What about him

"What is it dad?" a sudden uneasy feeling started growing in my stomach.

Both of them sat straight and mom switched off the TV when dad started.

"I wanted to tell both of you about this. That's why I arranged the dinner but you didn't join us" he paused.

"I'm really sorry about that. Actually Alex was feeling a little depressed so we stayed with him" I told him.

"Yeah your mom told me it's okay sweetheart you did the right thing" he smiled at me, his eyes wrinkling with his smile. He has always been a supportive father.

"Now tell me what's bothering you?" I questioned him.

"Do you remember the man who wanted to buy our land and also offered me this job?" he asked me.

"Yeah what about him?" I was curious now.

I vaguely remember dad told us about some businessman who wanted to build some kind of industrial area on our land so he offered my dad to buy all of our land and also offered him a job.

Dad once told me that he studied business in college but he didn't continue it as profession. He preferred coming back to his land and became a country man because he fell in love with my mom who lived there. Their story is so romantic.

"I never told you something" he paused and then continued " I always had a wish to start my own business that's why I studied business but I never had enough courage to follow my dreams. I always had an unknown fear that I will not be able to handle this and will end up losing everything like my brother."

I remember my dad once told me about his brother who died before my birth. He had some big loss in his business and he never recovered from it. All of the pressure and worry gave him a heart attack which took away his life. I can understand what my dad felt and his fears.

"But when Mr Millers gave me this opportunity I decided to take the plunge. I made a deal with him that I will sell him my land on only one condition and that was if he will sell me shares of his company. He needed my land so he eventually agreed but I made a mistake. I didn't make him sign any papers and believed in his words." he said with uncertainty in his tone.

Dad's words gave me electric shocks twice. First when he said 'Mr Millers' because it didn't take me much time to register the last name. I never heard his name from my dad before.

I saw the name of dad's working place on envelopes or documents a few times but it was always written as 'KM' in golden words inside a golden frame . Maybe that is their logo or something.

Secondly when he said that he made a deal with him. What else is dad hiding from us?

When I didn't reply dad continued again.

"I asked him about his deal a few times but he told me to wait because he was not willing to share his authority in his company with anyone else. However he assured me that he is a man of his words and he will fulfill his promise. So I waited patiently and finally now I got the opportunity to make my dreams come true." something sparkled in his eyes with his words.

"Is he agreed to sell his shares now?" I interrupted him suddenly, afraid of his answer.

"Not really his shares. I own a large sum of money from the land I sold him so he offered me to become their partner and invest my savings in a new business project he is starting in Italy, with his other friend." he replied calmly.

"Italy" I repeated the word. I knew what he was going to say next. I looked up at mom who was silent throughout the entire conversation. I think she has overcome the shock. She forced a smile at me but I knew it was fake.

"You can't leave us" I looked up at dad who had some unreadable expressions on his face.

He stood up and sat beside me giving me a side hug.

"Trust me I don't want to but this is so big for me. I just can't back off now. And it's not like I am leaving forever. I will be gone for just a few months and I will pay visits every month. When you would be graduated, you and Olivia will come with me. I can't disturb you now because I understand you are still adjusting here." he dropped off of his planning at me.

Everything was so sudden for me and I was overwhelmed with different emotions but I didn't show him.

I had to be strong. I didn't have the right to stop him from what he always wanted in his life even if I am his daughter. He always supported me in everything, now it's my time to support him.

"I am so happy for you dad" I forced a smile and hugged him tight.

He looked happy and relieved suddenly and I felt happy too but the sadness of his leaving us was stronger.

"When are you leaving?" I asked him, sitting back straight.

"After a few months. Mr Miller's friend is paying him a visit soon so he will arrange a meeting for us here first." he told me excitedly.

"Oh" I wasn't excited at all.

We sat there silent for a while. I was trying to gather myself but it was so weird thinking that I will not see dad for months. I was afraid that dad would change. I couldn't help but think that he will become like Alex's dad.

We were interrupted by mom's voice.

"Coffee time" she said loudly entering the living room. I didn't notice when she left.

We sat there sipping our coffees and talking about all of this. After some time I left mom and dad and came to my room.

I was feeling tired and mentally exhausted. All of this was too much for me to process. At first Alex's story and now dad's.

Also the fact that someone who is related to Xavier is involved with my dad. I guessed my dad's boss and soon business partner must be Xavier's father.

I spent many hours laying on my bed eating ice cream, watching Netflix and scrolling through my phone to distract myself.

When I was tired I decided to go outside to take some fresh air. Evening was approaching and it was getting chilly outside so I picked up a cardigan with me.

I decided to go to the nearby park which is just five minutes walk away from my house. It is a huge park with lots of plants and beautiful built up corners to sit. I go there sometimes since we moved here, for sketching or reading books.

Informing mom, I left home walking towards the park.

Maybe nature was the only thing that could calm me down!