Arv Dungeon (8)

The recovered adventurers put all their weapons to help block the attack threatening Leon's life.


Both of Tomoe's spears, Tecia's remaining gauntlet, the tanker's hammer, and even Arwin's knife all intercepted the axe arcing down towards Leon's skull. Even with the combined strength of the four people combined with Ensis and Leon, the axe's momentum did not stop completely and the axe remained just inches from the sweat at the top of Leon's forehead.

As the High Orc was about to swing his remaining axe down to finish the group, he completely forgot about the dangerous energy, until it was too late.

Emilia's blade finally had become so bright it was like an intense flashlight. She started to run forward with all her strength, each step shook the floor of the room. The High Orc only had one choice and it was to fight the incoming enemy.

He instantly disengaged off the group of adventurers so fast that the others could not catch up or react. However, Leon managed to stay near the High Orc as he carried what remained of the tanker's shield, the moment finally neared.

Emilia held her shining rapier in the air and made a stabbing motion as she lunged towards the High Orc. The High Orc meanwhile swung both his axes in a horizontal motion like he had just swung a baseball bat.

The impact made no loud noise, but a soft squish of flesh being penetrated. Falling to his knees, the High Orc looked down to where a rapier had penetrated past his dense muscles and into his heart.

The previous wound left by the weaker human with the dangerous sword had been used combined with Emilia's strongest blow and it managed to pierce the High Orc's heart.

Emilia held her rapier tightly with both hands, as she was trying to get her blade out of the High Orc. In one last desperate attempt, the High Orc hoped to take out the one who had managed to deliver a fatal blow to it.

Shoving the blade deeper into his body, he walked towards Emilia to sweep across with his axes. Although the blood flowed out like a faucet from the wound, the weakened swing still contained a lethal amount of strength to the vulnerable Emilia.

However, Leon appeared in front of Emilia and used the already deformed shield and Ensis to block the swing. The shield only lasted a second and finally had been destroyed beyond use, but it had been enough to block the swing combined with the innate toughness Ensis had.

While the blow may not have cut the two adventurers in half, the force still launched both of them into the jet-black wall of the boss room.

The two landed on the wall in two different places close to each other, the wall cracked from the sheer momentum the two bodies came flying at.

The loud crash made the adventurers farther, near the center of the room worry quite a bit. However as the dust settled, Emilia was sitting in a Japanese way.

The blow had injured her slightly with some bruises and a bit of blood coming from her mouth, however, her strength as an upper C Tier adventurer combined with her high stats and levels made it so that she did not pass out or sustain major damage.

Leon on the other hand had it a lot worse.

The impact made his mind hazy and caused confusion as he could feel the black hands of the void slowly reaching for his consciousness.

The only thing he could remember was a soft, serene sensation as he lost consciousness when his body fell down to the ground. Leon's health was not too shabby, but he did not have the resistance or strength to take the blow and stay conscious.

His eyes fluttered open, Leon looked around wondering where he was and what happened. As he tried to get up, he let out a loud moan as his back ached like he was being stabbed with dozens of knives when he tried to sit up in the bed he laid in.

A familiar female voice full of annoyance spoke.

"Are you trying to make your injury worse?"

Leon already recognized the annoying voice of Lucia and turned his head to see the face of annoyance on Lucia's face.

A loud deep voice rumbled just outside the door of the room he was in.

"Did he finally awake? What good news!"

Guild Master Erik walked in and had to shrink his height down considerably, as to not hit the door frame on the way into the room.

Leon could not remember what had happened after he took the blow from the High Orc to save Emilia and asked with curiosity.

"Erik, what exactly happened and where am I?"

Giving a hearty laugh, Guild Master Erik responded.

"You are in the Guild Hall of course, where else could you be. As for what happened."

Guild Master Erik ran through everything he knew from the official reports and some questions he asked the survivors of the dungeon.

Leon merely soaked up and pieced image by image of what happened. Apparently, Leon had been knocked out and in critical condition when he blocked the High Orc's blow, the parties retrieved everything as fast as they could and headed back to Verin at full sprint for a healer to treat Leon's injuries. Holding a stoic face throughout, Leon merely nodded.

Seeing the indifferent face, Guild Master Erik gave a sly smirk and added one last thing.

"I forgot about a crucial detail that I left out. Apparently, someone drooled as he was knocked out on the lap of a certain silver-haired warrior from the Phantom guild, it was said this happened as he hit the wall and passed out."

Upon hearing this, Leon's brain took a second to register that he was the person drooling and the lap he drooled on was Emilia's! Leon turned as red as an apple and merely shouted for everyone to leave the room. Guild Master Erik and Lucia both started to leave, as Lucia walked out of the room.

Guild Master Erik said one remark before closing the door very tightly and locking the door.

"By the way, since you are injured again, I am not allowing you to Adventure until you are healed. Once again a healer will heal you and this time from our guild. I will be watching you carefully, so no funny business or you will finally get to see me use my powers."

The door shut closed and a click could be heard as the gears in the lock turned. Leon's face described a face of horrid.

He knew he would have to be stuck in a room again to heal.

"Goddammit, I just got to start Adventuring again! This is a scam!"