An Astonishing Barbarian Party

The barbarians were dressed in tough cloths made from the hides of beasts and monsters, while they had fur in case it ever got cold around their shoulders. Each wielded different weapons, while this time they each had on paint in different patterns on their faces.

Leon wasn't sure what to do and decided to just watch.

The five barbarians all had their various weapons out. Most of them had weapons like axes, spears, and clubs, but one of them had a gauntlet with stones that glinted from the light.

A huge man who stood slightly taller, but a lot bigger, than Leon, gripped the huge war axe that had enough weight and size to be mistaken for a hammer and looked at the other man right next to him who was just shorter than Leon.

"What do you want to do Little Lightning?"

The more lean and shorter man wielded a spear and held the point towards the ground while the body tightly hugged his entire arm.

"Raging Bull did you really ask me that?"

The man named little lightning started to twirl his spear and smiled.

"We of course fight!"

The hulking man hello the long axe with both of his hands and laughed.

"This'll be fun!"

Without a single word, the two of them charged together at the army of rabbits who didn't move until the giant rabbit spoke and they charged back at the barbarians. Even in the terrifying face of hundreds of monsters, the barbarian warriors didn't even flinch and Leon could have sworn that the hulking man even smiled.

Roaring with power, the hulking man performed a giant sweeping motion that had so much power that the rabbits were crushed by the displaced air that the strike had caused before the blade even killed them.

The hulking man continued to use wide sweeping motions that took out at least five rabbits each time his giant axe swung down like the grim reaper marking off names.

Meanwhile, little lightning lived up to his name and his spear flashed like lightning. Even with Leon's improved stats, he could barely see the spear move at all as it rained a ferocious storm of stabs and slashes.

The rabbits, however, weren't going to just approach the entire group one on one. For the rabbits that didn't die to the barbarian's powerful attack, they rushed to surround the two fighters while others continued to run at the three barbarians who hadn't rushed.

As one of the rabbits quickly got closer to the three remaining barbarians, it suddenly stopped moving altogether as it fell down with an arrow stuck in its eye. One of the barbarian's who hadn't rushed held a bow with feathers in her hands as another barbarian stood in front of the two barbarians with a huge metal club that had a metal spike protruding from it.

The barbarian with the metal spike was also quite buff like the hulking man, but was shorter than the other two and would probably pass for the average height male in Partha.

Meanwhile, the final barbarian didn't make any moves yet but a staff with an eagle head at the top along with a giant animal-like claw that covered one of her arms. Even though both the archer female and staff female had war paint on, Leon could tell that they were both quite beautiful and fit.

The rabbits charged at the three barbarians, but many of them were quickly met with powerful bow shots that found the eyes of the rabbits no matter how much they dodged. Plus any rabbit that managed to not get hit with an arrow had to fight the man with the club who easily started to crush rabbits like they were glass.

At a first glance, the barbarians seemed to be doing stuff that any normal human could do, but Leon knew it was completely different. After two weeks of fighting rabbits, he had come to know that when he faced the rabbits head-on.

It was almost impossible for him to win based on pure muscle and strength without using magic that was either helped strengthen his attack further or used as skills. However, these barbarians hadn't even used a single drop of mana and were killing rabbits like they were flies with pure strength and technique alone.

The two original barbarians who had rushed ahead were back to back as they continued to kill rabbits while surrounded. Even though they killed dozens and dozens of rabbits. The wave never stopped and some were getting awfully close to hitting the barbarians with their claws.

The man with the long axe swung again killing a few rabbits, but one managed to get through and lunged straight at the barbarian who couldn't block in time as his weapon was still swinging. Just as the rabbit approached within a foot of a man its sharp metal-like claws suddenly stopped as they collided with a wall of air that pushed the animal back.

A normal person wouldn't have been able to see it, but with Leon's somewhat decent natural instinct with mana. He could clearly see the wind magic but didn't see either of the barbarian men cast any.

He looked around until he could see some of the mana in the room drawn towards the prettiest girl with a rather perky chest. The mana surprisingly channelled through both the wolf claw and staff.

Seeing the rabbit's dangerous claw just a foot away from his throat, the hulking man exclaimed loudly.

"Thank you shamaness!"

The pretty girl with the staff spoke so softly that Leon could barely pick it up through the sounds of rabbits dying.

"Not a problem, Raging Bull."

With the initial army of rabbits cut down by half, the giant rabbit suddenly shrieked and the attacking rabbits stopped moving towards the barbarians and ran in a group behind the giant rabbit.

Seeing the rabbits retreat, Leon and the barbarians looked in surprise. Both didn't think that an army of monsters would stop attacking and retreat. Before they could do anything, the giant rabbit opened a third eye in the middle of its forehead that was blood red like its other rabbits before it spoke.

'You dare disturb this Queen?'

Leon held a unique vantage point and could see everything happen, but when he heard the voice of the rabbit his jaw dropped to the ground. The rabbit's mouth did not open when it spoke.