Erik's Friend

The Governor kept his pace towards Leon and Erik with a professional and rhythmic stride, until he was an arm's length away from Erik. Weighing down the air, the tension felt like everyone was wearing heavy packs on their back. The two of them stared at the other in their eyes like a game of chicken. Everyone was worried about the resulting outcome of the tense situation until something unexpected happened.

On the verge of tears after five minutes of staring at Erik, the Governor finally blinked and facepalmed.

"AH! Damn it! You are so lucky Erik! I had you on that one, then a speck of dust flew into my eye. That was an unfair game, in fact, I demand a rematch!"

Erik doubled over in laughter.

"Hahaha, you are still no match for me Sava. I see you are still dreaming about beating me as well, tch shouldn't you know better? What's the score now? I believe it's closing in on 500 wins and 0 losses for me. Maybe it actually might be 500..."

All the people in the building almost exclaimed at the same time. They were all confused about how this stranger managed to lure the Governor out of his office and how the stranger is even calling him by his first name.

Meanwhile, Leon on the other hand had no clue who 'Sava' was or even who the man that approached them could be. All Leon could draw was that the man had an important position and his Guild Master seemed to be on friendly terms with the stranger.

Meanwhile, Sava almost lost his mind.

"Woah there! I know you still look like you are in your late 20's, but old age must have you going senile Erik. I believe the score is actually 483 losses and 0 wins for myself."

Erik finally regained some composure.

"Don't be hating on my looks, just because I age slower than you because I actually reached A Tier unlike you doesn't mean you have to be so negative."

Pouting, Sava puffed out his cheeks in annoyance.

"Hmph while that may be true, if you look at our positions and titles I think it balances the scale-out. Just because I only ever made it to the top of B Tier and how the slight difference in power makes me age faster than you, doesn't mean I lose. In fact, I might even win."

Erik laughed so hard that he almost collapsed.

"Hahaha, even if you account for that. Since my power reaches A Tier rather than your measly B Tier, in 10 years you are gonna age a significant amount and I will have barely reached my mid 30's look wise. Such is the gift of power."

Crossing his arms, Sava turned around and started walking back the way he came from.

"Hmph, you and your aging. Don't forget that I had the potential of A Tier too, I just never officially got there. Just because you have a bit more power and it makes you age less than me, doesn't mean anything. You are just merely a battle junky, with a little bit of power that slowed your aging."

Erik started to walk side by side with Sava, while dragging along Leon behind them with one arm.

"Haha, still butthurt about how I age slower I see."

As the three of them walked towards the inner part of the building, everyone else could barely close their jaws. Some people even had to lean on something else to support themselves from falling out of pure shock. Even Sava's secretaries, who were professionals and never seemed to display emotion, looked at each other with their eyes wide open, and after snapping a bit out of the surprise and bewilderment did they follow the group.

With Erik's overwhelming strength, Leon could only let himself be dragged, as he attempted to free himself but eventually just sighed. However as they were walking, Leon was constantly in surprise at the sights in the inner part of the administration building. The further they walked, the fewer the people that could be seen. Leon even managed to see a giant vault open with people with books counting and writing everything up, however, what almost made Leon faint was what was in the vault. While there was a lot of paperwork inside the vault, the sheer amount of gold inside the building could be enough to start a small country.

After continuing to walk for a decent amount of time and passing various things, the group eventually walked past a dozen guards holding fancy, powerful-looking spears and weapons. They were even in fancy red armor with a symbol carved out onto the helmet and chest plate, that looked like two knights crossing their swords. The group eventually walked into a luxurious office that was bigger than an apartment. Leon had so many questions that he could fill out a list.

Sava eventually settled on his comfy leather chair and faced Erik.

"Erik, I have been meaning to ask, but who is that young man you have been dragging around?"

While sitting down, Erik laughed.

"Ah, I forgot you haven't seen Leon since he was a child. This here is Leon, he's the son of Anna and Demetri remember?"

Sava starts coughing up the wine he was drinking.

"HUH?! That's Anna's and Demetri's son?"

Erik merely nodded, and Sava cleared his throat.

"So I see they left him to you."

Sava swiveled in his chair and turned towards Leon.

"Leon right? It's nice to meet you. You probably don't remember me, but it's understandable. The last time I saw you were right before the.... uh unfortunate accident with your parents. You were barely even 5, so it's alright. Hmmm, I should probably introduce myself first."

Leon remembered his parents quite well for his age and it was one of the reasons he became an adventurer, so naturally, he was intrigued.

Sava continued.

"My name is Sava Teke, the Governor of Orsini."