Fish face

After spending the night at Alex's house we woke up quite early in the morning because Alex's dad doesn't allow anyone to sleep late even on weekends because of his so-called discipline which he wants his children to follow like him.

Ah these businessmen and their rules!

We met him at the breakfast table and I could see he was not really happy meeting us. He is a strict cold man with a businessman attitude 24/7. I don't really like him either. He reminds me of Grumpy from Snow-white.

After breakfast Alex's dad left for some business trip. He is still working even on weekends, I thought to myself. I thanked God that my dad is not a businessman like him.

After spending some more time with Alex and his mother Sandi and I left walking towards our homes. Sandi's brother was not free to give us a lift and Alex's driver was gone with his dad.

I could have called dad but I was not sure if he was up yet. Unlike Alex's family we sleep till late on weekends. Also it is almost fifteen minutes walk from his house to the outside town so we decided to walk back home.

I was laughing with Sandi over some joke when a car stopped by us. The mirror rolled down revealing a grinning Raven.

"Hi bells, hi Sandra where are you guys going? I can drop you." he said opening the car locks.

"Hi there," I replied to him, "It's okay Ravs we are almost there." Sandi was gripping hard on my arm. I looked at her and she was blushing.

What was up with her?

I noticed there was another figure sitting on the passenger side busy on his phone. He was the same boy who I saw at school with them and looked exactly like Raven.

"Bells pleashhh!" he gave me some weird puppy eyes. 

From where I can remember puppy eyes comprise of widening your eyes but instead he squinted his eyes pouting. I think he gave me fish eyes. Maybe fish eyes are a thing now and I don't know about it.

A chuckle escaped my lips.

"Okay, okay don't make this fish face." I replied sitting in his car, pulling Sandi with me. She was silent and still gripping on my arm.

"What is a fish face?" he gave me a questioning look through the front mirror. The other figure beside him turned his head to look at us and then glared at Raven without saying anything. Maybe he was not happy with Raven giving us a ride.

"I didn't know either until I saw your face." I laughed again.

"Is she always this quiet?" Raven asked me looking at Sandi.

I looked at him and then Sandi. She was blushing hard. I elbowed her to speak.

"No," she replied "I talked to you at the hospital, remember?"

"Oh yeah, barely," he teased her and she gave him a hard look.

I glanced in the direction of the other person. He was still silent, busy playing a game on his phone.

"Hi another Raven," I greeted him poking his back with my finger. I felt bad ignoring him even though he did not make any move to introduce himself.

"Who? Me?" he turned his head towards me slightly, his eyes a little wide.

"Yeah you. Is there anyone else here who's back I poked?" I smiled at him.

Raven and Sandi laughed. They were still busy arguing over their little talk at the hospital. I noticed Sandi was coming out of her bubble with Raven. This doesn't happen often.

"Hi my name is Dylan. I am not 'another Raven', I am his twin." he told me with a visibly annoyed face. 

"You never told me you have a twin Ravs." I complained. 

"This is the first time we are meeting normally Bells," he laughed, "but wasn't that obvious?"

"Yeah you both look alike." Sandi said before me.

"Stoppp!" I yelled at Raven. I almost forgot that we were going home with them, not on a long drive. He passed by my house when I shouted at him to stop.

"What happened?" he asked me, stopping the car suddenly and throwing us forward.

"You missed my house." I replied sheepishly.

"Godd bells, you almost gave me a heart attack." he placed a hand on his chest dramatically. 

"Yeah me too." Dylan added.

"Sorry," I laughed and came out of the car waving goodbye at them and giving Sandi 'we will talk later' eyes and they drove off.

I walked inside home greeting mom and dad who were sitting in the sitting room watching TV. I rushed towards dad and hugged him.

"I missed you daddy," I told him, burying my face in his chest. I was meeting him almost after two days and that happened for the first time.

"I missed you too." he kissed the top of my head.

"Bella can you please sit with us, your dad has something to tell you." mom asked me. I looked at mom who was looking sad. I felt some kind of tension in the air.

"Okay, but let me change first." I replied and hurried towards my room wondering what they were going to talk about. I changed in my comfy weekend clothes and ran back to the living room tripping twice and finally sitting intact in front of dad and mom.

"What is it dad?" a sudden uneasy feeling started growing in my stomach.

What could it be...