
The roar shook Leon to his core and the fear that came with it stopped his legs from moving.

Leon looked at the new hole in the wall that had been covered by the huge boulder and a huge figure emerged itself.

With a horrible smell, the dirty Ogre emerged from the hole. The Ogre stood as tall as the ceiling of the cave and barely almost hit his head as he stepped. He only wore a cloth made of all sorts of skin ranging from goblin to even human, the waistband of the cloth comprised of various bones from femurs to tibias. Each step he took caused a miniature earthquake within the cave, he himself was quite fat. Finally, the most eye-catching part was a huge hammer with a giant boulder as the face, with the handle being made of an entire tree. The hammer itself was so heavy, even the ogre let it drag across the floor instead of picking it up.

Although Leon had not seen many monsters, he had heard of them from various sources, including his parents. From what he remembered, an Ogre could be between a high D Tier monster, as a child, however through time and lots of consumption of food it could possibly become as high as a high C Tier Monster. Ogre's were generally simple-minded and had the intelligence of a farm animal. They were generally slow and relied purely on brute force.

The ogre looked to find the person who disturbed its meal. It finally spotted Leon. It roared again, with this Leon could only stare as his legs refused to move.

The ogre decided that it wouldn't need its hammer for something as puny as Leon and arced his fist into Leon.

Leon could easily dodge the punch normally, however when he tried to move his legs. They gave no response, still trembling.

Leon did not have the luxury to draw his sword in time, so Leon tried to use his dagger as a buffer to try to dampen the impact.


The Ogre's fist rocketed into Leon with such force, that Leon found himself engraved in the cave wall. The pure force of the attack would've normally splat Leon like an insignificant fly, however with immense luck. The sword, the Eye of the Storm, on Leon's back took most of the damage and still remained unscathed. That could not be said for the dagger that Leon held which had found itself in the ground bent in half like a paper clip.

However, even with the lady luck on his side, Leon's back felt like it had a boulder dropped on it and the pain almost made Leon pass out. Trying to keep himself lucid and conscious, Leon struggled his way off the wall and collapsed onto the ground.

-90 HP

As the Ogre got closer to the crawling Leon, all Leon could think of was his failure.

'Again, I am crawling and about to die. I was given a miraculous second chance and yet I am still naive and weak. To think I thought I was stronger, I am weak. Although to think that my luck could be this bad, that I would run into an Ogre. My fate really must be death.'

However as if to answer him, a familiar face had shown himself and his party running towards the room.

-Minutes ago-

Bav had finally found the cave and the tracking magic cast by the marksman in his group suggested that the missing Adventurers he sought lied in there. While they were discussing what their plan was as they walked in the path of the cave, Bav and his group felt the ground and the cave shake. So they started to run, they eventually saw the heads of their guild members stuck on the pikes and most of them puked, with only the more experienced Adventurers including Bav restraining themselves to a gag.


However what concerned him more at the moment was the giant monster standing in front of them, an Ogre, Bav cast the buff 'Heart of the Brave' on his group and himself. As if to answer Bav, the Ogre roared in an attempt to have an easy fight as it did with Leon.

However, the buff Bav cast neutralized the paralysis effect, Bav noticed a small figure slowly trying to crawl towards them as it coughed blood.

"Leon are you okay? What are you doing here?"

To answer him, Leon pointed with his arm at the Ogre, who was in a state of confusion since his roar had failed to paralyze.

"Please run."

This woke Bav up and the Ogre had finally snapped out of its confusion and started to walk its way towards his prey.

Bav gritted his teeth.

"Everyone we are going to make a run for it. As soon as I blind the Ogre, take Leon and let's escape."

Bav stepped in front of everyone and started to chant. The Ogre now sensing his opponents making a new move had started to run. As the light started to appear from Bav's staff, the Ogre in his stupidity decided that the light was no threat and continued on its path to its prey.

Bav finally finished his spell and as the Ogre closed the distance, a bright light flashed throughout the room and blinded the Ogre.

The tanker of the group lifted Leon onto his shoulder with his face, facing the Ogre, and started to run back into the tunnel of the cave.

As the group started to run, the Ogre in its confusion blindly swung his hammer, to only start hitting and cracking the walls of the room in the Cave.

Before they made it too far, a voice spoke to Leon in a way similar to what he experienced back at the monument.

「Weak one, would you like me to finish off the bastard who would dare touch my wielder?」

Leon's state in mind had left him in an almost vegetative state and he was not in the right mind to question anything.


「As you wish.」

As soon as Leon had given the mysterious voice an answer, the sword on Leon's back flew itself into Leon's hand and started to transfer all the remaining energy Leon had into the sword. As the group started to distance itself from the still blind Ogre, with a mind of its own, the sword guided Leon's hand and swung itself in the room's direction. The slice emitted by the sword appeared like a soft breeze of wind, however, as soon as it hit the walls which were cracked with the blows from the blind Ogre, the wind blew the walls to pieces and the whole cave started to shake. The group had sped up its pace and as they distanced themselves from the sight of the room, all Leon saw was the room collapsing and crushing the Ogre as he blacked out and lost consciousness.