8 - First Race (2)

Harris pushed the throttle and went out of the side track, it was like a sort of pit lane.

He was the last and took a long time before starting and go out on purpose. He wanted a gap between de 24th and him so that he could heat up his tyres and also get a better handling of the track at a higher speed the first turn was a right turn where he will slow down, the two after will be taken without breaking and even push the throttle. after that it will be a long straight with finally the 4th turn where it reminded him of turn 4 and 5 of the Red Bull Ring where he will slow down a bit and push the throttle at the exit.

After that, three left turn will come with one with a quite big angle and two almost 90° turn. After it, will come a sequence of turn, two left and two right respectively to finally arrive at the two last corner which also reminded him of the two last corner of the Red Bull Ring and finally the longest straight of the track. The track recognition was finished after this turn.

All kart were lined up on the start/end straight with Harris last with his father giving him last instructions before the start:

Dad : Son, have faith in you and drive the best you can, the most important in sport is to first have fun, having fun in sport will push you to win any competition you want. Today we don't want you to win a race just to prove yourself, if you can get a good final place it's only in your favor and get your more point in my friend's heart.

His father was encouraging him but also reduce the pressure his son might face, he said all that with a smile on his face.

It indeed had and effect, Harris felt his shoulder relax by a lot, a weight he didn't know was here was gone in an instant. He focused ont the steering wheel and the countdown begin.

1 Red light....2 red lights....3 red lights....4 red lights...5 red lights....

When the lights went off Harris took a good start and immediately overtook five kart before the first turn. Arriving at the first turn he overtook another three at the breaking zone by breaking a lot later than the other he was after side by side with another yellow kart at his right side, after thinking a bit a remembering the next turn was a left turn and could hold the inside line and with a better exit could overtake him and maybe even the one in front of him.

He took action, he was dangerously close but stick to his line, and his bet was successful and overtook him. Unfortunately he the kart slip a little bit and could only get an average exit. Turn 3 came immediately after, a medium speed corner with a straight just after. At this moment Harris was P16 and with all fights that happened, gaps were created and packs were created. 4 exactly with the first until the fifth were together with not much of a gap between them but were not fighting so the portion did not change and they could get away easily. The second one was the sixth until the 11 were almost all car were side by side before the fourth turn, the third was the twelfth until the sixteenth with was Harris. The last one was the group with all the driver overtaken by Harris. Between the pack the largest gaps were between the second and the third group.

Harris was waiting behind three kart in front of him who were fighting for the thirteenth place and the fight was quite harsh with the driver leaving almost no space and little contact. Harris waited behind in ambush ready to overtake the three of them, he could also see the twelfth leaving them behind so he had to overtake them quickly. Turn 4, 5 and 6 was place with difficulty to overtake even with only two car so with three an accident was bound to happen and so, arriving at turn 6 the thirteenth and fourteenth, two of the car which were fighting very harshly did a hard contact and the thirteenth spun around and won a trip to the grass. Meanwhile, the fifteenth who had to avoid him slowed down dramatically and let Harris fly past him and the thirteenth who lost pace because of the incident and was also not focused which earned Harris three place and was a little in a no man's land because the twelfth already came back in the second pack.

As for the incident, no real damage was done to the two driver. They lost a lot of place and a pack was destroyed in only one turn. They joined the fourth and now third pack to regain their position.

After this moment of the race no position change happened and Harris stayed thirteenth and was slowly catching up to the second pack.

--- Meanwhile in the stand ---

"Ouaw did you see that ?! they fought side by side in three turn !" exclaimed a fan

"Yes I saw that but it was stupid to persist here, it lead to an accident and the last of the pack gained all position" his friend at his right responded to him.

Harris's father was with his friend while watching the race :

"So ? What do you think of him ?" Harris's father asked to his friend

"Pretty good I can admit that from last to thirteenth in not even a lap I admit that's pretty awesome but let's not say anything else I want to see if he is consistent in his timed lap" said his friend with a low voice so that only him could hear him.

"Alright but I have confidence in my son"

"Yeah right that's why you are stressed out since this morning"

What followed was a snicker from a third adult who was with them

"Yeah you big liar, I think my nephew can easily win hahaha" all three of them laughed after that.

What they didn't know was that their conversation was eared by someone below them and this person was thinking

'Hmph, talking all high like that I bet their son are in the last pack, let's see their reaction a the end, my son is already sixth. I eared that someone from a racing team came here I am sure my son will get a seat if we can talk nicely to him and impress him'

Oh boy he didn't know what was coming, after that he would understand the term 'faceslapping'...