The Medici Family

Leon almost fell to the ground.

"One of the biggest trading families in Orisini? Wait no…. the country?

Leon could barely comprehend a family to that scale and to think he just saved the son of one of the greatest merchants in Partha. It was so shocking to Leon that his mind was still dazed while thinking about the prospect.

Amancio started to rub his hand on the back of his head in an awkward manner.

"Yeah, that's the Medici's. Although, this might be the first time I have met someone who didn't know my family's name, so that's something refreshing today. Well, maybe not as refreshing as almost dying to kidnappers, but yeah."

Amancio started to walk along the road and gestured for Erik and Leon to follow him.

"It's getting late, so I must return home. Why don't you fine gentlemen come back with me? You obviously look new to Orisini and I must pay you back for saving me, so why not come stay with my family and me?"

Leon was still dazed and recovering from attempting to process all the information that he was just handed now, thus he simply stood there not uttering a sound or twitching a finger.

Erik on the other hand was a little hesitant.

"Are you sure, Amancio? Saving you was something any good samaritan would have done and I know a couple of hotels in Orsini."

Amancio still kept walking.

"I insist. If I didn't do at least this much, my family's reputation would drop from the sky and into the earth. Who would want to save my family in the future, if my family doesn't at least pay back our saviors? Also please call me Aman, after all, we are no longer complete strangers and more on the edge of friends"

Aman paused and looked around him for a second.

"Oh yeah, before you follow me. Could you do one more act of kindness and bring along my unconscious bodyguard. Also, I don't think I ever caught your names?"

Aman then continued walking, not even needing to hear the reply or acceptance of Erik or Leon in following him. He walked with complete confidence and an air of wisdom.

Erik sighed.

"To think that the heir to the Medici family already has this sort of characteristics, truly the son of a famous merchant. Come on Leon, let's take his act of kindness. Also the names Erik and the kid with his mouth open is Leon."

Although Erik was very cautious, he truly had the attitude and knowledge of a high ranker. He knew if he declined the Medici family would lose a lot of reputation and it might even sour this potential friendship, so he had no choice but to accept.

Erik hoisted the normally big, unconscious bodyguard over his shoulder. Although, the bodyguard looked like a small teenager being carried by the tall Erik, who had unknowingly shrunk down from his bigger size since the battle, but still stood tall at 2.3 meters.

Dragging Leon who had somewhat recovered by now, he set off on the barely lit road as he followed Aman. However, even with the knowledgeable and cautious Erik, he would have never have given Leon's barely visible shadow a second glance, which had already distorted to no longer the shape of Leon but a chaotic blob.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, the three finally seemed to arrive at their destination. Along the way Leon recovered from the shock and walked normally without having to be dragged by Erik, however, he almost went dazed again as he saw where Aman had walked into.

In front of Leon was a huge mansion with large walls and guard towers, many guards with weapons and uniforms with a patch on the chest of a gold shield with five red balls and one blue ball on the gold shield. They patrolled along the walls that covered a huge piece of land, even in a stronghold the size of Orsini. The walls were made of sandstone brick with a huge carving of the symbol with the gold shield with the five red balls and one blue ball on each wall. In the wall facing the road, a huge metal gate stood with an extra chain-link gate on the outside adding another layer of defense.

Leon paused for a second in awe of something that resembled a mini castle, before Erik, who never stopped walking or seemed too amazed, grabbed him and dragged him along.

However, Leon never said anything because he saw the outside of the mansion. There were lots of greenery and gardens that were scattered throughout the property with guards standing in various places keeping watch. There was even a huge pond that was edging onto the status of a small lake, filled with many fishes and sea creatures that wandered the pond.

Leon also noted the many statues of different people who all looked like important Merchants in front of the front side of the huge mansions, with each statue having plaques with dates and names all ending with Medici.

As he drew closer to the front door of the actual mansion itself, Leon took note of the whole thing. The Mansion was designed marvelously almost like a chapel from a church, with lots of polished sandstone bricks. However the sandstone bricks weren't the normal color, but actually almost the same color as white marble. The house itself was bigger than the entirety of his guild in Verin, which was one of the top guilds. That itself Leon found to be crazy, to think a house could be bigger than The Chosen's entire guild hall and property and it was just for one family.

Aman finally reached the front door and the eight guards stationed there saw him and had looks of bewilderment as they saw Aman.

One of the guards, who looked like the leader of the eight guards since he had a star near his patch, ran up to Aman.

"Young master! You are back! The master almost had a heart attack in a fit of worry when you were late and your bodyguard hadn't checked in."

As he said this, he saw Erik carrying the still unconscious bodyguard and Leon who was walking just slightly behind Erik, and looked questionably towards Aman.

"Young Master, just who might these two fine gentlemen be?"

Aman looked back towards Erik and Leon.

"They are the people who saved me and must be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. Also, bring my bodyguard to the infirmary and alert my father I have returned.

The leader of the guards walked towards the front door and with four of them, opened the heavy-looking metal door.

"Please come in, Young Master and saviors. We will quickly take your bodyguard, but you must go in, your father is already waiting for you."

Aman signaled for Erik to drop the bodyguard and follow him, so the three entered the huge mansion.