Sorting Out the Mess of the Siege

After surveying everything, Sava immediately started listing out tasks to the company of 200 city guards.

"I want at least three people per injured person. Two to carry the body to an infirmary and one to due impromptu treatment, until you reach a doctor or medical professional. The rest of you I want to either help clean up the place or collect anything that might have been left behind from the enemies. Go."

With their governor giving them personal instructions and tasks, the guards spared no time to start taking action and moving to their roles and tasks.

Sava himself walked to Erik and had a professional demeanor and tone.

"Erik, I want to know everything that happened since the time that Giovanni over there left the estate. I mean everything Erik, give me every detail no matter how minute it is."

With those words, Erik didn't attempt to laugh or put jokes into his story and report. To Leon who not remember many instances of Erik being very professional, he committed this to his memories.

Erik himself went through everything from the moment he was led to his room to the moment Sava broke apart the black sphere.

Giovanni and Sava both listened intently as both held this event in high importance and needed to know everything that had occurred, if this was their goal what better to be told by the most attentive and in control person on the battlefield at the time.

Giovanni still had his hand rubbing against his very small and well-kept beard, trying to make sure he comprehended and memorized every detail Erik had told.

Sava on the other hand chose to reconfirm details that he found crucial.

"So answer these for me, Erik. One, there were two enemies on par with middle-ranked B-Tier adventurers?"

Erik gave a nod.

"Just one of those guys managed to have a winning situation against two of the commanders the Medici had, who were both at the lowest of B-Tier, however still failed to put up any fight against me."

Sava eyes looked like they took a mental note and continued.

"Second off the guard really killed himself?"

Erik nodded and Sava sighed before turning to address the Medici's and Leon.

"I will make sure to alert the capital of this situation, although any attack on any Parthinan citizen is horrid, an attack on one of the biggest trading families is something even the king would show disdain and hatred to. However, it seems this situation is a lot more severe than at first glance based on the firepower dispatched, loyalty, and rare artifact used to create that black sphere."

Seeing the company commander of the city guards start approaching, Sava turned his back and whispered something so everyone else could barely make one what was said.

"Don't mention this matter to often and if you have to speak. Definitely do not mention the guard being coerced and attacking Leon. That is something we have to search for ourselves and will also draw unnecessary attention for the poor guard's family and Leon."

Everyone gave a nod to show their approval, then the company commander saluted once he stood in front of Sava.

Giving a nod, Sava addressed the commander.

"Give me a rundown."

The company in a gruff voice said his report.

"Currently 20 guards of the Medici Family have died, either directly from the enemies or from wounds inflicted. However, something to note besides that, one of the commanders of the guards, the male one, has suffered fatal injuries and bled out receiving medical treatment. We have also secured all the bodies of the enemies marking to a total of four men, although one of them seems to be missing ahead"

Erik gave a small laugh that the company commander chose to ignore and continued.

"Currently they are being searched and will be sent somewhere as evidence with preservation magic, however not much else was left from any of the other assailants that escaped. Something that we did not is the fact that whatever artifact was used for the black veil was destroyed the moment the barrier went down. We have recovered the remaining fragments that could be salvageable, but they are enchanted with mysterious and unknown marking and inscriptions."

Sava took note of everything and gave the company commander more instruction.

"Have someone write a full in-depth report and copy it two times. I want the original one stored in the archives, the second one delivered to the royal family, and leave the third one on my desk. Get a couple of priests to come and examine the injured guards, we suspect some form of dark or black magic. Finally, I want someone to record the inscriptions on the fragments and once finished to leave it on my desk."

The company commander didn't show any emotion and just went to do everything he was told.

With that, the night could finally come to a close. The guards finished up everything they had to do and left the estate. Erik, Leon, and Aman went back to rest in the Medici estate, while Giovanni visited personal friends to get workers to repair the damage at the estate.

The siege of the Medici estate finally passed and in the morning the incident was still leaked and eventually Sava addressed all the citizens in Orsini about small details of the attack.

News of such a powerful merchant family being attacked made ripples in Orsini and even spread to places near Orsini and to the capital.

Meanwhile, after another day of rest, Leon and Erik decided to embark on the journey back to Verin. A simple delivery of their cities taxes turned into a wild adventure full of enemies and combat, but they still wanted to return to their cities.

Although Leon and Erik had different reasons, Erik wanted to check up on how the guild was doing and also plan for a special event that would be going down in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, Leon wanted to go back so he could do more tasks in hopes of increasing his chances of moving along officially in the E-Tier and also visit his four friends he made back at the advancement tests.

This time on their way back, however, the Medici Family gave them a more comfortable horse-drawn carriage that even had a canvas roof that protected whoever was sitting from the sun.

With their items in hand, they stepped out of the doors and walked through the gate which was still being repaired for damages from the attack.

Suddenly Giovanni and Aman also followed them and Giovanni spoke up.

"Once again I must thank you for saving my son's life twice. The Medici Family will always be indebted to you and will welcome you anywhere. If you wish to find something or sell stuff at a premium, our merchant branches will always be open."

With this Giovanni gave them each two small silver slips with the Medici crest imprinted on it, Giovanni continued.

"I also must ask you for one more favor. Please allow my son to go along with you back to Verin."