The Rabbit Queen

Even the barbarians were shocked and suddenly raised their weapons. Little Lightning held his spear at the rabbit and spoke with a deep weariness and cautiousness laced in his voice.

"You can speak?"

The rabbit made a weird croaking sound, which Leon could only assume was its version of laughter.

'More like transmitting my thoughts to your mind, but I guess it would be talking to you inferior beings.'

While the barbarians suddenly looked even more cautious, Leon was reeling in thought.

'A monster that can communicate and articulate well!?! Oh no, that can only mean it's a high leveled monster.'

A monster that could communicate or talk to humans wasn't a common sight, but it wasn't impossible. Monsters who were usually incredibly powerful usually held an intelligent mind and sometimes they would develop the ability to communicate.

Although, Leon had never seen a monster talk since only monsters who were at least equivalent to an A-Tier adventurer would have a chance of developing the intelligence required for such a thing.

Little Lightning took a step back as the group of barbarians once again stood together with their weapons drawn and ready.

"What do you want?"

The rabbit once again made its weird croaking sound before it spoke.

'You think I want something from you lesser life forms? I'm only here because I was forced out by those oppressors. If I wanted I could end the six of you with my left paw.'

Raising his eyebrow questioningly, Little Lighting replied.

"But there's only five of us?"

The giant rabbit queen didn't even have to look at Leon, but it knew that he was there.

'While it may be true that your group only has five people. I can see you hiding in the shadows of the tunnel. No need to hide if I can see you, so why don't you come out?'

The way the giant rabbit queen had discovered Leon was a testament to its strength. Although he wasn't the best at hiding if he tried his hardest. He thought he could fool adventurers or people equivalent to C-Tiers.

With the cat out of the bag, Leon stepped out of the shadows into the light emitting from the dozens of glowing crystals. Seeing Leon step out, the barbarians checked out Leon with a skeptical look as it was obvious he wasn't from around here. Though they had to put the thought on hold as they would rather take a human than a giant intelligent rabbit.

Seeing all her combatants out in the open, the rabbit queen tilted her head and had an almost psychopathic smile on her face.

'Now that everyone is out in the open, why don't you come to me and accept your death. If you do, I might even think about making your deaths painless.'

Before Little Lightning could respond, the barbarian with the spiked club spat on the ground and roared as he charged the rabbit.

"Screw talking with the thing! We just have to kill it!"

Little Lightning looked alarmed at his comrade's sudden movement.

"Wait don't!"

But it was too late, the man had already started charging, while the rabbit queen could only sigh.

'Are all you inferior life forms really this stupid and naive? I just wanted to feed on these glowing crystals and maybe have some fun here on the top, plus killing some puny life forms after I recover my strength doesn't seem too bad either. But it seems I overestimated your intelligence, instead, why don't you just die?'

Its third eye suddenly started to glow and Leon could feel the surrounding mana being drawn towards it. Leon could only yell two words before the rabbit queen's attack launched.


The moment his second word ended. A large red wave spread out through the room like an explosion and both Leon and the barbarians crumpled to the ground in pain, while they clutched their heads.

Leon was the furthest from the rabbit queen and it already felt like someone had started to drill messily into his head. During his life, Leon had felt his share of pain, but this was something entirely different.

His mind felt like it had started to crack like a fragile piece of glass that was being smashed with a sledgehammer. He could only try to clench his teeth and his hands, which were gripping so tight that the whites of Leon's knuckle were exposed.

He wanted to think, but couldn't. If he could, he would have said that the only other pain worse than this one was the body transformation he had previously experienced and that was the only reason he was still standing and not unconscious.

As his vision blurred and went out of control, he could only imagine with horror at what the barbarians were feeling since they were a lot closer to the rabbit queen than him.

Little Lightning and his party were in pain like Leon, however, they were a lot stronger than Leon so they could still think and move even though they were closer to the monster. Although, they still all screamed in pain.

The rabbit queen slowly hopped over to the man with the spiked club who looked like he was experiencing the worse trauma ever, as he lied writhing on the ground as the capillaries and veins in his body exploded and he started to bleed internally.

Barely standing on one knee, Little Lightning saw the rabbit approaching his comrade and shouted.

"Shamaness! Summon her! SUMMON HER!"

The shamaness who could barely think straight as she grit her teeth grabbed a pendant out of her pocket and held it with her hand that had the wolf claw, while she raised her staff with her other hand. She started to grunt out words that sounded like a chant, but she was too slow.

The rabbit queen walked over to the downed and dying barbarian.

'Trash. Simply, trash.'

With her right paw, she easily swatted down at the barbarian's head and his entire upper torso became crushed while pieces of flesh scattered around the room with blood spraying everywhere.

Little lightning could only try his best to move to no avail as he screamed.


Next, she started to look towards the remaining barbarians, but the moment she took a step towards them. A bright white light had suddenly erupted from the shamaness like a flashlight and almost all the mana in the room was instantly sucked up into the staff, wolf claw, and body of the lady.

Sensing something wrong, the rabbit leaped towards the group with a speed so fast that Leon couldn't follow with his eyes, but the moment she swung at little lightning a giant spirit in the shape of a goddess made of raging winds instantly intercepted the rabbit.

The exchange of blows was so powerful that the entire cave system shook while some small pieces of rock fell from the ceiling and the rabbit queen was suddenly pushed all the way back towards where she originally stood.