Siege of the Medici Family (5)

While all of this was going on, Erik and the other guards were still chasing the remaining cloaked enemies to the edge of the black sphere.

Erik had managed to use his great speed even though, he had already returned to his normal height.

Holding a cloaked enemy by the scruff of his shirt, Erik smiled.

"Hahaha, I finally caught one of you scum."

Suddenly the man who was still held by Erik made a sudden movement and bit down on something in his own mouth that made a loud crunching noise, while barely muttering something.

"For-for the c-cause."

Even Erik himself was surprised by the sudden action. Erik had experienced many things and something similar was not uncommon, however, usually, only spies or agents who had absolute loyalty for their country were willing to end their own life.

Erik never expected the assaulters to have such loyalty and dedication to whatever they were trying to accomplish.

With that in mind, he sighed and released his grip as the cloaked man's body plopped onto the ground and laid there motionless.

"Hmph, to think these scum had such loyalty and dedication. Why haven't I heard of these people before….."

All the guards were out of breath around Erik, from trying to catch up to Erik as he ran forward. Even Susan was out of breath due to running at extreme speeds while being injured.

With this in mind, none of them had seen what had happened behind them regarding the 'dead' guard coming back to life and attacking Leon and Aman. Erik on the other hand knew exactly what had happened, but was confident that Leon would not be able to lose. Therefore he chose to continue to pursue in an attempt to catch one.

However, with this as a failure, Erik slow jogged over to Leon and Aman who were both kneeling over the dead guard who had tried to attack him.

Erik gave Leon the lightest pat on the back as he could, which still felt heavy to Leon.

"It's alright Leon. I saw everything that happened, don't worry no one will even dislike you. In fact, to anyone else knowledge, you saved Aman and yourself from someone who is 'stronger' than yourself from an outsider's point of view."

Leon whispered, not even turning to meet Erik who was standing over the two on the ground like a mountain.

"What happened to the cloaked men."

Erik looked annoyed.

"Tch, they managed to all ran and I thought it would be fine with the one I captured. But to think he would end his own life with poison, at least we learned something about the way they operate and how loyal the cloaked men are."

Leon hearing this looked a bit conflicted as he had hoped to learn more about the assailants from someone the guards or Erik had caught.

Aman on the other hand only looked slightly mad and true to a merchant kept his mind and head cool-headed, he stood up and faced Erik.

"Why didn't you chase them out of the sphere? I mean although the sphere seems to be strong, it shouldn't pose a problem to someone like you."

Erik shrugged.

"Eh, while that may be true. It would still take me a couple of breaths to power up and break the sphere. By that time, seeing their movements skills and type of magic, they would have already camouflaged themselves and ran away. Plus my instincts tell me your father should be here with the city guards anytime soon. Although the sphere would be hard for even your guard commander to break, it was meant to keep people in and not keep people out, therefore it should be weaker to attacks from the outside the city guards should be able to break it."

Aman looked as if he was going to reply, but he closed his mouth the moment he opened it. After doing some thinking, Aman felt everything Erik did make logical sense and let it be.

Aman looked towards the injured soldiers and Sasha.

"Anyone who can still stand and move around without too much pain, try to gather the severely injured in one group and treat their injuries. If anyone has died….put them into their own group and make sure to identify the body and check if they had any family."

With that about half, the guards collapsed on their butts and sat down, while the other half started to follow Aman's directions.

While they did what Aman told them to do, Erik's prediction was right as about three minutes later a thumping sound could be heard very muffled near the sphere. Suddenly a huge crack appeared on the sphere and caused it to crack like a spiderweb until it crumbled and disappeared into the air.

Everything had gone according to what Erik had said, however, what surprised everyone including Erik was who else had accompanied Giovanni Medici and the city guards.

Stepped into the Medici family property, a man with an olive-colored silk robe with a headscarf stepped over the previous captured cloaked man and examined him.

"So these are the little assailants I see."

Aman almost fell backward onto the palms of his hands.

"Mister Governor?"

Even though he was surprised, he still managed to keep his speech normal with his temperament and ability.

Before Sava could say anything, Erik ran up towards him and picked him up with a bear hug that lifted him off the ground.

"Saaaavaaaaa, I didn't think you would come to the little party here. No wonder the barrier shattered so fast, such a weak barrier is childs play for you especially attacking from the weak side."

Aman this time had his legs shaking. He looked past the two men talking to each other and looked towards his father, who didn't seem surprised at all and looked like he was expecting this.

Aman could have never known the relationship between Erik and Sava. Although his father had told him some parts regarding Erik's past as an Adventurer. He never mentioned that Sava and Erik knew each other and from the looks of it being quite familiar with each other.

Sava gave an annoying look at first then a small smile.

"Alright, alright. Let me down Erik, it's not good for my reputation if I'm being bear-hugged off the ground for too long."

Erik set him down and rubbed his hand on the back of his head.

"Ah, I forgot about that. It's weird to think I have to be wary about that now since you are a big and important governor."

Those last few words, Erik had to hold himself back from laughing too hard.

Giovanni finally stepped forward and gave a little cough.

"Ahem, I know you guys are close and haven't seen each other in a while, but don't we have some other matters to attend to before you guys catch up?"

Giovanni pointed towards the dozens of men dead on the ground or injured and waiting for treatment.

Sava composed himself with an air of importance, something essential every good governor should have, and examined his surroundings.