His side of the story

Whatever Isabella you have to do it!

"Alex?" finally, I called his name.

"Yuppp?" he replied, pressing the p as usual, while he was busy playing a video game with Sandi and Lara.

"We need to talk," I told him, trying to convey the message.

He got my unsaid words and called a maid who took Lara to her room.

"What is it?" he said with a serious face. "I hope it doesn't involve your new friends."

I was taken aback by the hatred in his tone.

"Yes, it involves them and they are not my friends," I continued, "but you are and I have the right to know what is bothering you."

"Don't you trust us enough?" Sandi added looking at him.

"It's not like that," he said looking down at his feet. "I just can't." he looked frustrated and tired.

"Listen Alex, I know there is something you are keeping to yourself and we will not force you to tell us but remember, sharing lightens the burden of secrets. We will be there to listen when you will be ready." I said standing up.

"I need to go now. I have a family dinner tonight. You can stay if you want." I said to Sandi who nodded at me.

I partially lied because there was still a lot of time left till dinner. I was just a little hurt about the fact that he still doesn't trust us enough to share his secrets with us but on the other hand I didn't want to force him too. In the end he was the one to decide. Saying goodbye quietly, I turned towards the door to leave when his words gripped my feet.

"She died because of him."

The blood in my veins froze at his words. Turning slowly, I looked at him. He was looking at me too, tears filling his eyes.

"What?" I and Sandi said in unison.

"My sister Charlotte, she died the night he left her." he said, his head hung low and tears falling down his face.

I walked towards his bed, sitting beside him and held his hand in mine, rubbing it soothingly. 

"Charlotte and Xavier were a year ahead of me when I joined school. After some time, I noticed that Charlotte was changing. One day I saw her writing letters to someone and was smiling all the time. I was young but not too young to not understand the sudden change." he stopped and I squeezed his hand to comfort him.

"I saw her hanging out with Xavier and his friends in school a few times. We both knew that our dads were not at good terms with each other. I tried to talk to her but she lied to me that it was just a project." He paused again.

I was already hating the direction towards which the story was going.

"Then one day, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw her coming home with Xavier. He was shouting something at her but I couldn't understand their conversation from the window." his words were cut off by me.

"Why didn't you go out and smack his face?" I couldn't contain my anger. 

Sandi gave me a warning look.

"I saw him ringing the bell. I rushed outside but he was already gone and she was lying near the door, drunk. She was crying and mumbling something I didn't understand. I helped her into her room quietly and decided to ask her everything tomorrow but..." his voice cracked and he started sobbing.

I immediately hugged him tears running down my own face. Sandi jumped on the bed sitting behind him and started rubbing his back. 

"But s..she never w..woke up." he managed to say in between his sobs.

"It's okay Alex...it's okay don't say anymore." I hushed him. His last words broke my heart. He had been bearing all of this alone.

I was feeling a little guilty for forcing him to speak but now I was thankful I did, otherwise he would have been dying inside without telling anyone.

Sandi went to the kitchen to bring him water while I sat there rubbing his back and silently crying with him. I didn't know how to comfort him anymore. I have never experienced losing a sibling but I felt his raw pain as my own.

"I never told this to mom and dad, her secret was buried with her but he didn't stop there." He said after he was a little stable.

I looked at him shocked.

"What else he did with you?" I felt a wave of anger taking over my senses once again. 

Sandi came back with a jug of water and I drank more than both of them.

"After Charlotte's death, I started avoiding him because I didn't have any proof against him. Then I met this girl named Alice who was in my English class. Soon we became friends and then something more than friends. We didn't make it official but she made it clear that we were more than just friends." He stopped to take in a deep breath."But then I saw her at a party making out with Xavier Millers. I was broken. At first he took away my sister and then her.'' He stopped talking and took in a deep breath again. It looked like he was having trouble breathing. His facial expressions were not sad anymore but were replaced with something else.

"Did you ask her about it?" Sandi asked him.

"No, I never talked to her again. What I saw was enough. She left school after two months and went somewhere." He closed his eyes. I guess he was trying to hide the pain.

I never thought this goofy, stupid and sweet Alex could have been hiding this much pain in his chest. He is far stronger than he looks. At that moment I realized that the broken people have the brightest smiles. There was silence for a long time. Three of us sitting there not looking at each other.

"I don't know how to ease your pain Alex, we can't really change the past. But I am so proud of you. You are so strong, stronger than you think. How you dealt with this all by yourself is really brave of you. I am sure Charlotte would also proud of her little brother, up there." I said smiling at him.

"It really lifted the burden off my chest. Thank you so much Bells." he smiled back.

"Hey, what about me?" Sandi pouted at him.

"Awww, how can I forget my little teddy bear." he turned towards her ruffling her hairs and they started giggling.

I checked my phone which was full of texts from mom and one from dad. They were asking me when I was coming home. I looked at Alex and texted mom to go and enjoy their night without me. I just can't leave him alone tonight plus there was no school tomorrow so I was more relaxed.

We called Lara back who was now cuddling in Alex's lap and he was stroking her hair lovingly. I smiled at their affection.

At least he still has another Charlotte!

We decided to watch a princess movie for the night because Lara was with us. Rest of the time passed by like this. But in between all the chatting and laughing, Raven's words kept echoing in the back of my head.

"...because I know his side of the story too..."

I wonder what is his side of the story!