Siege of the Medici Family (2)

Leon's worries were not unfounded for what would come next would shock everyone present.

Out of the black sphere came more people in black robes, there were now a total of 18 enemies present on the wall, each looking and attacking the barrier only to be denied breaking it.

However, all of them suddenly backed away from the wall, two people came through the barrier suddenly in a confident and cocky stride. They looked different from the other as the other people's symbols had arrows colored white, however, the two newcomers had their symbols colored silver.

These newcomers exuded a presence of power similar to ones found on powerful individuals like Susan or Erik, surely they had powers similar to adventurers at least in the B-Tier.

One of them walked up to the barrier and gave it an inspection and had a little chuckle and nodded, he had a deep voice.

"Although, it's quite sturdy. It's very doable."

The other one calmly waited for the other man to return.

"No wonder they sent us for this mission, to think they would stay in Medici family estate and to think the Medici has such a barrier. However unfortunately for them, it seems this barrier can only keep the lowest of maybe B-Tier adventurers out."

The man with the deeper voice stood next to the calm cloaked man.

"Well, thankfully we are a little bit more powerful than that."

When everyone on the inside of the barrier heard that, a lot of the guards turned as white as a sheet of paper. Everyone but the commanders of the guards already would not be able to take the other cloaked figures one on one, so they had planned to fight in a group. This was viable as the weaker the person was, the easier it was for numbers to overcome the power difference. However once a person entered the C-Tier, the difference in powers within the Tier itself was huge, where it would possibly take a group of the lowest C-Tier Adventurers just to hold their ground against a person at only the high spectrum of the tier and not even the apex.

One could only imagine what would happen if E-Tier or D-Tier level guards had to fight against a B-Tier level enemy, what would wait for them would only be a massacre.

Even Susan was slightly shaking at the statement, for if they could really break the barrier which even she could not do. Both she and the other commander might not be enough to even hold back one of the two new cloaked enemies.

Suddenly the two cloaked people put their hands next to each other and whispered something that only Erik could hear, with his enhanced hearing.

A sinister aura started radiating like sunshine from their bodies and was so intense it seemed to be clashing with the barrier itself. Suddenly from between their hands, a series of dark projectiles rained up and rocketed into the barrier.

The barrier started to defend against the barrage of dark missiles, however, with each missile a heartbreaking cracking sound started to ring in all the guard's ears.

Some of the spears that the guards were holding were visibly trembling from fear.

More cracks started to appear on the barrier like a never-ending spider web. Until suddenly a deafening sound erupted from everywhere and the barrier completely shattered with the pieces disappearing like they never existed.

Everyone but Erik was surprised and their jaws, if possible, wanted to hit the ground.

The moment the barrier collapsed both sides took action.

The two cloaked men rushed forward.

"Remember, whoever gets to the target is not allowed to kill or beat to the verge of death only injuring until they are knocked out is allowed."

Erik naturally thought the pair were referring to Aman, seeing as he would most likely be the target and commanded.

"Guards rally up to protect your young master! Fight as a group, as for the two leading the charge. Us 3 shall take care of it."

Although they were frightened, the guards were all incredibly loyal to the Medici family, as the Medici's have in most cases brought their lives and the lives of their families and loved ones from suffering to prospering.

They charged in as a group and entered combat with the 18 black-clothed enemies who were weaker than the other two.

The guards purposely avoided the two strong enemies, knowing it would do nothing but thin their numbers from the fights that were barely manageable for them as a huge collective.

This gave the two enemies a path straight through the guards.

Erik strapped the bag he had on him to his body and proceeded to stretch his upper body with the occasional pops sounding from the amount of muscle he had.

"I'll take one and you two will have to take the other one. Can you manage?"

Although Susan didn't know how strong Erik was, all she could sense was that he was stronger than both herself and the other commander, so she nodded.

"We will try our best, remember to not let the young master get involved."

The two took out swords, which were both their preferred weapons, and charged forward to meet the incredibly calm cloaked man

Erik cracked his knuckles and looked towards the black-clothed man with the deep voice.

"Leon stay with Aman. Don't fight unless necessary. I know you have gotten stronger, but this battle is something that you have very little power in, just try to keep Aman safe."

Before Leon could say anything, Erik had already tensed his muscles and blasted off with a staggering speed.

Arcing back his huge fist, Erik launched it straight towards the man, however even with the momentum the man had when meeting Erik he slid underneath the tree trunk of an arm and managed to separate himself to create distance.

Suddenly he took out two metal daggers that exuded an aura of sharpness, by the time Leon had turned himself to face the man. The enemy had already closed the distance between them and used both his daggers in a move that would normally cut off a person's arm where his arm started from his shoulder.

To the man's surprise, his knives felt like they were attempting to cut through refined steel as the daggers only managed to make negligible small cuts on Erik's huge shoulder.

After seeing this, the man used what he thought was his advantage and utilized his speed to create distance between him and Erik.

"You are no normal foe, I see."

The man licked his dagger, which although didn't do any real damage to Erik still had a drop of his blood on it.

"That won't stop me from showing you what agony and defeat are like."