Arv Dungeon (6)

The sight horrified all who were left alive in the room. A D Tier mage had died so easily, the High Orc merely took the effort as if he was sneezing to kill them. It was nothing more than the simple effort of breathing for them, however, Leon knew he had to make a move soon.

Leon held Ensis with both hands.

'Ensis what do you think our odds are and about the whole situation?'

「I think the situation will most likely be fatal. Your odds are pretty much zero from what I know, even if we use the trump card. The only hope you have is the tanker and the girl you find beautiful, you can only win if they have something up their sleeve.」

Leon tried to deny what Ensis said, even though Ensis could read his mind and thoughts.

'H-Hey, I so do not find her beautiful'

Ensis continued while ignoring Leon with a bit of a smirk.

「I would normally advise my wielder to retreat in this instance, however, I already know your heart and thoughts. It seems you will most likely die here after all with your ideas.」

Leon could have easily run away with his group while using the Phantom Guild's group as a stall for time. However due to Leon's nature/passion for Adventure, Leon did not do it, also his heart would not let him abandon the lady in front of him.

Gritting his teeth, Leon dashed towards the High Orc.

"Let's help them, stall for time until I can try to figure it out with the two survivors."

Although each of the party members was hesitant at first due to the sight they had just witnessed, the moment Leon said those words, none of them hesitated. They all moved to stall for time.

Arwin fired his arrows that left the leafy trail and it flew straight into the High Orcs chest, however, they merely fell off after half a second. The arrows life small paper cut like marks on the High Orc's pecs. Despite his minimal success, Arwin decided to keep shooting until he ran out of arrows just to buy those precious seconds for Leon.

To back his arrows up, Tecia had already positioned herself below the High Orc's field of vision. She had pre-charged an iron blow when she ran over and used her full power. Her gauntlet covered first struck the front of the High Orc, hitting an ab and a pec. The blow left a slight discoloring on the High Orcs skin, but it merely stood there amused with his preys futile strike. Meanwhile, the blow had cracked the gauntlet that generated a loud crack, the crack was not just the gauntlet. Blood flowed on like a steady stream from the cracked gauntlet of Tecia's right hand, the blow had most likely broken her hand.

As Tecia writhed in pain and could only hold herself to a knee on the ground, the High Orc finally decided to kill this human and swung down from just above his head with his axe. Tecia could only look in horror as she clutched her right hand, as the axe hurtled down. Just as the axe was a few feet away from Tecia, two black spears made an x shape and blocked the blow. However the blow had been so strong, Tomoe's attempt to block had almost failed as her spears lay shaking just a few inches away from Tecia's head. With her shoulder muscles instantly being strained, she turned to her most potent attack she could muster in this situation.

Tomoe used wisp of thunder twice for both of her spears and shot them at the same spot of where the heart should be for the High Orc if one went by standard human anatomy. The thunder left a small black mark on the chest of the High Orc. While the attack didn't cause any significant damage or any lasting damage for that matter, the High Orc found the attack causing him slight discomfort to be quite annoying. So he decided to use his left hand which he had not used to attack the first time to break Tomoe's block and kill both the humans in front of him in one swing. Tomoe could only sense horror as the swing happened. But loud footsteps could be heard throughout the space, the surviving tanker put up his shield just in time to absorb the blow from the axe. With this hit, the shield he held looked more like a crumpled aluminum can that had been thrown on the street. The raw inertia the axe blow held pushed the tanker covered in armor into the two ladies and the action flung them both back a couple of meters towards the wall of the chamber.

While this all happened, Leon ran over to Emilia who regained her composure after seeing her party members getting killed one by one. The fact that she the party leader, was still alive, but her subordinates weren't simply showed she had failed.

Leon merely held a hand for Emilia.

"Are you okay?"

Emilia recognized the yellow-haired adventurer that greeted her and remembered the time they had met eyes outside the arena.

"Yes, I am fine. How are you here, I thought you were an F Tier?"

He stood up proudly and pointed his thumb towards himself.

"I recently moved up a tier and am waiting for the official card change."

Emilia nodded at this fact, however, Leon went straight to his original goal.

"What is your plan for beating that beast of a monster?"

As if she knew what he was going to ask, Emilia replied without hesitation.

"If you can stall for a whole minute, I think I can possibly kill the thing or at least injure it. However, I can make no promises."

Leon nodded, knowing he would take any sort of hope at this point.

"I can try to buy you that time with my party and myself. Please do whatever you need to do, to kill that blood-thirsty Orc."

They both nodded at each other, their eyes stared deep into each other for a solid second. It was as if they were trying to read into the other person's soul in this dire situation. However Leon stood up as he saw Emilia starting to move, he grabbed Ensis and formulated a slight plan to stall with his trump card and skills.

Seeing how his party had almost just been wiped out if it weren't for the tanker left in Emilia's party, Leon knew he needed to divert the High Orc's attention so that everyone else left could regroup and fight.

Leon held Ensis with the blade pointing at the High Orc in a way to attract the monster, for an effect similar to a moth being drawn to a flame.

"I didn't know High Orcs were such cowards, with no real strength."

While Leon's passive skill was not at the level that his words were translated, the High Orc could sense the insult just from Leon's tone and stance. It would not tolerate such things especially from something as weak as a human, it gave a blood-curling war cry and started its charge towards Leon.