7 - First Race (1)

(Author's Note : Sorry for the lack of chapter, I am on holidays, I didn't brought my laptop so I am writing on my phone, sorry again, I'll try to update more often with my phone, I am also working on an auxiliary chapter about Motorsport terms feel free to advise me to how to do it.)


- Tokyo's Outskirt, Tsukama Complex, 2nd week of May -

Severals truck can be seen in a parking in front of a race complex but the most important for us is the one who is at the end of the parking with several people ranging from old to young. They are Harris's parents, and two uncle, Harris's friend like Capeta who came here with his dad to cheer on him.

Harris had little issue with hi track suit, not feeling really well but after few minutes he adjusted to it and forgot about the disturbing issue. They came late because of traffic but no a lot so they were accepted and given a parking spot for the truck where there is the newly build kart.

While his father and two uncle who were invited by his father, he told his son that they also were into the motorsport industry but not anything else. So while they were looking for the kart looking for non-wanted issue who could possibly ruin his race.

About the race, he learned that a lap take in average 55" to 1 minute in this Track. It was a 1,1 km track (0,7 mile) with 12 turn. 7 right turn and 5 left turn with varsity like low speed corner and high speed one. He did a track recognition from the side line and made different plan in his head about where he should brake and the best place for possible overtake. After a full 15 minutes track recognition he was called for a small briefing about the race proceedings. It was a 12 lap Race and they were allowed to do 1 lap before the race, it was like a formation lap. There was not qualification, so the starting grid was composed by the fist person who came. That meant that Harris was placed last of 25 participant.

He went back to his truck only to find no one. we walked inside again and saw his father and him where they were.

"You didn't thought that we will look inside the car from inside the truck right ? There is no place inside it and all participant are assigned a tent where the kart is hidden and they could do maintenance haha come with me I'll show you" His father responded and Harris felt once again stupid he thought that he should really get past his bias about low level competition.

He went inside the tent and saw his uncle and Capeta's father talking about the kart. He came near them to hear them

"Honestly I don't know if we can upgrade it, for a 100 cm3 it's perfect I am amazed and Enzo and I could tell you it's not easy to amaze us we saw a lot of racing car from single-seater to Porsche and other racing brand" His uncle told Capeta's Father, Taira Shigei

"Leo's right Shigei-san, it's like a professional work, I didn't know my nephew was this amazing, he could do better about cable management but yeah, incredible" His uncle Enzo responded to his other uncle Leo's sentence.

"Well even if you didn't told me I will believe you, I know quite a lot too about race car and I was also amazed by it", finally responded Shigei.

"Well well, look who is talking, I already knew my son was amazing he could not be anything else than a genius with me as his father", shamelessly boasted his father but not too long after he felt cold sweat on his back.

"Oh ? Is that so ? well come here to show how much of a genius his father is, only his father of course right ?" A charming feminine voice came from behind scaring Harris's father like no other day he could tell she was pissed and thought that he will be meeting his best friend the couch tonight if he did not ease her anger.

Aside from his father incoming death he went in the changing room to put his not too confortable track suit and got his glove and put his socks and boots on while the staff checked his kart and brought it on a side track where he could do the "formation" lap. Since he was last on the grid he will naturally got out last too.

He got out of the changing room and daw everyone in front of him

"We are all here to cheer on you, we will also be on the stand to watch you so good luck and have fun you can do it even if you start last" said Capeta first before everyone agreed to his word and gave their personal support.

"I will be the one on the radio to keep you updated about race event and the car in front or behind you, I could not tell you accurately how much time but I could do an estimation if you need advice tell me but only when you are in problem refrain from it if it's small issue I want you to improve on live alright ? Good luck and show them what is racing, my friend is also here go get you helmet", Said his father sternly but also with a caring tone too.

Harris smiled from the support, something he had rarely in his past life. this gave him a last push before he put his helmet went to the kart and got in. He gave a last look to his parents and focused on the track.

He pushed the throttle, the race will finally start...