Leaving Mifis to the Coalition

The rest of the week was quite enjoyable for Leon. He frequently visited the casino and tried a variety of games, but in the end, he stuck with Parthian Poker. Similar to the first day, the rest of the week went rather well.

The pile of money he set aside for gambling grew from around 12 silvers from the first day to close to 50 silvers at the end of the week. This amount of money was nothing to scoff at, as most lower-class citizens would be lucky to earn that much in a year as a family.

Besides visiting the casino to gamble, Leon also took his time to explore the city and took in a lot of new sights and places. Eventually, he took a day to peruse the shops in Mifis and he spent twenty silvers on some useful trinkets.

Trinkets were items that were imbued or forged with magic. Most trinkets usually had one specific use, for example, a trinket could act as a flashlight and illuminate the space in front of fit or it could have other uses. Although, there were trinkets that had multiple uses.

Adventurers sometimes bought trinkets for various reasons. Some trinkets could be so powerful that the magic they release could torch a city into ashes, while some were so weak that they were used for frivolous purposes like keeping the air cool or acting as a hand warmer.

Despite the obvious convenience and usefulness trinkets had, the one downside was the fact that every trinket would one day break apart, and most had a limited amount of uses before they broke down. This coupled with the fact that most trinkets were quite expensive, made it so only wealthy or influential people could purchase them.

It cost Leon 20 silvers for just a single simple trinket and the uses weren't many as well, however, he thought it would be good to invest his money to help him along with his journey.

As the sun rose once again, Leon was already awake as he had his bag packed with his stuff. Although he would have loved to continue to stay in Mifis to relax and entertain himself. He had come out on this journey to further himself as an adventurer and if he had to travel into the Coalition. Leon wouldn't hesitate.

After handing the keys to his room back to a groggy receptionist at the inn, Leon made his way towards the way he came from in order to claim his horse. Even though it was the crack of dawn, many people were already walking along the streets. A lot of people scrambled as they delivered cooking ingredients to inns, restaurants, casinos, and anything that served food, since most people who were already awake were doing their jobs.

Even after a week of roaming the city. Leon still took the wrong turn, but he eventually spotted the entrance of the road he had walked through and could still see a steady flow of travelers finishing their exhausting journey to the city.

Besides the workers and travelers, plenty of city guards were patrolling the roads and city. Normally they would be hard to spot as a tsunami wave of people flooded the streets, but with the rather tame morning streets. It was rather easy to spot a guard around this part of the day.

Leon had reached where the stables had previously been located the day he had arrived in Mifis, but to his surprise, the giant tents and makeshift stables had already been moved farther wavy from the city as the framework for more buildings had taken its place.

While he walked towards the new stables, Leon whistled in surprise.

'Well, Mifis is definitely always expanding.'

When Leon reached the stable, he walked through the front door and saw a stable boy drooling on a wooden table as he slept. Leon looked around but didn't see anyone else so he tried to wake the sleeping stable boy.

"Ahem, can I claim my horse here?"

The stable boy woke and squinted his eyes at Leon until he jumped up at the realization that he fell asleep. With a slight blush of embarrassment, the stable boy sat up in his chair.

"Ah.. ah yes just hand me the paper we gave you when you deposited your horse."

Leon opened his pack and rummaged around until he took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to the stable boy who took a glance at it before he jumped up.

The stable boy walked down the long stable as his figure disappeared behind the tall walls of stalls, but Leon could faintly hear the stable boy muttering to himself.

"A-15...A-15… Ah, there it is!"

A creak emerged as Leon could hear a gate opening before the stable boy reappeared with his horse behind him. The horse was quite energetic as it walked towards Leon and gave him an affectionate nudge with his muzzle.

Leon gave the horse an affectionate rub on his shoulder.

'Well at least it seems like he was fed, he's still energetic, haha.'

Leon eventually paid the stable boy 35 bronze coins for the fee of keeping his horse here, before he put most of his items away on the horse before he hopped on top of it and departed the stable.

Even though taking a horse into Mifis directly might have been a problem, Leon merely just trotted alongside the border of the city until he reached the opposite side. The journey to the coalition state wouldn't be nearly as long as the journey from Verin to Mifis, but it would still be a few days if Leon really rushed before he entered the coalition states.

As Leon once again set out on the familiar sandy road, he checked his stats for the first time in a while and a grin appeared on his face as he looked at his progress.

Level: 30

HP: 299/299

Experience: 15/2600

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Storm Walker

Mana: 415/415

Vitality: 68

Strength: 66

Intelligence: 83

Agility: 81

Luck: 38

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Unused Attribute Points: 40

Skills: Backstab(2), Dash(4), Stealth(2), Slash(3), Wind Weapon(2), Wind Slash(2), Dagger Throw(1)

Passive: Sword Knowledge(2), Dagger Knowledge(2), Monster Language(2), Storm Born (1)

After fighting tons of goblins and defeating stronger monsters like hobgoblins and gray wolves, Leon had leveled up eight times, not only that his dash and slashing ability had improved as well.

To the public, Leon was seen at a low E-Tier, but once he invested his unused points. He would be able to hold his own against any E-Tier adventurer and maybe some of the bottom D-Tier adventurers. However, he decided to not use his attribute points until he reached the coalition as he didn't know whether or not he would go undergo a painful transformation once again.