A New Party

The three Adventurer's all looked to Leon with eyes full of curiosity.

Sensing an opportunity to make friends since the painful loss of Max and Dan, Leon addressed the curious people.

"I will tell you on one condition."

The three scooted in closer with an abnormal speed, even the cool-headed Arwin.

Seeing the three people within an arms distance nodding, Leon continued.

"Our first mission as E Tier Adventurers will be spent together as a group."

The three adventurers had no problem agreeing to the condition since they relatively knew all of them were capable fighters.

Leon sighed as he sat down.

"The only reason why I was allowed into The Chosen Guild is that the Guild Master is my father."

All of their eyes went wide with shock and all of them besides Arwin had gotten up to Leon's face by then.


Leon knew he should have phrased his words better and put his hands up.

"You misunderstand, the Guild Master isn't my actual father. He had been my foster parent ever since I was eight. That's why I was able to join the guild even as an F Tier."

The three of them calmed down and wanted to know more. However they had just met, so they decided not to probe further.

Tage ran towards the Arena with a team of healers and stopped when he saw the group of Adventurer's

"Sorry for the delay, unfortunately, the Guild Bureau is backed up with paperwork and is remodeling, so I got a notice for each of you that states you are E Tier Adventurers. You can change your guild card in a week or so when the Guild Bureau reopens, now I must go oversee the healers. "

With that Tage left, leaving the four Adventurers holding the piece of paper.

They also eventually agreed to go together to sign up for a quest, since they did not technically need to go to their own guild halls as long as one party member is a Guild member. However, when Leon asked which guild hall would they meet up at, they all looked at him in fascination. Leon sighed and they started walking. He already knew they wanted to visit his guild hall

Along the way, everyone talked and learned more about each other. Arwin left his Elf village as a preteen. Tecia has horrible compatibility when it comes to weapons, which is why she became a Pugilist. Tomoe actually wasn't always blind, but as a little girl slowly lost her vision.

Soon their talking came to a halt as they neared Leon's Guild Hall, all of Leon's new party members stared in awe at the huge Guild Hall. Although this was a normal sight for Leon, the Guild Hall resembled a huge mansion that even a Duke would be amazed at. As they slowly walked into the building, their jaws almost tried hitting the floor as the huge first floor was bustling with people drinking or simply hanging out with fellow adventurers.

As Leon's group finally reached the front of the line for the job listing, Lucia who had covered for a shift faced Leon with a bit of surprise at the sight of the other three adventurers.

"Oh, who are these young Adventurers Leon?"

Leon replied with a beaming smile.

"New friends and a new party."

Lucia smiled, seeing Leon happy and moving on from Max and Dan. They did the normal routine of handing over the Guild Card, while this happened the other three kept looking around in amazement at the huge and spacious Guild Hall.

Lucia put a list in front of them.

"You can choose any of the jobs/missions below."

As Leon looked over the list, a frown formed on his face.

"Hey Lucia, why are you giving us the F Tier list?"

She turned around to face Leon.

"What do you mean?"

Holding a piece of paper, Leon smiled as the expression on Lucia's face turned into utter shock.

"You actually passed?!"

Leon held up his hands to make a peace sign and smiled. The baffled Lucia quickly took back the F Tier list and gave the group the E Tier list to look at. They were all more interesting than the F Tier ones and even had a lot of fighting involved with them.

After much deliberation and argument, Leon pointed to a job at the top of the list, meaning it was predicted to be the toughest E Tier job.

Lucia looked a little bit shocked at his selection and gave a look of worry.

"Are you sure about that one? Although it is open to E Tiers, it is also available to D Tier adventurers showing the difficulty in the job."

Looking back at the smiles of confidence on his party members' faces, Leon gave a sly grin.

"I think we will manage."

Sighing, Lucia signed them up for the job.

"The job has really no time frame, just try not to come back dead."

After signing up for a job, the four of them said their goodbyes as they set the meeting time in four days and all headed to either rest from the stressful day or prepare for their upcoming job. Leon merely decided to rest in the tavern part of his inn and spent the rest of the day relaxing until the sky turned black.

By the time Leon decided to go back up to his room, the remaining patrons in the bar were all either knocked out or too drunk to move. Leon himself had given himself a couple of ale's in celebration of his advancement after two long years of being stagnate in his progression as an adventurer.

Leon went up to his room and lied down on his bed with Ensis next to him.

'Hey Ensis, what do you think about my party members?'

「Even though you all have just promoted to E Tier. Everyone is generally well-powered considering they were just F Tier. In fact, even though you have all sorts of tricks and even the additional skill points. I must say you might even be the weakest out of the group. They are all quite dangerous, however, I would be especially careful with the girl with the spears and the elf. They are the most dangerous and mysterious out of the group.」

Leon sighed.

'It seems like I still have a long way to go until I am the strongest out of my party. Tch, even now I am still the weakest in my party.'

As he slowly fell asleep, a giant grin could be seen spreading throughout Leon's face.

'Well, I guess it's all worth it, considering soon we will be going to a dungeon.'