, and he is gonna get your ass, so save it while you still can."

Hearing which, the man with the hood slowly turned towards the window, and then a blue light flashed, and all 3 of them are standing on the other side of the window. But it wasn't normal this time, both Harsh and Ananya had their eyeballs rolled all the way up, their teeth were beasty, face covered with dry blood and they were blabbering some nonsense on and on. The hooded man passed his hands through the glass and held Sumit by the neck.

By this, he said, "So I see what that idiot did back then, so you are him now, let's see, half of him?" Which made zero sense to Sumit. He pulled Sumit in, and threw him into a bunch of creatures with the same physique as Harsh and Ananya, rolled eyes, dried blood and everyone smelled of barf. It terrified him to the core.

After a few moments, his ground started to shatter like a glass window and he fell from the place. He could see those freaks trying to follow him, but he was able to lose all of them. He was falling and falling until he reached a place full of red and violet crystals, each of which reflected his face.

The violet crystals showed him his past, all those beautiful moments with his family, friends, and mostly Ananya. One crystal showed him the death of Ananya, she was called by a fake Sumit, as soon as she was kissing him, a very dangerous, horrifying, greasy, green stained, which came, stabbed her with her sword, and then stabbed all the way through the tree. The crystal next to it showed how Harsh was killed, it was the same demon that killed Ananya. Harsh was seduced by someone who looked like Sanjana, and a second witch came, replaced the decoy and dragged him to hell. Seeing all this Sumit started to blame himself and floated across with tears in his face.

He came towards the red crystals now, which showed him his outcomes of the future. In the first future, he was shown being a bandit and leading a huge band of strong swordsman and mercenaries to conquer the world, which he even conquers, but dies in the battle. In the second outcome, he is shown to sacrifice himself for his family, lying around Sanjana and his parents, and surprisingly, Ananya and Harsh were also there.

The third one showed him walking through the Church in London, waiting for his bride. He tries to see the bride and realizes it wasn't Ananya, but someone else, which felt uneasy to him. A little forward, he sees her face and comes to know her name, Ipsita, a person he never heard or seen. A bit more forward, he was shown with his daughter and a happy family.

Birds fly, Clouds move, Wind rustles, Trains stand. I am stuck, Stuck in a world frozen in time.'

Seeing no other future made him sad of the fact that he is marrying someone he doesn't know. As he was floating on and on, he comes across a blue crystal. He tries to see it, and in it he sees Sanjana, his mother and father, encountering a horrible looking taxidermist beast, twisted face, bones outside his body, and a wicked smile, rolled eyeballs, and broken wings.

He realized they are in Mahabaleshwar and they were in trouble. He tried to struggle to leave but wasn't. All of a sudden he saw a hand breaking through the glass dimension and grabbing him and taking into a small room, full of darkness. When Sumit regained his senses, he realizes the person who helped him escape that place was no other than Steven.

Even before Sumit could say anything, he found Steven saying "I am Steven, I am fused with Kanika's soul, and I didn't kill your friends. I was used as a decoy, and now I realize the mistake I have done. I will help you to reach the place, although it won't be easy. My real name is Steven Kimberley, and I need your help, I promise I will help you get all your answers and will be an ally. Are you ready? " Sumit, totally confused, replied, "Let's do it."

All of a sudden his dreams breaks, and Sumit wakes up, only to find that it was afternoon, and he had been asleep for 14 hours, seeing which he cursed Sanjana for her old cheap tricks, and was already rushing by the time he woke up. While running outside the college gate, he found Steven, with his Lamborghini. He invited him to go to Mahabaleshwar on that car, with him, as he explained he was ready to help. Seeing no better choice, Sumit finally trusted him, both finally accepted each other, shook hands and left for their big battle.

In Mahabaleshwar, a train arrived in the station, and a mysterious girl departs from it, with an army bag, outfit of some sort of female security team, partially blond, and with a photo of Sumit and Ananya together on her hands. As soon as she arrives she leaves for the search. While exiting the station, she uses her binoculars to scan the surroundings, only to see the wicked creature above the tops of a mansion. She nods her head, records something on the watch, and hurries herself to the point.