Apollo and Artemis

Apollo looked down at the group which tried to be stealthy but were as stealthy as a flashlight in the dark to the two gods.

"Hey Art, what do you think about that group below us?"

With her silver eyes gleaming, Artemis didn't even spare them a nanosecond.

"You mean that trash? Apollo, focus on the mission. Also, for the millionth time call me Artemis, not Art, Temi, Tem, etc!"

Apollo pouted.

"My bad for trying to make the trip livelier. You know sometimes I like a conversation as I'm driving."

With that, the two sped directly in front of the giant black-colored gate.

Apollo looked bored as he pretended to play his famous lyre even though he had left it behind.

"Why did father even send both of us? Just you would have been sufficient."

Rolling her eyes, Artemis scoffed.

"The last I remembered when you saw that scumbag the first time you left with your tail tucked in between your knees. The two of us could barely run away if he retained his power."

With that, they slowly walked through the door, the moment they reached the labyrinth part of the place Apollo spoke up.

"So what's the pla-"

Before he could finish, Artemis just started walking through the labyrinth in a straight like as she essentially did the motion of pushing, however with her superb strength the walls in front of her crumbled like they had no weight at all.

Apollo just stared for a second.

"Tch always making decisions without me, wait for me!"

With no time at all the two slowly walked into the hallway filled with mossy cobblestone, Artemis looked disgusted as she looked around the place as she wiped the dust off her clothes from breaking open the walls of the labyrinth.

They finally got to the metal door which was broken as a giant hole of a silhouette had barged through and was too tall and wide to fit through, so it pushed the doors off their hinges and the wall where the door was located was also broken.

After Artemis and Apollo did some investigating on the rubble in front of the door, they deduced through their divine methods that some weak mortal had broken the bars to the door.

With a vein visibly bulging from her head in anger, Artemis picked up a broken metal bar.

"Who was the person in charge of doing check-ups this millennium?"

Apollo put his finger on his chin for a little bit and looked like he came to a conclusion.

"I think it was Hades turn this time."

If not for preserving her image, Artemis would have obliterated the entire room.

"I bet that scumbag delegated it to Aergia, tch of course only Hades would give the job of guarding one of the biggest threats in all the realms to the goddess of laziness. No wonder why these bars are so weak and the camouflage faded away."

After examining everything in front of the broken door, the two walked into the main hall and saw everything from the four dead animals of the Horae to the broken jail bars that had their seal broken.

Apollo looked a little sad at the animals.

"The Horae won't be happy with this."

Still looking at the seal, Artemis didn't even turn to face her twin.

"Eh, they'll get over it, it looks like their true souls weren't killed. They can just expend some effort to resurrect them."

Apollo still looked a tad bit worried.

"I mean, they'll still be annoyed…"

Before he could finish, he realized that his twin sister wanted him to come over, so he slowly walked over to what Artemis was pointing at.

Squinting his eyes, he looked perplexed.

"Although the power degraded, it wasn't as bad as the other stuff here. That means he couldn't have had broken the seal…."

Artemis interrupted.

"To think someone was truly stupid enough to voluntarily let him out, it had to be one of the dead mortals that died to the beasts."

She looked at the decaying corpses everywhere, they were all decaying however the four beasts showed no signs of it.

Apollo looked towards his sister for guidance.

"So what should we do?"

Without looking at him again, she moved out of the room and shouted to Apollo.

"We take the Horae's animals with us even if they are corpses, plus we collapse the main hall and report everything back to father."

Seeing that she wasn't stopping, Apollo realized he might get left behind so he quickly picked up the giant corpses of the four beasts like they were nothing and ran after her.

"Don't leave me like last time!"

With that, the two got back onto the chariot and flew through the sky until they reentered the crack and suddenly time resumed.

The group which has stopped like they were statues were back and full of life as they finally moved and investigated everything at the monument.

- Back to Leon who was still writhing in pain-

The pain had subsided mostly at this point, but Leon still had to clutch on the wall to stand up without collapsing. After he stabilized everything, he decided to try to find out what caused the sudden pain.

After figuring out it wasn't an injury of some sort he might have not noticed, he thought back to his improved attributes.

"Quite weird….could it perhaps be my new attributes?"

Leon decided he would either ask Erik later or consult some of the books in the guild, however, he had his hunches and thought it had something to do with his intelligence going past 75 most likely.

Cleaning up his presence wasn't too hard for Leon as he didn't leave much behind and he had already taken care of cleaning the house the night before. With a headache that still persisted and body sores, Leon picked up all his belongings and walked out of the house.

Leon stared at the house from the outside and envisioned his parents, after standing still for a few minutes he left and walked towards Verin.