Don't stop

Quietly they walked through the corridors of the Palace, hand in hand, their golden wedding rings glistening in the bright daylight. 

He stopped right in front of the courtroom and held Isabella's hand more firmly. She glanced in his direction and gave him a reassuring look. Taking in a breath, he knocked on the door and soon the doors opened. 

As he walked in, the men stood up in respect for their King but their lowered gazes were occasionally raising and lowering due to glancing at the girl who walked beside him, their hands entangled, her head held high and face possessing a fearless expressions. 

As soon as he reached over to the throne, Blair who was sitting on it stood up reluctantly. His glare was set on Isabella who looked back in his red eyes with the same intensity. As soon as his gaze met Xavier's lethal glare, he blinked and frowned.