Siege of the Medici Family (3)

Seeing the man's action, Erik was slightly disgusted, however, he had experienced so much in his life and inquired.

"Young man, how old are you?"

Although the man looked to be in his late 20's, due to his power being past the bottom of B-Tier at around the middle, at that point his aging would be slowed slightly and smirked.

"I'm already 38. I don't think you should be calling me young, you don't look to be older than myself."

Erik then laughed.

"I'm sure you are quite aware, once your power is into the middle of B-Tier your aging will start slowing. However the more power you gain the more your body slowly ages, meaning the more power you have, the longer you live."

The cloaked man did not think much of Erik thinking he was around his level based on the sturdiness of his body. Like a fool, he thought Erik was a tanker and focused only on his defense with no real attack prowess, however, with his trained cautiousness he still circled Erik from a distance.

While still circling, the cloaked man made a remark

"You think I'm afraid of you? Do you think I haven't realized you are in the middle of B-Tier and a tanker? With no offensive capabilities, although you are quite hard it is only a matter of time before you fall."

Erik had to clutch his huge upper body to stop himself from falling as his laughs echoed throughout the field.

"Young man, you are as far from the truth as you can be. Although my body is indeed quite hard, I'm actually not a tanker, but a total brawler. My main focus is power and attack."

For the first time, a visual change occurred in the cloaked man as he hesitated for a second.

Erik continued as he bent his knees and hinged at the waist, with his shoulder and knees aligned with one foot forward.

"It's understandable to not know who I am considering you are a bit young and don't seem to be from around here, but I am turning, what, 71 this year?"

The cloaked man almost dropped his knife from shock and fear, with the fear of death looming over him he brought out his trump card and used dark magic to coat his knife and body in a dark cloak.

"I-Impossible! You are lying! That's not possible, because if you are really 71 and looking this young. You must be…."

Erik stood in his stance not moving a millimeter and started to visibly grow as he became bigger. Originally standing at 230cm (7'7 ft), Erik could still be described as incredibly tall and big, however, at this point in time, he could only be described as a giant. His body had now reached the height of 252cm (8'3ft), plus the fact that he originally had the body of a professional bodybuilder and the fact that his muscles grew along with his body.

Shouting with full ferocity, Erik grunted with a deep voice.

"Although you are better than that poor old man with ice magic, you are still no match for me. A-Tier adventurer, nickname the Giant of Partha."

From the cloaked man's point of view, Erik seemed like a mountain or even a monster that exuded an aura full of blood lust that surrounded him like water around a fish, which complimented his skin which had a slight complexion of red. His words only dealt the finishing blow to the cloaked man, who already felt as if the fast waves of blood lust rolling off of Erik was pushing him back.

At this point, the cloaked man had lost all rationality in the face of Erik and attempted to run. With all his strength, he pushed off and attempted to run

However, the moment he even twitched, Erik's silhouette was nowhere to be seen from his original position and he was already facing the cloaked man from where he was going to escape.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Taking his arm, which wrapped easily around the man's body, Erik lifted the poor fellow up with one arm and performed one of his finishing moves, the pile driver.

Erik put the man's body between his legs and roared as he jumped his height into the air. The moment he reached the peak of his jump, gravity pushed him down, and they both started falling.

The cloaked man used all his strength to attempt to escape to the point where his bones started to crack, however, the man never had a chance the moment Erik grabbed him. What he didn't know was the fact that Erik was also famous for his size, but also another fact. The moment Erik grabbed an opponent even if he was the same power level as himself, no one would be able to escape his grasp let alone a measly mid-B-Tier opponent.

The moment the falling giant known as Erik touched down on the ground, dead on the ground was the cloaked man whose head had exploded from the weight of Erik's weight and gravity pushing down onto his head as it met the ground, with the protective dark magic surrounding his body instantly crumbling.

Blood was splattered all over the ground as there was a huge head-sized hole inside the stone-tiled floor filled with blood and flesh.

Erik picked himself off the ground patting his legs for dust, as he looked around the battlefield.

On the outskirts, a bunch of fighting had broken up with the close to 150 guards varying in power. They had started fighting with the eighteen cloaked men, with the battle in a stalemate. Two cloaked men had died from various stab wounds, however, 14 guards had died with eight severely injured and unable to continue fighting.

What really caught Erik's attention was the fight between the two commanders and the other strong cloaked man.

The male commander had already sustained a very long and deep wound from the cloaked man's rapier and was collapsed on the wall barely breathing.

Susan was not as injured, but not looking that much better. It seemed she had a huge slash on her shoulder, which was bleeding constantly and two of her fingers on the other hand seemed to be broken.

However, the three of them had stopped fighting, as the two commanders decided to rest the moment the cloaked man stopped attacking not even paying attention to why. The cloaked man had already taken a step back as he stared in horror at this fellow comrade whose body was stuck in a hole with his head crushed into soup full of blood and flesh.