The Governor

The inner part of Orsini was like a fairy tale. Almost every building standing was made of high-quality marble and some even had what looked like gold streaks within the marble.

Leon tried to regain his composure.

"Wha.....what is this place?"

Erik who had been mostly silent and uninterested gave a light pat on the back for Leon, which almost knocked the wind out of him.

"Haha. I forgot this was your first time in a city as grand and big as Orsini. This here Leon is what wealth and power look like."

After finally being able to close his jaw shut, Leon did a whole 360 of the rich and amazing surroundings.

"I have a question."

Erik gave a grin.

"Go right ahead, I'll answer to the best of my ability."

After some thought, Leon continued.

"Is the capital city Pelv like this too? Are the buildings as grand and numerous like here?"

Erik put his hand on his temple in thought.

"Hmmm, it has been quite a while since I have been to the capital city. However if my memory doesn't fail me, the capital city is exactly like this and even bigger and grander. It is something that you couldn't believe or imagine without seeing. One day I will take you to visit, however, we have a more urgent job."

Erik finished while pointing at the cart with the bandit leader and the goods from Verin. Leon nodded and they continued their journey. By the time they reached the inner city, the sun had started to hide behind the vast land of the kingdom and the lanterns on the streets were lit with a bright, mellow fire. Unlike Verin even when the day started to near its end for the moon to make its appearance, the inner part of Orsini barely felt a difference in traffic and the inner part of the city was still bustling with the soon-to-be nightlife. However the inner city was not as packed as the other parts of Orsini, this made it so that Leon and the group had personal space and did not have to push through the streets forcefully.

Even though their job was important, the group still made slow progress as Leon purposefully walked slowly so he could analyze and admire the inner part of Orsini. He did not stop however since he knew he could always come back to take a full-on look.

The group proceeded through the streets with no interference or obstacles with only the horse's occasional whinnies. The smooth road made of something similar to modern-day cement made loud noises as the horse's hooves clashed with the material, however, all was peaceful. Even the other people around them did not bat an eyelash, since if they were here it meant they were all wealthy or important people and people like Leon being escorted was daily life.

Having slowly strolled throughout the city for almost an hour, they eventually reached the center square which had a huge water fountain with a statue of an important-looking man holding a book and quill with an almost top hat sort of hat on the top of his head. The statue looked like it was solely focused on writing in its book and wore a bunch of luxurious silks and even had a huge bag of gold on its belt.

Many people were chatting or simply enjoying the fresh air inside the square and most sat on the various polished oak wood benches stationed in various places in the open square. Coming to a halt, the wagon stopped outside an important-looking building that looked like the Parthenon of ancient Greece with a roof that over hanged the building that took up half a square mile of the square, with many floors.

One of the guards turned to the group.

"Welcome to the administrative building of Orsini. Someone should be waiting in there for you since we have safely delivered you to the destination. We shall now take out leave and return back to the outer walls. I wish you an enjoyable and joyous stay here. Welcome to Orsini."

With this, the four guards which had spent almost the entire day with Leon and the group proceeded to jog in perfect unison back in the direction they came from.

Leon thought to himself.

'Huh, they really are professionals. They even jog in unison.'

「It truly is quite remarkable. I must say even those wall guards were quite strong. It would be safe to say they are elites.」

Leon gave Ensis a mind nod and he followed Erik, who was walking the wagon to a mini stable outside the building.

Looking skeptical at the many steps of the administrative building, Leon asked Erik.

"Hey, Erik how are we supposed to give the stuff, if there are stairs?"

Erik had just finished tying the horses to a large stall with hay and water.

"Well, normally you would get someone to take in the goods as you go up to report it. However..."

With just his bare hands, Erik unscrewed the wheels of the wagon and picked up the whole thing, filled with gold, scrolls, and an obedient bandit leader, and put it on his shoulder.

"I find this to be a lot easier."

Leon looked at the scene with amazement.

"Is this allowed?"

Starting to head towards the stairs to the entrance of the building, Erik merely laughed.

"I'm sure we won't get into too much trouble."

Bewildered, Leon could only run after the giant man carrying the wagon up the dozens of stairs of the building.

After climbing dozens of stairs, Leon and Erik reached the top of the stairs and the entrance to the building. The entrance to the administrative building was quite a sight to behold. The door stood at an impressive 15 meters and was made of dark steel with numerous carvings inscribed on every part of the door. Leon did not get the opportunity to inspect it any further, since Erik just walked right into the building.

The people inside of the building looked in amazement as muscular Erik, who normally stood at 2.3 meters, walked into the building with a wagon's cargo on one of his hands.

Everyone who saw the scene had many thoughts.

'Who is the giant of a man?'

'Why does this man have a wagon in one hand?'

'Have the guards started letting giant's into the city?'

'Who exactly is he?'

All of the spectators were bewildered. However what happened next almost made everyone present faint and their jaws touch the shiny, spotless golden marble floor. A man was moving at a pace just a hair faster than a walk towards Erik and Leon. He looked rather important looking, standing at a rather tall height compared to other people nearing 185 cm. The man had a middle eastern looking headscarf made of olive-colored silk with gold intricately sown in, which he had wrapped on his head that left only a couple of clumps of light orange hair sticking out. The clothes the approaching man approached were even grander. He had a piece of clothing that looked like a toga combined with a suit and the colors were white, olive green, and actual gold. He wore pointy dress shoes and was slim looking, yet well built with small, powerful muscles. The approaching man had a giant book in his hand and a pair of beautiful ladies following close behind, who wore something akin to a secretaries clothing.

Everyone who didn't pass out from shock could only think one thing.

'Why is the Governor of Orsini, a man who barely resurfaces out of his office, coming out to personally greet those two people?'