Message Of The Lost Sound

Aila's POV


Drip Drip Drop

It's raining again.

I have been searching for Lala Mamay for almost an hour.

My feet are starting to sore and this damn rain just won't stop!

I searched throughout our neighborhood yet there's still no sign of her.

Lala Mamay, where are you?

The rain is pouring harder by each passing second.

"May the dance of the stars guide you."

I stopped on my tracks. I know that phrase.

I looked around, finding the person whoever said that.

Then, I realized I ended up at our city's clock tower.

Now that I think about it, Lala Mamay loves this clock tower. She always kept on and on about this clock tower saying:

"The clock has three hands. Each hand holds our being and identity. Let the clock decide and the stars will let you see the desires you have always sought."

Staring at the clock tower, I wondered what time is it now...


She is missing for an hour or so.

I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back my tears...

I closed my eyes and remembered what I saw in that room back home.

The window was shattered and few of the glass pieces were covered with blood. Besides the window, I noticed there were words written on the wall. It says:

"May the dance of the stars guide you."

Drip Drip Drop

Aahhh! How annoying! When will this damn rain stop?! Lala Mamay is missing and the sound of the raindrops falling is seriously ruining my mood. She is not the type of a person to leave without a single notice.

Moreover, she won't leave without saying goodbye to me of all people.

I don't understand... What star is she talking about?

Worried that she might not come back,

I mumbled to myself

"Just where did you go, Lala Mamay?"

Drip Drip Drop

This rain is not helping at all. It's a good thing that I have his muffler and umbrella to keep me warm. Unlike before, my hands were shivering from the cold.

I wonder if he went home safely...

"Where did who go?"



If only I had known sooner...

Would things have changed for the better?