Arv Dungeon (5)

Everyone in Leon's party glanced at each other with a slight face of worry on their faces.

They all thought the same thing.

'If the party who cleared the floors of Orcs is in there and they are screaming like that. What the hell are they fighting in there.'

While everyone tried to appear as calm as a cucumber, they were all shaken up a bit. Arwin started to tap his foot unconsciously, Tecia couldn't stand still, Tomoe had a few beads of cold sweat running down her face, and even Leon took a step back. However, Leon knew they must press forward, in fact, they had to help whoever was in there.

The party eventually settled back to a slightly calmer state and Leon looked back at his party mates.

"Are you guys ready?"

Leon had never thought the decision of running away and leaving whoever was in there to die. Even though he had almost died various times, deep in his heart, a flame of a true Adventurer had never been blown out and flickered even through the darkness that surrounded it.

The group nodded and they started to run. Their footsteps echoed throughout the massive chamber and as they started to near the massive door of the dungeon boss, the entire group slowed down progressively until they ended up standing at the entrance.

Even Leon had stopped after a few steps into the room, a bead of sweat ran down his neck.

"What the hell is that?"

In front of the group, a grave and macabre scene greeted the newcomers to the room. The room could only be summoned up by one word, pandemonium. There were too many things happening inside of the room. A body lied on the ground, its body remained intact, yet it did not move. The upper torso of the body had been covered in unknown material covered in blood and its head was missing from its bodies with shreds of the missing head splattered everywhere.

On a far sidewall from the entrance, a body barely moved, with only its minute breaths barely managing to lift its chest. A crater had appeared on the previously invincible wall of the boss room. Next to the body, various stuff could be seen on the ground, they were the rewards of the dungeon.

However the carnage did not end there, a body cut in half so recently that the blood still trickled out of the place where the stomach used to be. The entrails barely poked their heads out as it happened.

Finally, in the middle of a room, a huge figure that towered at a staggering height of three meters stood with two axes in its hands. The figure turned towards the new prey that had entered its territory and instantly Leon knew what it was.

High Orc. A High Orc had many characteristics that made it similar to Orcs, but yet so different. They had the set of tusk sticking out of the bottom of their mouths like regular Orcs, however, they also had one more set of much bigger tusks located right next to the smaller ones. The colors they had were not green, but varied from light orange, like the one in the boss room standing in front of Leon's group, to a devilish red. They generally had well-built bodies of muscles that acted as a natural fortress for their bodies, it had such a high defense the High Orc in front of Leon only wore ripped shorts made from wolf pelts. However Leon only read about High Orcs from monster encyclopedias in the guild, he had never seen one before, however for good reason. The reason being, they were capable of exerting power from a low C-Tier to a low B-Tier and that was just a normal high orc. They were simply too strong for Leon to have seen with his own eyes before, after all, he was merely a recent E Tier Adventurer.

Leon gulped the dry saliva in his mouth and steeled himself for a fight that most Adventurer's his rank would run from. His determination only increased as he saw who the High Orc had been fighting. Panting and sweating profusely the enchanting figure that had mesmerized him the first time stood using her rapier, as a support, that stood out like the beauty of the figure. The rapier itself had a long but petite blade, with a color that matched her smooth silky hair. The hilt of the blade took the form of a crescent moon and it glinted a light akin to the moon as well. Of course, the figure Leon saw was in fact Emilia from the Phantom Guild.

Emilia stood her ground in front of the B Tier monster, with only two people left standing behind her. Leon recognized one of them as a low-ranked C Tier tanker and the other one, who held a staff and a robe, seemed weaker in Leon's eyes.

As Leon was about to alert Emilia of his group's presence, she charged with intense focus at the monster. Her charge had been accompanied by the armored tanker holding a hammer and they both attacked the large muscled beast in front of them. The tanker's hammer rocketed into the High Orc like it had rocket boosters on one side with such a force, the air reverberated near the impact. However, the High Orc merely moved a few centimeters and had a smirk full of blood lust.

Emilia took an approach that utilized her combat style and many cuts appeared on the light orange skin of the High Orc's chest, with such speed and precision it was like watching a surgeon operate with a scalpel. However, the slices merely broke the skin and did not come close to penetrating the thick muscles that surrounded the High Orc.

This time the High Orc attacked with a smile of enjoyment. It pivoted too fast for someone of its size and used the momentum to slash the tanker's shield, the force dented the iron shield immensely like it was a piece of junk metal. The tanker himself was pushed back meters and the High Orc moved its attention to a much more annoying person of the duo that had dared attack him. Moving three times faster than any being of its size should, it swung its axe down with the attention of cutting the beautiful human lady in front of it in half. Emilia barely managed to stride back out of the range of the attack.

Before the High Orc could attack Emilia again, three fireballs with a diameter of one foot flew through the air like a dart towards the High Orc. The High Orc could have merely dodged two of them with its speed, but it merely stood there to welcome all three fireballs. The fireballs created an explosion that would kill most D Tier monsters just from the impact alone, not even taking into account the intense heat that is emitted. The mage who shot them with his staff grinned as his attacks connected.

Emilia got up and shouted.

"Watch out, He's ri-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the mage noticed his vision spinning in circles like he was being rolled around in a barrel. By the time, he noticed that his head had left its place on his body, a loud thump could be heard as his decapitated head hit the floor.

The High Orc licked the blood off the axe it used to kill the mage and let out a bone-chilling laugh that was so loud it echoed throughout the entire chamber.