Sanjana couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the beast standing above the mansion. It was probably the ugliest thing she ever saw in her life. It was a demon, twisted face, deformed body, and bones sticking out of her skin, skin dripping in green oil, broken wings and teeth razor sharp. Seeing that made Nidhi puke. Rakesh was horrified and couldn't move an inch.

As they were watching, all of a sudden that demon attacked them. She somehow teleported on the ground, she kicked Rakesh very far, punched Sanjana and also tried to hurt Nidhi. Sanjana, seeing no way to stop this, runs towards the briefcase and assembles the armoury, the staff, the most precious treasure of the family, which to her dismay doesn't glow green like the way when Sumit was around. Seeing the staff the demon gave a very wicked smile, and she said: "Bring it here honey." Sanjana made attempts to hurt the demon by swinging the staff repeatedly, but it didn't do anything. She was barely able to use it for her self-defence.

The staff only helped her to save herself from the flying rocks and very strong energy blasts thrown by the demon. Rakesh, at a decent range from the target, uses a pistol and shoots the demon right in the head. The demon fell in the ground. Rakesh came and helped his daughter to get back up in her feet. Even Nidhi came out slowly from her hiding spot.

All 3 of them were very injured, tired and horrified as they realized that this is merely the beginning. The demon slowly began to heal herself and began rising up very slowly so that she couldn't be noticed. Nidhi saw it regardless. The demon was going to stab Sanjana with her hands being transformed into a sword. Seeing which Nidhi ran to protect her daughter and got stabbed in the process.

Sanjana and Rakesh were too late to realize Nidhi was dead. Unable to bear her mother's painful demise, Sanjana roared in rage, activated the staff momentarily and with the green light of the staff slew the fierce demon into 2.

'I can't read to you. One moment you shudder from my touch As if you could break. And the next you fight, Swift as an arrow, Like a strong warrior. How can you change so quickly?'

The creature disappeared after being cut, but she had lost her wits seeing her mother's corpse. Rakesh was sitting beside her body only to lament his inefficiency to protect her. Sanjana was heartbroken, even more, when she realized Sumit didn't get a chance to meet his mother even for the last time. Thinking all this both sat at that place beside Nidhi.

Sumit, who enjoying his Lamborghini ride, gets a blue light in his brain again, and he fell unconscious, his body to be supported by Steven, who was sitting beside him.

In his vision, this time instead of Gopala, he was visited by his mother, and the place was the same place where he was in his previous vision, the bridge, and the Galol lake. And this time, he was able to see Sanjana and his father lying beside his mother's corpse. Sumit, losing Earth below his feet, tried asking Sanjana and his father what happened, but none replied as if he was just a faint spirit.

When he asked his mother, she said "Don't worry, I gave my life to save your sister and you, but you have to be careful son. The evil knows no boundaries now and you have to protect them. This is the battle of your reality Sumit, save it." Trying hard not to cry, Sumit, in his fading voice replied: " How can I, I didn't get to see you one last time, what more can I lose, what wrong have I done to anyone?" With this, the vision disappeared and he woke up again, only to find Steven splashing his face with water. "You were crying, is everything okay?"

"Steven, drive really fast, make me reach Mahabaleshwar in seconds, I know you can control time, look it's very urgent you need to get me there now." Seeing the panic in Sumit's eyes, Steven enabled his magical device in his car, and in a blink of an eye, they were in Mahabaleshwar. They tried to drive the car inside, but couldn't as they found some sort of barrier preventing the car to enter the arena. So both of then got out of the car, Steven made it disappear with his magic and both started walking into the village.

Back in the bridge, as Sanjana and Rakesh were lamenting the death of Nidhi, a storm started to rise in between the river right behind the mansion. And it was no ordinary storm, it was probably 1000 times stronger than what normal storm was like. Very strong winds started to blow, which took away Nidhi's corpse and many more. It even started to tear the bridge apart, creating a vortex between the huge Lake. Both Rakesh and Sanjana ran for support so that they do not enter the vortex.

The tornado slowly started to gain height in the sky. It was probably the longest tornado ever faced by humans, and the situation was growing intense when the support they were holding too is also started to shatter. Sanjana tried to look back to get a glimpse of the storm, to her horror, found 2 huge eyes, of fire staring right into her.

Then she notices the storm attempting to steal the staff. She leaves her support and runs towards the staff to protect it from the monster. Rakesh couldn't hold and he crash-landed inside the mansion between the Galol lake. Praying for Rakesh's safety, she struggled to keep the staff safe. The tornado grew even stronger when it saw Sanjana trying to protect the staff.

Amidst all this came the mysterious girl, who pulled the staff towards her like some sort of magnet, and to Sanjana's surprise it glowed green. The tornado, in his heavy voice, said: "You aren't the kid, you wielded the staff, who are you?"

The newcomer gave a smile of relief, and swung the staff, cutting the tornado by a green aura and making it disappear, but it was only momentary. Sanjana comes towards her, a girl she has never seen or heard of, asks "How can you do this, what's your name?" To which she responds "Ipsita is what I go by. I have a job here. Do you know anyone by the name of Sumit?"