Power Up!

Dawn approached and the pitch-black darkness was replaced with a dim light that permeated throughout the area and pierced into the house.

Only when the various wildlife, including some chickens, starting making noise did Leon squirm from his sleep. With the light slowly becoming more intense, the sun decided to descend into the sky.

Leon slowly got up from his blanket which he used as an extremely thin mattress and gave a mighty yawn that left some tears in his eyes.

To get ready for the morning, Leon slowly rubbed his eyes until they felt clean and light, then lifted his arms as he stretched his body.

Although he had slept on the floor and his body still ached a tad bit, Leon felt better than he had in a while. For his reunion with his parent's house for the first time since he became an adventurer gave him almost peace of mind and lifted a subconscious weight that had been hanging on him ever since he was placed into F-Tier.

Ever since Leon had left for Orsini, he had never really been truly alone to process and take a peek at his stats and decided to take a look.

First, he clicked on the notifications.

-You have passed the level 20 threshold and Ultimate Blessing from ?????? has been upgraded. The blessing will now give your class an additional 5 Skill Points per level. Plus a predetermined material reward will be given

Once again Leon was surprised by the blessing he had received. Except since the last time, Leon had asked Erik and taken a look at some books in the guild for information on class stuff and found out a plethora of things.

First off the classes that had the classification as rare is when people even got any sort of extra attribute points and they were usually only five points. Most classes that don't have 5 attribute points usually only get 1 or 2, since they are common. While epic classes were divided between two classifications, a lower epic class gave about 10 points, then the upper epic class gave 15 points.

Legendary classes were a lot tougher to confirm the number of points given, so the consensus was once you were past 15 points. The class you had was classified as Legendary.

However according to what Leon could find within the info he was given and had accessed to was a couple of things, epic classes were already so scarce in bottom tier medium-sized countries like Partha. One might not find any and occasionally one or two during a great time, while a legendary class was unheard for any medium-sized country besides an exception once every 500 years. Only large-sized countries held legendary heroes and at most only one to three at a time unless an anomaly occurred with more than three.

In fact, the fabled golden period for Partha was when the country held three champions with epic classes, with even one of them holding a upper epic class. This is why any rare classes were considered to be the elites of the countries.

So the fact that his blessing essentially put Leon into the category of a rare class already made him think his class was crazy and amazing. However, Leon knew his situation was a lot better than most rare classes as most people who have rare classes usually get them later into their lives or careers. The fact that Leon was so low-leveled when he got it was already incredibly rare and only a handful of people in the world could most likely match or better Leon in this aspect.

The only thing Leon could not figure out is how his class seemed to grow in rarity, as the books he referenced did not mention such a thing.

Level: 22

HP: 210/210

Experience: 65/2300

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Storm Walker

Mana: 189/189

Vitality: 53

Strength: 51

Intelligence: 67

Agility: 73

Luck: 34

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Unused Attribute Points: 22

Skills: Backstab(2), Dash(3), Stealth(2), Slash(2), Wind Weapon(2), Wind Slash(2), Dagger Throw(1)

Passive: Sword Knowledge(2), Dagger Knowledge(2), Monster Language(2), Storm Born (1)

Leon was very happy with where stood currently and the fact that he had so many attribute points to work with since he had forgotten to use them since he had last seen them.

After giving it some thoughts based on his past experiences, Leon invested his points like this

+7 Strength

+7 Vitality

+8 Intelligence'

Leon had seen where his class wanted him to go and also agreed at the moment. First off although it seemed his classes would eventually incorporate more mana needs into his life, at the moment his real edge beside the sneaky skills was Ensis himself. With this in mind, Leon decided to strengthen his strength so he could exert more power with Ensis who would essentially never break when fighting anyone close to Leon's combative power. Plus the vitality would let Leon take more damage when attempting to get close with Ensis.

Level: 22

HP: 269/269

Experience: 15/2600

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Storm Walker

Mana: 320/320

Vitality: 60

Strength: 58

Intelligence: 75

Agility: 73

Luck: 34

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Skills: Backstab(2), Dash(3), Stealth(2), Slash(2), Wind Weapon(2), Wind Slash(2), Dagger Throw(1)

Passive: Sword Knowledge(2), Dagger Knowledge(2), Monster Language(2), Storm Born (1)

The moment his intelligence attribute crossed the threshold of 75, a pain more painful than any heart attack assaulted Leon's body. His mana core located at the solar plexus and blood vessels that were spread within his body were the targets of this pain.

Leon fell to the ground and writhed in pain and gave a scream that no one heard as his house was too far from any of his neighbors for them to hear.

-In a forest next to the monument where Leon freed the god and near Xert, while Leon was going through pain-

A group of elites was stealthily sprinting through the forest each wearing a cloak with the crest of a Chimera, which was the exact animal used as the insignia of the royal family of Partha. Their exact power levels if one could see them would set anyone in Partha into shock. The person at the front of the group was exactly like Erik and was at the bottom of A-Tier, while the rest of the group were all somewhere in B-Tier.

However unknown to the group who had been previously moving like lightning towards the monument, time suddenly stopped. In the air, a crack in the world appeared and a golden chariot barged through all of a sudden.

In the chariot, a young man with blonde hair and a golden bow with a quiver of silver arrows commanded the chariot pulled by fiery horses, next to the young man was a young woman who seemed eternally young and beautiful who had auburn hair with a silver bow on her.

If any devout followers of theirs were present they would grovel on the ground and chant out their names, Apollo and Artemis!